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only Lr:rucFEr-Low


En lv'ler lAt seal (1ti98), Max Bohm. Courtesy of AlfredJ^ \Valker fiure Arr, I3oston

'Iiust no Future, irowe'er pleasant! -

;l Wno, the tleart r:f tht Yottng Marr

Said to the Psalmistl

Tell me not, in mourirful uumbers,2

I-ife is but an enlpty ,Jrbamr!**
Act-*ircr in the living Pr:esent!
Hcart within, and Cocl o'erhead!
w {tu

For the soul is dcad that slumbers, I-ivcs of grcat nren all renrind us
And rirings are not what r[:ey seem. trX,t ciln rrtake our lives sr.r[:lime,a
n i\nd, dcp:rting, leave behincl us
s Life is real! Life is earn{:st! Footprints on rhe sands clf time;
And the grave is n<p its goal;
t the
Dust thou arf, to dust returnesr, -- ,r,,re4,hn{
Was not spokcn of'the sout. Sailing o'er iife's s<;lernn main.s
.,\ forlrrrn ar:d shipwrecked brothcr,
Nr:t enjoyment, iln(l niSt sorrow, $ecing. shall take lreari ;lgiiin.
ro Is our destined end or way;
But to act, thilt eacl'l fofirorr(}t:,, l,et Lrs, tlteu, Lrc up anrJ cloirrg,,
t alcud
Find us fartirer than tocl;ey. Wirh a hcart fcr any fate;
the 35 Sr:ill achieving, srill pursrriug,
Art is long, and Timr: is fleeting, Learn to labor and to wait.
And our hearts, thcr.rgh stout and [:*ave,
ri Still, iike murffled clrums, are beating 1. Psalmist (sii'mYst) : the autho.r'of thc poems in the
biblical Book of Ps,rlms, rnany of rvhiclr ct:mn;enl on
Funeral marches to the grave.
the fleeting naturc o[ life. 'ltaditionally, most of the
psalnrs have bcen ascribed to lding David of lsraei.
In the world's broacl field of battlc, z. numbersl n:crrical feer or lines; verscs.
In the bivouac3 of Life, 3. bivouac (rYv'66-Hk'): a (ernporary enc,{mpment af rrnrips.
lA-wr," /
Be not like-dnmb.,-+h,ivetcatflel 5a n,o.,t sublimel of high spirirr:ill, moral. or intellectr.ral lvorrh.
za Be a hero in the strife! 5. nlilin: opcrl (J('clul.


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