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The Crucible

Project and Essay choices

You must choose one option from Part A AND one from Part B.
The links for the rubrics, which include more details for the
assignment, are on my webpage.
Part A: Project Choices:
1. Create a wanted poster. Imagine that one of the accused witches has
disappeared or you could focus on Abigail Williams and/or Mercy Lewis.
Underneath the picture, write their name in large, bold letters. Your wanted
poster needs to include: a quick list of your characters vital statistics, a brief
paragraph that thoroughly describes their crime(s), the reward for their
return, and any other layout details that may be associated with wanted
posters. For full credit, your poster needs to have clear (no pencil) writing,
evidence of attention to detail, and color. Make sure you research what
Wanted Posters so yours looks authentic.
2. Draw or paint an image from The Crucible. You could draw a portrait of
any of the characters the way you see them; you could paint a picture of any
of the events or settings of the play. You will need to include a brief
paragraph explaining your design choices and what portions of the play led
you to make these choices.
3. Calling all wood and stone craftsmen/women and ironworkers, clay artists,
seamstresses! Create something three-dimensional from The Crucible.
You could create: a graveyard with the stones of the executed, a gallows on a
hill, a replica of the courtroom, the famous poppet, the wagon the collected
all of the condemned, or something else that interests you. You will need to
include a brief paragraph explaining your design choices and what portions
of the play led you to make these choices.
4. Do you love scrapbooking or designing? If so, you could create a
scrapbook based on the ideas and images in The Crucible. You could
organize your pages by characters or by significant events in each act of the
play. You will need to include text.
5. Soundtrack/CD Cover- Create a soundtrack for the play. Pick at least 10-15
pieces of music, which fits this play (or even a specific character of the play).
You will need to include a short statement explaining WHY that particular
song fits whichever part of the play, or character you chose (that is, you
need to have evidence from the play). Lyrics must be printed out and school
appropriate. Create an artistic cover for the CD that represents the play. Do
not use already created artwork; it must be your original work. A site you

The Crucible
Project and Essay choices
could use to do this digitally without having to use a burn a CD is:
6. Do you like writing heartfelt letters? Imagine that John and Elizabeth
Proctor are in jail but have not yet met face-to-face as they do in Act 4. In
your best handwriting, write a letter from Elizabeth to her husband John.
Elizabeth knows they are both headed for the gallows (hanging). In the letter,
detail any grievances (complaints) she has with John and their life together,
any regrets she has, any blame, and any beliefs she might have. In the same
way, imagine John reads the letter and responds. Write a letter from John to
Elizabeth in response to hers; it should express how he feels now, and any
beliefs/regrets he may have. Stay true to the characters traits and events in
the play. Write in your best handwriting on plain white paper trying to make
it appear as authentic for the time period as you can. Each letter is to be a
page in length.
7. Imagine that Rebecca Nurse has something to say to the township before
she is hanged. Write a speech whereby Rebecca expresses her views and
beliefs about the events that have led up to her hanging, how she views the
accusers, the judges, and the townspeople. This should be at least 2 pages
in length and typed.
8. Creative Writers and Artists: Become the editor of The Salem Times
and create an attention grabbing front page focusing on events and people
in The Crucible. Your front page will include at least three news articles,
include pictures, catchy headlines, and use facts from the play. You can also
include an advertisement or two for products or services that could have
been available for consumers in Salem during this time period. Perform a
google search and find out what a paper from this time period would have
looked like and try to replicate that look the best you can.
9. Are you a creative writer? Compose a scene occurring after Act IV (after
John Proctor dies). This scene should follow the format of Arthur Millers
drama including a description of the setting, stage directions, and dialogue.
This should be at least 2 pages in length and typed.
10. Create a 7 to 10 minute video of a scene or Act from The Crucible. You
will have to dress the part, recreate the setting, follow Millers stage
directions AND memorize your lines. For this project you can work in a
group; however, editing and filming doesnt count as a part. Everyone
involved needs to be one of the cast members acting. Bloopers are
encouraged at the end, but NOT required. You will need to include a

The Crucible
Project and Essay choices
paragraph whereby you explain what you have learned about this part of
play that you hadnt quite noticed before you actually acted it out.

Part B: Written Analysis Essay Choices

MLA format
2-3 pages
Parenthetical Citations in MLA style (In-text citations)
1. As the action heats up in The Crucible, some of the characters change in
important ways. In Literature, this is called a dynamic character. Write a
detailed character study on one of the plays dynamic characters who
undergoes some sort of transformation, change, from the beginning of the
play to the end.
Include the following points in your essay:
The characters thinking and how it affects other characters
and/or the plot in the beginning. Include textual evidence and
The characters thinking when s/he begins to change, and how it
affects other characters and/or the plot. Be specific; focus on how this
character changes. Include textual evidence and warrants.
The characters thinking at the climax, the high point of the
action, and how it affects other characters and/or the plot. Be specific;
focus on how this character changes. Include textual evidence and
Conclude your character study by explaining how this character
and the changes in his/her thinking appeals to readers. Was Miller
successful with the creation of this character?

2. One of the important motifs (ideas) found in The Crucible is power: who
has it, how they got it, how they use it, and for what purpose. Select a
character (s/he can be powerful or powerless) and analyze the ways in which
the character uses his/her power. If the character is powerless, analyze
his/her struggle against their powerless position.

The Crucible
Project and Essay choices
Include the following points for your essay:
For a Powerful Character
Briefly describe the characters role in the play and the power
s/he holds.
Describe where this characters power comes from and how the
character uses this power - (ideas: authority through being a religious
leader, a judicial leader, a pillar of the community, a connection to a
powerful person, money, age, sex etc). Include textual evidence and
Examine the effect of this power being used on the plot and/or
other characters? How does this power help him/her? Include textual
evidence and warrants.
Conclude by focusing on abuse of power and if Miller successfully
portrayed it accurately based on what we see in our society.
For a Powerless Character
Briefly describe the characters role in the play and the
powerless position s/he holds.
Describe what puts this character in the powerless position they
find themselves in - (ideas: money, race, age, sex, low social status,
etc). Include textual evidence and warrants.
How does this powerless character struggle against events in the
plot and/or other characters. Include textual evidence and warrants.
Evaluate if the character is able to gain some power to control an
aspect of the plot or another character at some point in the play.
Include textual evidence and warrants.
Conclude by focusing on the position of powerless people and if
Miller successfully portrayed this accurately based on what we see in
our society.
3. Analyze one of the characters in the play. Focus on these aspects of the
character: his/her motivations, his/her conflicts, and his/her significant
actions or decisions and his/her effect on the plot.
A characters motivation is what drives him/her to behave or think in a
certain way, which causes conflicts with others or within themselves, which
in turn leads a character to take specific actions that affect the plot and/or
other characters.
Points to include in the essay:
Include a brief introduction to the character and his/her role in
the play.

The Crucible
Project and Essay choices
Identify your characters main motivation(s) and track how they
drive him/her to behave in a certain way. Use textual evidence and
Analyze how that specific behavior or thinking affects the plot
and/or other characters. Use textual evidence and warrants.
How does the character influence others and/or how is influenced
by others? Use textual evidence and warrants.
Conclude by focusing on the authenticity of this character Miller
created. Is this character believable to the audience? Can we identify
with him/her? Was Miller successful in the creation of this character?

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