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Fetesca Regala este o varietate de struguri originara in Transilvania si cultivata in

majoritatea podgoriilor din Romania. Soiul a fost identificat, in jurul anilor 1920, in
podgoria Tarnave, mai exact in comuna Danes. De aceea, localnicii l-au ?botezat?:
Danasana, Danaseana, Danesana sau Dunasana. In literatura de specialitate a fost denumit
si Galbena de Ardeal.
Vinurile au un continut alcoolic intre 11,5-12,5%. Valorile aciditatii (7-7,5 g/l acid tartric)
se situeaza la un nivel excelent si confera acestui vin un bun echilibru si un gust bine
conturat. Corpolent, prezinta o nuanta de prospetime care determina o amintire placuta in
memoria degustatorului.
Pentru Feteasca Regala se recomanda a se servi alaturi de peste, carne alba si fructe de
Tarie alcool (%vol) ? 11.6
Vinurile sunt pastrate in vinoteca in pozitie orizontala la temperatura si umiditate
Deschideti sticlele vechi cu macar jumatate de ora inainte de degustare.

Girlish Royal is a grape variety originally grown in Transylvania and in most vineyards
in Romania. The variety has been identified around 1920, the vineyard Tarnave exactly in
common Danes. Therefore, residents have? Baptized: Danasana, Danaseana, Danesan or
Dunasana. The literature was called and yellow Transylvania.
The wines have an alcohol content between 11,5-12,5%. Acidity values (7-7.5 g / l
tartaric acid) is at an excellent level and gives this wine a good balance and well-defined
taste. Full-bodied, shows a touch of freshness to determine a pleasant memory in memory
For Feteasc Royal is recommended to be served with fish, white meat and seafood.
Strength Alcohol (% vol)? 11.6
Wines are stored in the cellar horizontally at constant temperature and humidity.
Open old bottles with even half an hour before tasting.

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