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Miss As Class




Educational Philosophy- Homeworkopoly- Goals

I believe that students learn
best through collaboration
with their peers (with the
teacher in a facilitator role),
and they are more likely to
feel connected with the
classroom if they participate
in forming its culture (i.e.
setting the rules together).
While there should be a
permanent behavior
management system
embedded into the
classroom- I do believe that
each chronically misbehaving
student demonstrates the
need to have an individualized
behavior plan specifically
tailored to their needs.


If students have come in with
their homework, then they get
to roll the dice and move their
clothespin on the board. If the
student misbehaves at any
point in the day, then their
clothespin will be taken off the
board and placed on Parking.

My name is Miss Akshita Sathe, and I will be teaching
Reading and Writing to your 5th grade student. I am a recent
graduate of the University of South Florida with a double major
in Elementary Education and Psychology. While I was there, I
was the Editor-in-Chief of the Scatter Chatter (COEDUs
Newsletter) and volunteered at a Psychology research lab for a
year. I look forward to getting to know and teach your studentand lets have a great year! !
My goal is for students to have all of the tools necessary in
order to properly learn and succeed in my classroom. The most
important expectation will be that students will strive to come
into school everyday to learn, while being on their best behavior.
My management style is very cooperative, and I hope that your
student will join me and his/her classmates in making the

Miss As Class


classroom into a place where they have a voice and feel secureboth physically and emotionally. !

Helpful Hints
How can you help your student

After a nonfiction text is
read, have the student
verbally summarize it for

Discuss the difference
between Fact and Opinion.

Practice distinguishing
between the Main Idea and
the Supporting Details.

Analyze Characters and
Settings, and how they
contribute to the Plot.

Source: Fifth Grade Reading:
Tips to Smoothen the Transition.
(n.d.). Retrieved November 13,
2014, from


! The first part of the Classroom Behavior Plan will be to sit

down with the students to brainstorm and solidify the Class
room Rules. After it has been signed and agreed upon by
everyone, it will be featured right next to the Homeworkopoly
Board and in the very front of the classroom. Moving your
piece o of the Homeworkopol y board (pictured and
explained above) will be the second consequence after a
warning. Further details will be seen in a copy of the
Classroom Rules and Consequences for Misbehavior- which
will also be sent home to you soon!!
! Homework will be given every day from Monday- Thursday
in the students work drawer. As 5th graders, it is the students
responsibility to pick it up each day and take it home. They
will also be in charge of maintaining a Reading and a Writing
Journal. This newsletter will also be emailed every month, and
will provide a detailed glimpse on what is being learned. !
! Please do not hesitate to contact me about your students
progress. The door to my classroom is always open- lets work
together in making your student succeed to his/her highest
potential! !

Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.

(John Dewey)!
Akshita Sathe!
(Insert Signature)!
Phone Number: (Insert School Number with Ext.)

Students will be assessed on the

Reading and Writing Benchmarks
attained in the 4th grade; and this
data will be evaluated and discussed
with each child. Together, we will set
and reflect on Reading/Writing goals
throughout the school year.

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