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WisconsinEarly Learning Standards-Scavenger Hunt

1. Find The Guiding Principles of Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards. Select two to
discuss in our Tuesday night class.
2. WMELS addresses how many domains? They are?
3. Find the Developmental Domain: Language Development And Communication. There are three
Sub-Domains, what are they?
4. Under Sub-Domain C there are 5 performance standards. What are they? (Hint: one number is
listed twice)
5. Under C.EL . 1, Developmental Continuum, what is the last, Sample Behaviors of Children &
corresponding Sample Strategies for Adults?
6. In Interest Areas: Children Learn from Play What does the WMELS say children learn from,
Dramatic Play?
From Finger Plays and Songs?
7. Name one website the WMELS directs parents to for information about choosing child care.

1. All children are capable & competent

Children are individuals who develop at various rates.

2. 5- (1) Health & Physical Development




(2) Social & Emotional Development

(3) Language Development & Communication
(4) Approaches to Learning
(5) Cognition & General Knowledge
(1) Listening & Understanding
(2) Speaking & Communicating
(3) Early Literacy
1- Shows an appreciation of books and understands how print works
2- Develops alphabetic awareness
3-Develops phonological awareness (Develops phonemic awareness)
4- Demonstrates the use of strategies to read words
5-Uses writing to represent thoughts or ideas
Chooses reading activities & responds with enjoyment.
Dramatic Play-- Social: Plays adult roles. Develops self0image & coordinates with others.
........................ Language: Learns to express self in another role.
........................ Cognitive: Decides appropriate dress & appearance for role; uses visual
perceptions to assess self, others, and play environment. Learns & remembers behaviors to
imitate. Develops abstract thinking abilities.
........................ Self-help: Dresses self: Sets up play environment & finds props. Child Care Information Center (CCIC) Child Care Licensing & Certification- WI Dep't. of
Children & Families

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