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Susan Williams

GEOG 588
August 2013
GIS is more than simply producing maps. GIS spans a wide range of disciplines and
applications, and can be utilized to detect patterns and examine complex spatial
relationships. In order to examine the underlying social and physical processes
that contribute to disasters (Cutter, 2003), analytical skills are absolutely necessary.
Furthermore, maps, like statistics, can be easily skewed or misinterpreted, so
expertise is needed to detect or prevent bias and error as well as to assess data
validity (Harries, 1999). Another skill needed to develop appropriate maps often
involves the ability to select the most effective corresponding color schemes
(Brewer, 1994).
Brewers work, particularly the ColorBrewer web application (Brewer and Harrower,
2009), strengthens the argument that GIS requires specialized knowledge in order
to deliver important information efficiently, and echoes a point made by Cutter
(2003) that accessibility is key. It is also a good example of how recent web
mapping technologies and user-friendly interfaces are helping to change
accessibility issues. In fact, web mapping and cloud computing are already
benefitting organizations by improving services and communication while reducing
expenses (Directions Magazine, 2012).
Another crisis management issue pertains to lack of detailed data at local levels
(Cutter, 2003). One possible way to address this is allocating federal grants for
award to communities who upload their data to a centralized database.
The challenging lack of data in some of the most hazardous places (ibid) could be
handled in a manner similar to the Map Kibera Project in Nairobi, Kenya, where local
Kiberans received training and equipment to create an open-source digital map of
their own community (Map Kibera, 2009). Involving citizens not only addressed the
accessibility issue, but also demonstrated positive outcomes to additional
constraints such as aversion to technology (Cutter, 2003). In fact, participants
reported increased confidence, ability and pride in learning new skills and
technology, increased social status, group identity and unity, and community
empowerment (Hagen, 2011). With these results, this type of project demonstrates
a productive use of funding, particularly if NGOs are involved in the collaboration.
For greatest impact, other potential funding should be directed towards
infrastructure to enable greater interoperability and to encourage development of
quality open-source platforms, better connectivity and power sources. If humans
can create a rover that successfully explores a planet millions of miles away for over

nine years in extreme conditions (NASA, 2013), surely we can innovate solutions to
these challenges closer to home.

Brewer, Cynthia A. (1994) Color Use Guidelines for Mapping and Visualization,
Chapter 7 (pp. 123-147) in Visualization in Modern Cartography, edited by A.M.
MacEachren and D.R.F. Taylor, Elsevier Science, Tarrytown, NY. Retrieved August
2013 in part at
Brewer, Cynthia and Harrower, Mark. (2009) ColorBrewer 2.0: Color Advice for
Cartography. Retrieved August 2013 at
Cutter, Susan L. (2003) GIScience, Disasters, and Emergency Management.
Transactions in GIS, 7(4), 439-446. Retrieved August 2013 at
Directions Magazine (2012). GIS Web Mapping Enables Self Service - and Savings.
Retrieved August 2013 at
Hagen, Erica. (2011) Mapping Change: Community Information Empowerment in
Kibera. Innovations: Technology, Governance, Globalization, Winter 2011, Vol. 6,
No. 1: 6994. Retrieved August 2013 at
Harries, Keith. (1999) Mapping Crime: Principle and Practice. U.S. Dept. of Justice,
Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice. Retrieved August 2013 at
Map Kibera. (2009) AfricaGIS Participatory Mapping Prospectus. Retrieved August
2013 at
NASA (2013). Mars Exploration Rovers.
Retrieved August 2013 at .

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