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[ Ch1 ]

1. heritage 遺產 11. prospective 將會發生的

- something that is passed down from preceding generations. - likely or expected to happen.

2. descendant 子孫 12. standstill 停止

- a person related to someone from an earlier generation. - complete cessation of activity or progress.

3. inadequate 不充分的 13. brimming 溢出

- not enough. - to be full, even to overflowing.

4. choke 阻塞 14. literacy 讀寫能力

- to be unable to do something - the ability to read and write.

5. procession 行列 15. trembling 發抖

- a line of people or vehicles. - to shake involuntarily.

6. populate 移民 16. shot 試圖

- to move people on animals to an area to live there. - the action of trying to do or achieve something.

7. clasp 扣緊 17. stump 考起

- to hold something tightly in your hand. - to challenge someone.

8. well 湧出 18. refugee 難民

- to rise to the surface, ready to flow. - people who have been forced to leave their homes or their country.

9. commissioner 長官 19. blow 打擊

- a member of a commission or someone with an important - a shock or disappointment.
government job in a particular area.
20. asylum seeker 尋求政治避難者
10. moderate circumstance 中等環境 - someone who leaves their country to escape from danger, and tries
- a normal family, which is not very rich or poor. to get permission to live in another country.

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