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Action Items ‘Minooka Community Consolidated Schoo! District 201 Executive Summary December 17, 2014 ‘Agenda items: Action Items & Report Attachments: Aitachments Recommendations for Action: 1. Motion, second, and approval of Minutes, List of Bills, and Treasurer's Report. 2. Motion, second, and approval of the Grundy County Pre-School Program action items. Personnel 3. Motion, second, and approval of the following resignations: Lauren Cordon (MJHS Teacher), Shree Woods (MES - CNA), Danielle Elison (Bus Driver), an¢ Dana Hermann (Library Aide MJHS). ‘Motion, second, and approval of a Leave of Absence for: Lisa Kos (WT Teacher) Motion, second, and approval of staff as follows: Special Education 1 Social Worker and a half time Speech and Language Pathologist, and | Head Nurse Stipend. 6 Motion, second, and approval to employ: Megan Bersano (AUX -T Associate}, Sarah Lundeen (Jones - LD/CC Teacher), Rose Ruettiger (PA ~ MIS), and Kathy Philips (PA ~ MJHS). 7. 2014 Levy: Motion, second, and approval of the 2014 Levy as presented. 8. Workers Compensation Renewal: Motion, second, and approval of insurance quotes, ‘awarding an 18 month renewal of our Workers Compensation Insurance to ICRMT at a cost of $453,733. 9. School Improvement Plans: Motion, second, and approval of the School Improvement Plans as presented. 10. Policy Revision ~ 7:20, 7:180, & 7:185: Motion, second, and approval of the third reading of these revised policies. 11. Policy Revision = 7:270: Motion, second, and approval of the second reading of the revised policy. 12, Lunch/Recess Policy: Motion, second, and approval of the second reading of the policy. 13. School Snack Policy: Motion, second, and approval of the second reading of the policy. 14, Recordings: Motion, second, and approval to destroy closed session minutes recordings dating back to December of 2012. Background Information: My report is as follows: Minutes, List of Bills, and Treasurer's Report Action: These items are commonly referred to as “consent” agenda items. The bills are included in your packet. The Board can approve them altogether or if you would prefer the Board could ac! on each item independently. At-Risk Pre-School Program Action: Attached you will find Mrs. Miller's Board Packet for the Grundy County Pre-School. Your approval authorizes payment of bills aligned to the grant and other GC Pre-School Board action. Personnel: Resignations: Attached. Retirement: None at this time. Leaves: Attached. Staffing: Special Education Director, Tiffany Staab has shared her recommendation on the attached summary. We are also recommending that the Board approve the “Head Nurse" stipend; once approved we will interview and recommend c nurse to fill the position. Employmer Attached you will find several recommendations 2014 Levy: Attached you will find the 2014 Levy Packet. In it you will find a copy of the resolution, the ISBE Levy Form, a spreadsheet that “projects” our anticipated tax rates, and a summary. Please note that we are not required to hold a “Truth in Taxation" Hearing, but have scheduled one at 6:45 to inform the public of the 2014 Levy. In your packets you will have the Finance Committee packet, which includes the 2014 Levy PowerPoint Presentation. Workers Compensation Insurance Renewal: We have sought three insurance quotes for our Workers Compensation Insurance Renewal. We received two competitive quotes and one “no quote". Below you will find summary information to help guide your decision on this. topic: 12 Month 18 Month ICRMT (iitinois County Risk Management Trust) $318,486 IPRE (itinois Risk Management Trust Fund) $367,823 $551,735 Uberty Mutual No Quote No Quote Liberty Mutual declined to quote. Please note that they were our Workers Compensation Insurance provider in 2010-11, but we experienced (very) bad claims that year that equated roughly two and one-half times greater than the premium we paid that year (over $350K of claims). IPRF is our current provider (and has been since 2011). Our WC claims experience with them has been running high as well (almost two times the cost of the premium). As a result the IPRF renewal quote (premium) is significantly higher this year (increased by more than $100,000). The ICRMT quote is the lowest and they currently provide WC insurance to several schoo! disiricts in the area (JTHS and Lincoln-Way HS for example). Their fiscal year runs July 1-June 30 and our current provider has a fiscal year of January 1-December 31. That is why! am recommending the lowest quote to be an 18 month quote. The good news about the the 18 month quote is it freezes our premium (renewal) rates for 18 months (and our premiums have been getting larger annually - again due to our claims experience). As a comparison, please note that our WC insurance premium was $152,807 in 2010; today the lowest bidder was $318,486 for comparable insurance. School Improvement Plans: in your packets you will find a large binder that includes all of the School Improvement Plans. Dr. Palaniuk and the principals will present their reports during the regular meeting. 7:20, 7:180, and 7:185 Policy Revisions: Attached you wil find copies of the policy revisions. As you all now, policy revisions require three readings. Iam seeking approval oF the third reading during the regular meeting. 7:270 Policy Revision: Attached you will find a copy of the policy revision. As you all know, policy revisions require three readings. | am seeking approval of the second reading during the regular meeting. This policy concerns the emergency use of "epi-pens" at our schools and has already been reviewed by the district's atiomey. This will allow the district to accept the generous donation of seven (7) emergency Ep-pen cabinets fo be installed at our schools (one in each school). The cabineis will be ins‘alled near the AED cabinets. The 2 3 cabinets will be locked and can be opened with a key or in an emergency one can "break" the glass door. Lunch/Recess Policy: Attuched you will ind a copy of this policy. | have sent it to the attorney for review/revision. Attached you will find a letter and the revised policy. ‘Adcitionally, for your information, below you will find a copy of the Lunch/Recess times at some of the surrounding elementary schools: Monts 54 Saratoga 60¢ toy 300. New lenox 122 Channahon 17 Coal Cily1 ——_Yerkvile 35minutes 35minutes «SO minutes «BS minutes. = SOminvles” = AD minutes. «=O minutes ‘School Snack Policy: Attached you will find a copy of the revised policy and a letter from the attorney. Additionally, while meeting with the nurses, concerning communication Procedures associated with lunch menu changes and communication with school staff, students, and parents, our nurses expressed concem that they be included in the proposed school snack policy discussion. | told them that | would share their concem with the Board. | attached the information that we discussed during the meeting with the COW summary. Monthly Review of Closed Session Recordings: Monthly we seek approval to destroy closed session recordings that are twenty-four (24) months old or older. Please call if you have questions (office - 467-3128, home ~ 467-5202, or cell - 274-0911). Minooka Community Consolidated School District 201 Special Education Executive Summary December 17%, 2014 Agenda item: Personnel - Staffing Alfachments: Attachments Recommendations for Action: 1. Motion, second, and approval to hire one full ime school social worker at Minooka Primary Center. 2. Motion, second, and approval to increase the status of a part-time speech language pathologist to full time fo be split between Walnut Trails and Minooka Primary Center. Background information: I meet with the Preschool Diagnostic Team weekly throughout the school year. In late September, 2014, we began discussing how to deal with the increased number of students coming through Early Leaming Screenings. In early November, 2014, the team decided that further assistance is needed to meet our growing demands. We scheduled a meeting for November 20', 2014 with all social workers, psychologists, speech/language pathologists and building administrators to discuss possible solutions. Attached, you wil find a summary of the ideas/solutions generated during this meeting Please realize that the Preschool Diagnostic Team for Minooka CCSD 201 is often the first opportunity for parents to interact with our district for students with special needs. The team screens, evaluates, and conducts eligibility meetings for all children ages three through five living within our district. The team pulls children from two sources: Early Intervention (birth to three services) and early learning screenings. Tradifionally, tne Preschool Diagnostic Team evaluates between 55 to 75 children annually. This year, the team has already completed 43 evaluations with another approximately 65 aditional evaluations to open between January and June of 2015. Due to the dramatic increase in the number of children requiring evaluations, the teams not able to maintain an effective timeline for completing the evaluations with the staff available. As a result, the Office of Special Education is seeking approval for an additional school social worker to assist the team in the Preschool Diagnostic evaluations and take over the case loads of school social work and Response fo Iniervention behavioral supports at Minooka Primary Center. Additionally, the Office of Special Education is seeking approval to increase the status of a part-time speech language pathologist to full fime. The additional ime will be spent providing support to the Preschool Diagnostic Team. Preschool Diagnostic Team, Status Update Evaluations Completed: Year |Full _ | Speech Only | Total Eligible for Services _| 2012/2013 | 49 __ 36. 2013/2014 | 31 40 2014/2015 | 26. 43 29 2014/2015 Projections: ‘+ 13 evaluations to open from October/November screenings * 38 evaluations to open from Barly Intervention Transition © Upcoming Screenings: © February 7% © March 7 © March 21% Other area of concern: * Occupational Therapy Needs: decentralization for services? © Would create more ownership for services/employee © Could have occupational therapist on each Early Childhood evaluation © Would need board approval and would need to amend the GCSEC joint agreement More children are qualifying for services this year. Needs are more intensive than previous years. This is going to trickle into more children requiring services in the elementary schools. + Special Education Planning/Staffing Committee Include more stakeholders in the planning for special education staffing © Committee would create a housing study to analyze special education need/projections Problem Solving Meeting, November 20%, 2014 In attendance: * TMiller © E Roechner © KSimeox © KDobkins © J Lustik * P Verghese * TStaab Farm out screening | evaluations to home school -Speech only -Non-significant full evaluations will help with transition to home school -teem will already involve the social worker jome schools may be hi hard (Jones) -Supplies for play-based evaluation ‘Training for play-based to increase comfort level with play-based evals -Space needs -Consistency in testing -No chance to float into an -team will already involve the social worker -More consistency in testing EC/PDT Classroom Secondary Team -will help with transition to | Supplies for play-based home school evaluation “Training for play-based to increase comfort level with play-based evals -Space needs -No chance to float into an ECIPDT Classroom Rffect on the elementary school's teams ability to be i involved in the elementary schools ‘New social worker (Kayla) -Should help free up Kate’s time. -How much time she will free up is unknown OR Make .6 SLP full time { l -Space _ ‘Hire Full Time Social ~Could cover all social work | -Cost Worker for MPC needs and PDT social work | -Board Approval, needs -Free up elementary social work needs _ Hire Additional Speech -Would assist in speech only | -Cost Language Pathologist evaluation needs -Board Approval Yould not relieve psych concerns ‘Space }0 ‘Deanna Monahan-less time in therapy and help with EC evaluations -Would assist in speech only evaluation needs -Would require walk in caseload to return to Aux Sable -Would require some (or all) Kindergarten caseload to be distributed to Kimberly & Am ‘Hire “swing” SLP, Social Worker, Psychologist “Would cover overflow at any building and PDT needs -Extreme costs ($190,000) to district faeaee -Bourd Approval Additional Psychologist -Would cover overflow at | -Costs ($65,000) to district ______| any building and PDT needs | -Board Approval Keep Marji Honeywell on to | -Would help with PDT ~Cost assist with PDT needs needs -Board Approval _ -She is moving in January Kindergarten return to -would create space at MPC | -Administration/Staffing homeschool -could add a blended needs program (which could -Board Approval generate revenue for MPC) | - -Would free up social work | and speech time for evaluations PDT back to GCSEC -shift the burden ~Cost -Board of Education -Shift the burden Home schools generate all preschool evaluations “Home schools have control of all evaluations -Makes the transition into elementary school easier “home schools may be hit hard (Jones) -Supplies for play-based evaluation Training for play-based to inerease comfort level with play-based evais -Space needs -Consistency in testing -No chance to float into an EC/PDT Classroom Recommendations: Short Term: * Add SW and SLP time to MPC * Open Deanna’s schedule to help with speech evaluations o Kindergarten to KG & AM © Walk ins to SS (Aux) Long ‘Term: + Kindergarten to home schools * Add full time Social Worker and Speech Language Pathologist at MPC I! 2014 PROPOSED LEVY INFORMATION MINOOKA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT 201 DECEMBER 17, 2014 MINOOKA COMMUNITY CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DISTRICT 201 MINOOKA SCHOOL DISTRICT 201C MINOOKA, ILLINOIS RESOLUTION FOR TAX LEVY BEIT RESOLVED THAT THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF SCHOOL DISTRICT 201, GRUNDY COUNTY, KENDALL COUNTY, AND WILL COUNTY, ILLINOIS HAS ASCERTAINED AND DETERMINED AND DOES HEREBY ASCERTAIN AND DETERMINE THAT THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL TAXES BE LEVIED ON THE ‘TAXABLE PROPERTY LOCATED IN SCHOOL DISTRICT 201, GRUNDY COUNTY, KENDALL COUNTY, AND WILL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FOR THE YEAR 2014. EDUCATIONAL siiss2.602 OPERATIONS, BUILDING & MAINTENANCE $1,782,814 ‘TRANSPORTATION $855,751 WORKING CASH $356,563 ‘MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT $600,000 SOCIAL SECURITY $600,000 TORT aaMUNTY 650,000 ‘SPECIAL EDUCATION $142,625 FIRE PREVENTION AND SAFETY 35,656 ‘LEASE/PURCHASE $356,563, TOTAL 2014 LEVY $16,932,603 (Without Debt Service) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT SUCH AMOUNTS SHALL BE CERTIFIED AND RETURNED TO THE COUNTY CLERK OF GRUNDY COUNTY, KENDALL COUNTY, AND WILL COUNTY ON OR BEFORE THR LAST TUESDAY IN DECEMBER, 2014. THE PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY OF THIS BOARD CERTIFY THE TAX LEVY IN THE FORM AND MANNER AS PRESCRIBED BY STATUTE. SIGNED THIS 17™ DAY OF DECEMBER, 2014. PRESIDENT - BOARD OF EDUCATION | SECRETARY — BOARD OF EDUCATION 7 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE WITH TRUTH IN TAXATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 35 SECTIONS 200/18-55 THROUGH 200/18-101.65 ILLINOIS COMPILED STATUTES if James Satorius (Presiding Officer of District 201C), hereby certify to the Grundy, Kendall, and Will County Clerks that Minooka Community Consolidated Schoo! District 201C has complied with all provisions of Truth in Taxation, as amended, with respect to the adoption of the tax levy for year 2014, The District levied an amount of ad valorem tax that is less than or equal to 105 % of the final aggregate extension plus any amount abated prior to extension for the preceding year, therefore the publication and hearing provisions of Truth in Taxation are inapplicable. The District levied an amount of ad valorem tax that is greater than 105% of the final aggregate extension plus any amount abated prior to extension for the preceding year, therefore the publication and hearing provisions of Truth in Taxation are applicable and have been met. Said public hearing was held on December 17. 2014. December 17, 2014 Presiding Officer Date (Attach this Certificate to Tax Levy) ILLINOIS STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION original: ‘eho Bisiness Serco Ovon| amended: 277058770 CERTIFICATE OF TAX LEVY ‘Acopy ofthis Carte of Tex Lays be Mad wit the County Clark of each cont n which the schoo ditt is located (0 or before te fst Tuesday of Decarbe. orm pa Ea ints Seman Grin teat uveran1 | "Fatapaninoa con Amount of Ley — sage rommmteoney 8 Societies Meee | ma : — Se So. : wou — : Sone om : =o See = : ny ‘aezess oe a eaten Fea "y ss rraorg a3 iy maton ‘Toros onto ne ania We hereby certify that we require: ‘he sum of 11,552,632 dollars to be loved asa epecial tox for educational purposes; and the sum of 7,762,814 dallas to be loved as « sped tnx for operations and maintenance purposes: and the sum of ‘858,751 dolar tobe levied asa special tax for wansportaton purposes; and {he sum of — 356,563. doliars to be ivi a a special ta fora werkng cash fund; and ‘he aum of 600,000 — dors to beloved as a special tax for munispal retremen purposes; and ‘te aun of “600,000 dotare tobe levied asa special tax for soll securiy purposes; and ‘the um of "35,658 — dots tobe tvied a specia tax or fre prevention, eaey, energy conservation, isebied accesso, school secrtly and spectid repair purposes end the sum of _650,000 dolar o be levied as spuca tx fr tr immunity purposes ad the sum ot 142,625 — colar o be levec 8 « pect tax for spec enaton purposes are the sum ot 358.563 dolars to be levied 2 2 special iat to leasing of educational facies «cmp ecco ob and tamara ocaten pees puncte the sum of 0 sola be eved as a speci tax for ‘he sum of dolar io be loved as aspect tax for ‘on he axaba propery of our echool tit othe year Signed this __1/th day oQecembe 2014 Pate Te Baa ae et Bat Sa cl Oey mn ay sino adhe oer, besos ard al cate cy of eke cfc cf ty fa cae ich ‘Suter unrooted oy tl fy The courte tal eid ao ean eae a OY ‘in wouar enh ur args ble. Terye mols poeta pean vine hl or had nt ay oe ae tem cont eal Number of bond lsuea of sald schoo! stet that have nat been pal in full iach sd Roa See Dc) ‘Thine to erty fat the Certicate of Tax Lewy for Sco! Distt No. county, log, on the equatzed aesesed value of al stable property of sai schoo cst forthe year was fled in the offce ofthe County Clk of tis County on In eon oan eens fessor bys made by fe Doar of Edaaon (econ), a adn eterson Wal be made, as authorize by resckucn() on fe inthis oie, o provide funds fo are bonds and pay ineresttheren, The toa ley, as Erovided inthe orginal resolutions), for sid purposes forthe year \f MIN201_FINANCIAL_ PROJ 2014-Levy Levy wkst 30% —]___]. 2093 r 12-2013 | Acual | —20t3-2014 | Aowual 728 084 60 693.1504 ees | — | aa 1,748,371) a 112,880.08) 1.6088 ‘.812,712| aze00] 171479232] 0207| 0 eco) eanaaan) 0.1108 3zs42|—o0m0| aoeran) nes 50,00 aeosts3] aoa 0,00 azo TET] ‘arzsaed 313,07. 246.8047 18,373,005] Page 1 Minooka Community Consolidated School District 201 Executive Summary December 17, 2014 Agenda Item: 2014 Levy Attachments: Page two & Levy Packet Recommendation for action: Motion, second, and approval of the 2014 Levy as presented. Background: Asis stated above, | would like the Board to approve the 2014 Levy. Attached you will find the Levy Packet. If you recall for the levy we have to “guess” at the equalized assessed value (EAV) of the district. Historically, the district's EAV grew rapidly, but in recent years, due primarily to the declining value of residential property in the community, our EAV has dropped significantly. This year, at most, we believe the EAV will drop by 1-3 percent. If we levied anticipating no drop in EAV, then our total levy would be 2.8% higher than our last year’s total extension (and therefore no Truth in Taxation Hearing would be necessary). My best guess is that the EAV will drop slightly (but not 3%). My recommendation is that we do what wehave done in the past, “balloon levy”, using the inflated values on the Resolution forTax Levy, Cerlificate of Compliance with Truth in Taxation, and ISBE Form 50-02 in your packets. As a result a Truth in Taxation Hearing will not be required, but | wouldlike to schedule one anyway to explain the 2014 Levy to the public. A “levy" is simply a request for funds from the property taxpayers within our school district boundaries. | used the term "Balloon Levy” above. The 2014 levy that am. proposing is a "balloon levy” because | do not believe that our EAV will be large enough fo generate the $16,932,603 requested for our operating funds. Balloon levying is a term used to describe the practice of overstating the levy. In short by asking for more than we reasonably expect to receive, we protect our tax rate (and access to our tax base. If we ask for too little, the tax rate will drop (as will our current and future revenues). The allowable amount of property taxes that we can receive this year is sill unknown. Until we know the EAV of our district and howmuch “new” property we have on the books, we can not confirm our 2014 Levy. That information will not be accurate until late March/ early April 2015 when the levy “proofs" are available. Until then we need to guess and the safest guess for the district is to overstate what we think our revenues will be. To give you an idea of what we estimate the tax rate to be, please see the color spreadsheet attached. The tax rate could be as high as $3.1950 or as low as $3.1495. We are estimating the total tax rate to be roughly $3.18 at this point in time. That equates to a ~2.8% increase of our tax rate from last year (last year's tax rate was $3.0926, average all counties}. Please realize that even though the tax rate may increase, the Minooka 201 portion of the tax bill (dollar amount) will remain roughly, equal to fast year's tax bill. This happens despite the tax rate increase because [in this worst case scenario) the average home in our district will decrease in value by 3%. 1 \ Please also realize that the Minooka 201 portion of the property tax bill has experienced the equivalent of more than a 20% decline in value since 2010. Ifihis worst case scenario happens our total tax rate will have increased by roughly 7.8% {from $2.9443 to the proposed $3.1950} since 2010, but the Minooka 201 EAV has actually declined by 30% since 2010. Based on our “balloon levy" we are requesting 4.8% more money than we received last year; therefore we are not required fo hold a “Truth in Taxation Hearing”. The law in llinois requires a Truth in Taxation Hearing if we intend to present a levy that requests 5% or more than we were extended in the prior year. The llinois School Code defines the levy process and requires (35 ILCS 200/18, beginning on page 821): “All units of local government develop a levy at least 20 days in advance of the adoption of the levy, and any district proposing to increase its aggregate levy more than 105 percent of its prior year's extension, exclusive of election costs, must hold a public hearing on the proposed levy, and publish a notice in a newspaper of general local circulation, no more than 14 days nor less than 7 days prior to the date of the public hearing as prescribed by law.” Ifyou have any questions or concems, please let me know. Minooka CCSD 201 Prohibited Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment Prokibited ‘No person, including a District employee or agent, or student, shall harass, intimidat, ar bully a student on the basis cf actual or perceived: rece; color; nationality; sex; sexual orienttion; gender ‘identity; gonder-related identity or expression; ancestry; age; religion; physical or medal disability; order of protection status; status of being homeless; actual or potential marital or patal status, including pregnancy; association with a person or group with one or more of the abrenentioned actual or perceived characteristics; or any other distinguishing characteristic. The Disrid will not tolerate harassing, intimidating conduct, or bullying whether verbal, physical, o visual,orevber that affects the tangible benefits of education, that unreasonably interferes with a students eitcational performance, or that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment. Examples of prohibited conduct include but are not limited to name-calling, using derogatory shrs, stalking, causing psychological harm, threatening or causing physical harm, threatened or actual dedruction of property, or wearing or possessing items depicting or implying hatred or prejudice of one of the ‘Sexual harassment of students is prohibited. Any person, including a district employee o agent, or student, engages in sexual harassment whenever he or she makes sexual advances, rusts sexual favors, and engages in other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual or sex-based natur, imposed on the basis of sox, that: 1, Denies or limits the provision of educational aid, benefits, services, or treatment; or that makes such conduct a condition of a student's academic status; ot 2. Has the purpose or effect of: ‘Substantially interfering with a student's educational environment; Creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment; Dopriving a student of educational aid, benefits, services, or treatment; or ‘Making submission to or rejection of such conduct the basis for acedenis decisions affecting a student. The terms “intimidating,” “hostile,” and “offensive” include conduct that has fhe effect of humiliation, embarrassment, or discomfort. Examples of sexual harassment include tmching, crude Jokes or pictures, discussions of sexual experiences, teasing related to sexual charsteristios, and spreading rumors related to a person’s alleged sexual activities. peer ‘Making. Complaint; Enforcement Students are encouraged to report claims or incidences of bullying, harassment, sexual bamssment, or any other prohibited conduct to the Nondiscrimination Coordinator, Building Princpel, Assistant Building Principal, Dean of Students, or a Complaint Manager. A student may chooseto report to a ‘person of the student's same sex. Complaints will be kept confidential to the extent posible given the need to investigate. Students who make good faith complaints will not be disciplined. ‘An allegation that # student was a viotim of any prohibited conduct perpetrated by mother student shall be referred to the Building Principel, Assistant Building Principal, or Dean of Students for Pe) ‘The Superintendent shall insert into this policy the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the District's current Nondiscrimination Coordinator and Complaint Managers. At least one of these ‘individuals will be female, and at least one will be male. Nondiserimination Coordinator: Stef Palaniuk Name 305 W. Church Street ‘Address ‘Minooka, 1. 60447 815-467-3127 ‘Telephone ‘Complaint Managers: (All principals at each school) Natalie Baxter ~ Niiacter(@min20i.orz ~ 815-467-2261 Kathleen Cheshareck — (Chesharcok(@min20! ove ~ 815-290-7400 ‘Rodney Hiser — BHiser(@imin201org- $15-290-7100 Sam Martin — §Martin( - 815-467-5301 ‘Sarah Massey — SMiasgey@min20 |_org - 815-467-2136 Teresa Miller ~ 815-467-3167 Jeana Pekol ~JPokol@min20 Lore ~ 815-467-4692 ‘The Superintendent shall use reasonable measures to inform staff members and studeuts of this policy, such as, by including it inthe appropriate handbooks. Any District employee who is determined, after an investigation, to have engage! in conduct prohibited by this policy will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including décharge. Any District student who is determined, after an investigation, to have engaged in conduct prohibited by this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, including but not limited to, supension and expulsion consistent with the discipline policy. Any person making a knowingly fuse accusation regarding prohibited conduot will likewise be subject to disciplinary action up to axl including discharge, with regard to employees, or suspension and expulsion, with regard to studens, a LEGAL REF.: (CROSS REF.: ADOPTED: 20US.C. §1681 et seq, Title IX of the Educational Amendments, 34CFR. Part 106. 105 HLCS 5/10-20.12, 10-22.5, 527-1, and 5/21-23.1. ‘TISILCS 5/1-101 ef sea, Iinois Human Rights Act. 23 Tll.Admin.Code §1,240 and Part 200, ‘Davis v. Monroe County Board of Education, 119 $.Ct. 1661 (1999). Franklin v. Gwinnett Co, Public Schools, 112 S.Ct, 1028 (1992). Gabser v. Lago Vista Independent School District, 118 S.Ct. 1989 (1958). ‘West v, Derby Unified School District No. 260, 206 F.3d 1358 (10th Cir, 2000). 2:260 (Uniform Grievance Procedure), 5:20 (Workplace Harassment Prohibited), 7:10 (Equal Educational Opportunities) 7:180 (Preventing Bullying, ‘Intimidation, and Harassment), 7:190 (Student Discipline) May 25,2011 Minooka Cos 201 ne, ‘Students ‘Provention of and Response to Sulying timation, and Harassment Ballying,ictinidtion, nd bazasmen diminish + ster’ ably to au end a shoo' bility to ‘ducati reverting stodent fhm engaging fn tee drive behavior end providing lsd ‘sua cess to sat, obs ling enviroment are mporant Diese goals ‘Bullying oo the bs facto! or pctv roe, coo, national eg, milkry at, uferorible dacherge satis fom the miltry sevice, sx, sexual aeraon, ger Wet, pended ‘entity or expresion, anes, ag, lon, pial rental dnt, oder of pestoe wm, ‘tts of being homes, otal or pote maria or pare sass, tla Prepancy, ‘sociation wth & perso or soup with oe or more of fe efremeitionad atl peroted heat, or any ober divingishingctuastratc a probibied Is oh of the following shanione 1. Daring any scoot sponsored education progam o acti 2, While in shoo, on wool oper, on seool buses or ther aca! vehicle, Ssignieg sco ba ts wth chon ba cipro tad 3. Through the tarsmision of ingoraton fom « school comput, + school camper two, or ota sil elton achoo upset 4. THrough he aniston of infrmsion lon « computer fa sacred a + nonechool= ‘elated loetion, ety, fstin, © progam or fom te we of tecalogy or lstonio ‘evi that isnot owned, hase or tae’ by te Scho! Dat er acool ithe ball ‘ses substantia dvi f te eucatonl processor erdety operation of » ochool ‘The pera (iam #4) epi oly when a school administer or teacher receives & report tt bullying tog he meas bas osc i dos not requ sal member ‘montor any nonadooleaad activi, eto, o Ogee, Detitions tom Seton 2728.7 of the Shoo Code 1OSILCS $2723.71 ulping includes eyer bling we mean ry sever ox pervsie pyc or verbal tt or sont, incoding communications made in wring o Secroncally,dbected toward «set or oles that so an be enooaly posi shave the elect foe o mere ofthe flowing 1, Placing the seat rsd in reatosbl fer ofa to he siden rset person cx propery, 2. Causing « substan desimetl ee: on the sadets or state phys or mena ‘a 3 Subsunlyintertring wi hn sant or tae aon een: ot ‘Subway itrtiing wit the san or tae sity to pricpt in bent a ‘he sviwt tive, page provid by nachos! 2 ‘itibtin ot poting rests ay of he eects eoumerated inthe definition of bung. Restorative mecoures mesos contin of ebook nae slaves to exlusiogcy dpi ich 1 aspen col mp, at () we wed © Ge prea tnt fe eos ed ‘communi (i) coo to mainting echo! any i) protect he itgrty of» pose Froese rng cna) neh saa i pal wt Epc als ey la be suozenfl in acheol wd eoity, () sere fo bu and reso reaionaips mong eden, ‘hang schon, communion (rete Be od offre Seton ty tains Sperm wm nea abv eh nn erp ens ‘School prsomel means pans eapaye by, on contact wih, or who vole ina ackot dv, Tooling withow! inion school wd school deck administra, teacher schol pins a ‘component in 10S TLCS 527.29. 10) 112 1 TheDisic ase defiitn of ling as provide in his policy. 2. Bullying a contrary to State Inw and the policy ofthis Disc. However, nothing inthe District's bullying prevention tnd reponse plan i nd wo infnge upon ary sgh © ceaciss ie expraion oh fee eerie of region o elgiouly Based views potted ‘under th Fat Ameadnent othe US. Constion x under Sexton 3 of Artie Tof te ois Contain. 3. Staats are ancourged to indi report balyng. A eport may be made ayo: in ‘wring to the Dist Complaint Manager ox ary sa rember wih whom the sae is cunforabe speaking. Anyena, inloding suff members and pesnsfgardans, who iat information about stale threxiend bling is eneouraged 10 report i othe Dist ‘Compl Manager or ry suff nanbex. Anonymous epart ealso woe ‘Complaint Manages: (Alps a cach sh!) ‘Nate eater ~~ 815-467.2761 Kathleen Cheshareck~ 5Chatossini2.on ~ 815-290-7400 ‘Rody Hise ~ tig os ~ 8152907100 Sam Martin ~SMachoimio ~ 815.467.5901 Sara Massey ~ SMssan(@20) es = 815-467-2136 ‘Tore Miler ~Tiln@mitDLes ~815.467167 Seana Pol ~sPetlGnistoog—#15.467-4602 4. Conssicat wits filer end Stir laws and roles governing stuest privy rg, the ‘Supernent or designe shal prmply info the prerdias) of ery ardent Involved inanalegd incest of bullying aod discus, as appropri be avaaiiy cf sewial work seve, coonseing choo! peyhological sev, ber invention ‘evorave manures “The Superintendent or dasigze shal promptly Invstintsend mre reports of lying, bys among ter hing: 1 Making all eaonableefats wo complet the investigation within 10 sobool day fer ‘A torisl or rerio wus any person who repo an act of bling probed. A Student's at of pil real wl be mais s ug pps et dering ‘sd acgccanns cdi aoc omen i a ow Bo PN ‘A student wl not be punished fr reporting baling or supiying infomation, even if the Disrit's investigation concdes that no bullying secured. Hower, knowingly making & 10. ‘se scan oping wi ln amon wl be a hn-e porpanr-of Searing an} onsen athe ppl eran ato ‘Sesion sommes abd omc candi scoot conse Boas otc. ‘The Diss’ bullying prevenon aod seponte plan must be baad on he engngsment of soe een ali gis tris 0 dxigne sal post tis poi onthe Disc’ tet webs fen, tod beter te ene nook, enn mole, por nr erp, {hes end anders Of conc ae cone ports. The ply must also be deed aly to parentsnrdians det, nd ecool persons, ding new enployes When ‘id. ‘ud. asooinsvinoss ere io roma, To Superintendent © designs sal eit te ‘Beara wth eakition sod sex! of hs poiy’s tomes and effective. Tht process al che, without ito: The of vctintion; 1 Sten a nd ly beervatons of sty tn scol, © Weciaton of ren fc acool where bullying oo, “The evaluation proces ray ut relevant dam and Information tt the Distt soy Calls for cher purposes, The Soparendent or desiges mst pst the fermion ‘develope Fy Kean oe Pabitons Tie ay probit ctons- demand probes somequccey-fe- {5 omning-endr-gwbuing--sohest-ano genie 9 ‘Slndenio mot ilading nts Gomorra valence anal dren sche rope ander opine ed daiie-ihe thoe ae ewal-tere nk “ing enblon doting printer elon lol elie Phage avis ol i hana sabes ur nab! ope ee ephectai: test mentee LUBGALRER: 405TLOS 49, Chde's Mental Broth Act. 1S ILS 510-214, 2424, and 327287. 2 Adin. Cote i240 end 1.280, ‘CROSS REF: 2:240 (Board Poy Development)-2:604 alton Grovnon rede), 4170 (Gasp), $230 (olan Stade Dinpie), ‘Netyats} 796 (tamamen-of-Stesetr Pahang) 745m Deg ‘Whee Sebi 7190 (Stent Disp), 7.200 Bo Cond), 7230 (scone! by Sodas wits Disabil), 7240 (Candact Coe for Paras ‘in Brirunerione Activites), 7285 (Food Ally Manage! Progrim)?310 inerrant} ao Minooka CCSD 201 Less Teen Dating Violence Bach student has the right to a safe leaming environment, Accordingly, teen dating violenoe is tnacceptable and is prohibited, at school, on school grounds, during school-sponsored sstivtes, or in any school provided transportation. “Teen dating violence” means: 1. A pattern of behavior in which a person uses or threatens to use piysicl, mental, or cemotione! abuse to control another person who is in a dating relationship with the person, ‘whore ore or both persons ate 13 to 19 years of age, or 2. Behavior by which a person uses or threatens to use sexual violence aypiast another person who is in a dating relationship with the person, where one or both yerions are 13 to 19 yours of age. For purposes of this policy, “dating” or “dating relationship” means an ongoing social wlationship of 8 romantic or intimate nature between two persons; it does not include # causal relationship or ordinary fraternization between two persons in @ business or social context. -duriug-o-2ohoe. sponsored tativitycrinany soba! ‘The Administration shall incorporate age-appropriate education about teen dating vielence into its Guricolum in grades 7 and 8 and ito tt employee trlning programs, et ecomnenied ty the Parents and students will be initially notified of the existence of this policy upon its formal approval by the Board of Education by email, Thereafter, notice of this policy shall be provided as part of the student handbook. Adopted: January 22, 2014 2\ Reference: 1OSTLCS 110/3; 105 TLCS 110/310: 32 ar ‘Minooka CCSD 201 7210 ‘Students Administering Medicines to Students ‘Students should not take medication during school hours or during school-related activities mess tis necessary for a student's health and well-being. When a student's licensed health care provider and pareat/guardian believe that itis necessary for the student to take a medication during school hours or school-telated activities, the parent/guardian must request that the school dispense the medication to ‘he child and otherwise follow the Distrct’s procedures on dispensing medication. No School District employee shall administer to any student, or supervise a student's self ‘administration of, any prescription or non-prescription medication until a completed and signed “Mediostion_Administration/Self- Administration Consent Form”. Seheel Medication-Auitoriamtion ‘Gorm is submitted by the student's parent/guardian. No student shall possess or consume any prescription or non-prescription medication on school grounds or at # school-related fimeion other than as provided for in this policy and its implementing procedures. ‘A student, may possess an epinephrine auto-injector (EpiPen®) and/or medication ressribed for asthma for immediate use at the student's discretion, provided the student's parentgurdian has completed and signed « “School Medication Authorization Form.” The School District shall incur no liability, except for willful and wanton conduct, as result of any injury arising from a stadent’s self- administration of medication or epinephrine auto-injector or the storage of any medication by school personnel. A student’s parent/guardian must indemnify and hold harmless the School District and its ‘employees and agents, against any claims, except a claim based on willful and wanton conduct, arising out of a students self-administration of an epinephrine auto-injector and/or medivaon, or the storage of any medication by school personnel. ‘Nothing in this policy shall prohibit any schoo! employee from providing emergency asistance to students, including administering medication, ‘he Builing Principal shal iclde this oli inthe Stadent Handbook and shall rove copy to ‘the parents/guardians of students. ict Supply of Epinephrine Auto-Inj Pursuant to Section 22-30 of the Schoo! Code, the District may maintain a supply of epinephrine suiinlectors ie the-mune of the Saceat gomiis ce, nici Oa aces tics Bs ‘aang nh ni tice penne hada est tor me f an_epinephrine auto-injector, This policy does not guarantee the avail “ ene a auto-injector: students gud their parents/guardians should consult their o.. ; s regarding this medication. 2) Page 1 of 1 LEGAL REF: CROSS REF. ADMIN. PROC.: ADOPTED: 8106.1 105ILCS 5/10-20.14b, 5/10-22.21b, and 5/22-30. 7285 (Food Allergy Management) ‘7:210-AP1 (Dispensing Medication), 7270-E (Medicarion Administasiay/ Sell Administration Consent orm") Moy-25,2014November (9.2014 a Page 20f'2 Minooka CCSD 201 i Prov 7270-APL Action Parents/Guardians ‘Ask the child’s physician, dentist, or other health care provider wi has authority to prescribe medications if a medication, either presipon or ‘non-prescription, must be administered during the school day. “Medications” includes an epinephrine auto-injector (“EpiPen®” and asthma inhaler medication. 1fs0, ask the health care provider to complete a “Medication Asiiaistration/Solf-Adminisirazion Consent Korm."=Seheol Mason. Actherivation Born This form must be completed and givento the school before the school will store or dispense any medicatiofor-s specific student and before your child may possoss asthma matiention or an epinephrine auto-injector for seif administration, {fa student is on a medication indefinitely, the parent/guardian mist file a new “Medication Administration/Self: Administration Consent Furin’ “Sahoo! Medication Aushorizntion Formy™every year, Bring the medication to the school office. Ifthe medicine is fer sthma or is an EpiPend a student mey keep possession of it for immediate use at (105 Dail amended by P.A. 96-1460). : \ ae Bring other prescription medications to the school in the original package or appropriately Inbeled container, ‘The container shall display: Matcton nun sd dosage Administration route and/or other direction. Dates to be taken Licensed prescriber’s name ‘Pharmacy name, address, nnd phone number Fring non-prescription medications to school in the manufactirere original container with the label indicating the ingredients andthe student's name affixed Atthe end of the treatment regime, remove any unused medicetion from ‘he school, 7:270-APL ‘Actor Ti School Office Provide a copy of these procedures, as well as a “Modication Administratioa/Self-Adininistrarion Consent Fou,” Seheot- Mediation: ‘Aashodination- Kone? to inquiring parents/gnardians. ‘Whenever a parent/guardian brings medication fora student tothe office, summon the school nurse, Tf the school nurse is unavailable, accept the medication, proviled the rent/ guardian submits a compleied“adieaon Adis ‘Administration Consent Foun’ ‘Sshoo!-Medication-Aathostonine are snd the medication is packaged in the appropriate container. Put the medication in the appropriate locked drawer or cabinet. Tell the school nurse about the medication as soon as possible. ‘Ensure that a parent/guardian who brings medication for his ocher child ‘has complied with the parent/guardian’s responsibilities as desribed in this administrative procedure. {In conjunction with the licensed prescriber and parent/guardian identify circumstances, if any, in which the student may self-administerfhe ‘modication and/or carry the medication. A student will be perittl to carry ‘and self-administer medication for asthma or an epinephrine aub-injector. Store the medication in a locked drawer or cabinet. A studentmy keep possession of medication for asthma or an EpiPend®, Medications requiring refrigeration should be refrigerated in a secure area, Plan with the student the time(s) the student should come tothe murse’s office to receive medications. Document each dose of the medication in the student’s individual health record. Documentation shall include date time, dosage, rout and the signature of the person administering the medication or supervising the student in self administration, ‘Assess effectiveness and side effects as required by the licensid jrescriber. Provide written feedback tothe licensed prescriber and the paci/guardian fas requested by the licensed presoriber. ‘Document whenever the medication is not administered as orn along with the reasons. If the parent/guardian does not pick up the medication by the «dof the school year, discard the medication in the presence of a witnas. Building Principal ‘Supervise the use of these procedures, Perform any duties described for schoo! office personnel, a noded. Perform any duties described for schoo! nurses, as needed, ordelegute ‘those duties to appropriate staff members. No staff member tall be required to administer medications to students, except school muses, non- 7:270-APL Be Page 2 of 2 Action certificated and registered professional nurses, and administrabrs. “Make arrangements, in conjunction with the parent/guardian, supervising ‘teachers, and/or bus drivers forthe student to receive needed medication ‘while on a field trip, Unless these arrangements can be made, the student ‘must forego the field trip. ‘LEGAL REF: aie 7270-APL 105 ILCS 5/10-20.14b, 5/10-22.21b, and 5/22-30, Page 3 of 3 ‘MEDICATION 0) y TIO? CONSENT FORM Dear Parents: Jn order for the District to either administer medication or allow its self-administration please completely fill out the following form annually. If you have any questions, please do nothesitate to contact us, ‘Name of Student, Date of Birth, Address, ‘Emergency Phone, School, Grade, Part 1 — PHYSICIAN'S STATEMENT (This statement may be signed by a physician, plystian’s ‘assistant or advance practice registered nurse having such authority delegated by a supervising/coloberating Physician. NOTE: A health care provider's signature &s not required for students who require asthma inhalers during the school day) ‘Name/type of medication 1s the prescribed medication for an asthmatic condition? Frequency and time of adminisiration ‘Duration (week, month, indefinite, et.) ___ Diagnosis, itd fect nd etcistedeacton 1 maicaion(mptoms, siete, ete) - —_ Other medication student is receiving. Other requirements or special circumstances, (0. Must this medication be administered during the school day to attend school? 1. Te served student ef aninistrtion euborized? 12, For Asthma Medication/Epinephrine Auto-Injectors Oniy*: Is unsupervised self- administration authorized? * Pursuant to Illinois law, upon parental consent (for asthma inhalers) or physician authorization (for epinephrine auto-injector), a student who is prescribed aithma medication and/or epinephrine auto-injector may possess and use his/her asthma ‘medication and/or epinephrine auto-injector while at school or during school-sponsored activities without the supervision of District personnel. sayaene sen ‘order to allow the student Physician’s Signature Date: Address: Phone Number: 3% PART I PARENT'S REQUEST/APPROVAL I hereby authorize Minooka School District No. 201 personnel to___ administer or _ permit the sclf administration of medication to/by my child during school hours according to the above instructions. Thereby confirm my primary responsibility to administer medication to my child. However, in the event that I am unable to do so, | hereby authorize Minooka School District No, 201 aud its employees and agents, in my behalf and stead, to administer or to attempt to administer » my child (or to allow my child to self administer, while under the supervision of the employees and agents of Minooka School District No. 201) lawfully prescribed medication in the manner described above. 1 ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IT MAY BE NECESSARY FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATION TO MY CHILD TO BE PERFORMED BY AN INDIVIDUAL OTHER THAN A SCHOOL NURSE AND SPECIFICALLY CONSENT TO SUCH PRACTICES. I further waive any claims against Minooka School District No. 201, its individual Board members, employees, and agents arising out of the administration or self- administration of said medication, and agree to hold harmless and indemnify Minooka School District No. 201, its individual Board members, employees and agents, from and against any and all Kability, claims, demands, damages, or causes of action or injuries, costs, and expenses, including attomeys’ fees, resulting ftom or arising out of the administration or self administration of medication. I also acknowledge that Minooka School District No. 201. shall incur no liability, except for willful and wanton conduct, as # result of any injury arising fiom 2 student's sclf-administration of medication or epinephrine auto-iujecior or the storage of any medication by Distriet personnel, regardless of whether the self-administration of an asthma inhaler or Epi-Pen was authorized by the parent or healthcare provider. For Asthma Medication/Epinephrine Aute-Injectors Only: I authorize the School District, and its employees and agents, to allow my child or ward io carry and self-administer his or her asthma inhaler and/or use his or her epinephrine auto-injector: (1) while in school, (2) waile at a school-sponsored activity, (3) while under the supervision of school personnel, or (4) before or after normal school activities, such as while in before-school or after-school care on school- operated property. Ulinois law requires the School District to inform parent(s)/guardian(8) that it, and its employees and agents, incur no liability, except for willful and wanton conduct, as @ result of any injury arising from the administration of asthma medication or epinephrine auto- injector (105 ILCS 5/22-30). Parent/Guardian Signature - Date 34 PART Ill — CONSENT FOR EMERGENCY TREATMENT L_______, parent for legal guardian] of__—_, have enrolled my School District No. 201 and hereby authorize Dr. _ my child’s physician, or any physician in his or her group practice, on my behalf to administer emergency medical assistance to my child during school or a school-sponsored activity, ln the event my child's piysician or any physician in his or her group practice is not availible, or contact with my child's physician is not practical under the circumstances, I hereby auttorize Minooka School District No. 201, its employees and agenis to provide emergency medical assistance or to srrange for and consent to on my behalf immediate mesiical treatmatt by a licensed or certified physician or other medical personnel for my child whenever the auerized District personnel believe such emergency medical assistance is necessary to protect the health, safety and welfare of my child. I further waive any claims against Minooka School Distic No. 201, its individual Board members, employees ané. agents arising out of the provisin of or arrangement for emergency medical assistance to my child and agree to hold harmbst and indemnify Minooka School District No. 201, its individual Board members, employees and agents, either jointly or severally, from and against any and all liability, claims daxands, damages, or causes of actioa or injuries, costs, and expenses, including attomeys” fecs, msulting from or arising out of the provision of or arrangement for emergency medical treatment. Parent/Guardian Signature Date 2a5015.1 Yo Lunch Break And Second Recess For Elementary School Students: Grades 1 Thru 4 The District believes that it is essential that elementary-aged students have a minimum of 20 minutes of seated lunchtime to eat their food during lunch. Having a minimum of 20 minutes of seated lunchtime provides students with Sufficient time to consume their meal while still allowing students time to enjoy socialization with their fellow students, In addition, the District believes that it is essential that a healthy daily routine for our elementary-aged students includes recess. Research shows that students who are provided with a daily recess are more focused, on-task, and able to concentrate on educational material than those who are not afforded a recess period. Cognitive function improves when a child has the opportunity for physical exercise and active play. Play—whether vigorous or sedentary— can provide intense skill learning. Physical activity is known to lessen the symptoms of mild attention deficit disorder, and is associated with much lower incidences of childhood obesity. Recess is also essential for providing students with a less structured period of time in which to engage in social interactions and develop interpersonal relationships with peers. It is often during this time that children improve their leadership and conflict resolution skills. Because of the numerous benefits of unstructured play time, the District shall require that elementary-aged students participate in a minimum of 20 minutes of recess consisting of play and physical activity each school day either directly before or directly after their lunch period. The recess period shall be scheduled out of doors, except in the case of extreme weather conditions, in a safe outdoor natural area with play equipment designated for that purpose. Recess shall be in addition to physical education class time and not be a substitute for physical education. School staff shall not withhold participation in recess from students or cancel recess to make up for missed instructional time. Because of the importance of recess, students shall not be excused from outdoor recess without a written medical reason from a physician. Yl Since the District believes it is important that students have both a 70-minute seated lunchtime and a 20-minute outdoor recess, the lunch periods for all elementary schools will be a minimum of 45 minutes. The additional 5 minutes accounts for incidental time spent walking to the cafeteria, waiting in line to obtain a hot lunch, and time spent walking to and from the outdoor play ares. Also, since the District believes that children who have recess behave better and are likely to learn more, a second recess break shall be provided to all elementary-aged students during each school day in order to help improve learning, social development, and the health of elementary-aged students. This additional recess shall be a minimum of fifteen minutes during each school day. Recess shall be supervised but shall largely consist of unstructured play time. Scheduling shall be conducted at the school and classroom level. Withholding recess and/or other forms of physical activity as punishment or in lieu of completing other academic work is discouraged. Occasional loss of recess may occur, but repeated loss over time is not acceptable. CROSS REF. 6:50 (School Wellness) GL Food In The Classroom ‘Snacks are a very Important part of a student's day. They provide energy for our students to make it from meal-to-meal during the school day without ‘experiencing hunger that can adversely affect their learning abilities. The Distict encourages students to bring a snack to school in order to avoid these energy slumps. The District encourages that snacks brought to school be healthy. Snacks that will be eaten in the classroom must be peanut/nut free to protect students with special dietary considerations. Beverages are limited to water. Teachers are allowed to use food, healthy snacks and provide treats to students as part of educational lessons and projects, or as classroom rewards and ‘motivational tools. Parents must be given notice and must grant permission before teachers may use or provide food, snacks or treats for students in the classroom. The PTO may also provide food, drinks, snacks or treats to students during designated holiday parties or as part of PTO events for the students. Parents must be given notice and must grant permission before the PTO may provide such food, drinks, snacks or treats to the students. 43 CROSS REF.: 6:50 (School Wellness) 7:285 (Food Allergy Management Program) WY

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