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Soi originar din regiunea Medoc - Franta, din strugurii lui obtinandu-se un vin sec,

barbatesc. Este renumit pentru delicatetea buchetului sau. Pe masura invechirii dezvolta o
aroma ca a unor flori intr-un amestec cu fructe de padure. Reprezinta cel mai important
soi pentru vinuri rosii superioare, seci, din ecosistemele viticole dobrogene, cu conditia
protejarii sale in zonele cu geruri si seceta.
Merlot este un vin versatil. Il poti asorta la o mancare nu prea aromata, dar merge
excelent si daca mananci vita sau miel. La fel de bine merge si la o masa pe care ai o rata
gatita cum trebuie. De asemenea, Merlot merge cu mancarurile italiene consistente.
Tarie alcool (%vol) ? 12.5
Vinurile sunt pastrate in vinoteca in pozitie orizontala la temperatura si umiditate
Deschideti sticlele vechi cu macar jumatate de ora inainte de degustare.
Pentru vinurile care au "depozit" (absolut normal si natural), folositi decantoare.

Variety originating in region Medoc - France, the grapes of obtaining a dry wine, men. It
is famous for its delicate bouquet. As its aging develop an aroma of flowers as a mixture
of berries. Is the most important variety for red wines superior dry, vineyards Dobrogea
ecosystems, provided its protection in areas with frost and drought.
Merlot is a versatile. You can blend a food not very flavorful, but it works great and if
you eat beef or lamb. As well go and have a meal that rate properly cooked. Also
consistent Merlot goes with Italian food.
Strength Alcohol (% vol)? 12.5
Wines are stored in the cellar horizontally at constant temperature and humidity.
Open old bottles with even half an hour before tasting.
For wines "deposit" (absolutely normal and natural), use decanters.

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