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Salem Lesson Plan Format

GRADE/CLASS: 2nd Grade Science

UNIT TOPIC: Weather Patterns

Desired learning outcome(s):

-Students will be able to determine various wind directions by utilizing weather instruments.
-Students will be able to measure air temperature, wind direction, wind speed and precipitation
using the weather instruments.
-Students will be able to predict a forecast using the numbers they gather using the weather
Essential question(s) from learning objective(s):
-How can knowledge of the weather instruments help to determine the forecast for the week?
Common Core/NC Essential Standard(s):
2.E.1 Understand patterns of weather and factors that affect weather.
2.E.1.2 Summarize weather conditions using qualitative and quantitative measures to
describe: temperature, wind direction, wind speed, precipitation.
Learner prior knowledge/learner background experiences:
Students should have a prior knowledge of the general weather conditions and the necessary
information needed to forecast the weather. Students should have a prior exposure to common
instruments used in weather forecasts. The students will have discussed the importance of rain
and the weather in reference to the earth and the ecosystems. The class will have previously
discussed the sunlight and how the weather affects crops and foods.
Materials and resources needed:
-whiteboard with access to a computer
-computer access for the children
-a weather vane
-a thermometer

-an anemometer
-a rain gauge
-science journals
-construtction paper
Teaching strategies:
Differentiation strategies should be infused throughout. Differentiate for content,
product, and process.
Introductory strategies
The teacher will begin by telling the students that they will begin the lesson on studying
weather and the instruments that the weather people use to predict weather. The teacher will
show the students a video clip from WeatherSmart, via YouTube. This clip will help connect
prior knowledge of the weather, while introducing the weather instruments, link:
+the+weather+video The teacher will instruct the students to pay close attention to the
information given in the video to make some connections to what the students already know.
Following the video, the teacher will hold up each of the instruments that the students will be
using in their exploration. The teacher will use the interactive whiteboard to model the way
to read the instruments. The teacher will also provide the students with the proper standard

of measurement for each instrument. The students will then be instructed on the exploration
activity for the day.
Main instructional strategies
The students will break into groups. There will be four centers located outside, in a
garden area and a hillside area. Both the groups will have four different centers set up
with four different weather measurement instruments. Each of the children will be
responsible for going to each of the instruments and gathering the information provided
by each particular instrument. The students will use worksheet attached to gather their
information in a neat and orderly format. This exploration will go on for three days. The
students will be outside gathering the data, if weather permits from their instruments.
At this portion of the lesson the students will gather further details that apply to their
study of the weather instruments. One member from the garden group will pair with a
member of the outside group and have a think-pair-share. They will share with each
other the data that was gathered with their instruments. They will then be required to
discuss the conclusions that are drawn from the numbers and data that they gathered. The
teacher will then lead the class in a discussion identifying the major differences in the
data, and how those differences can affect a forecast for the weekly weather. The teacher
will also include the students in a formal definition of these four weather instruments.

In the elaboration portion of this lesson the teacher will give each student a particular
weather condition and ask him to create a weather forecast based on weather conditions
from the prior week. Each student will be given a rubric and emphasize the expectations
for the activity and how they will be graded. The students will be given a particular
weather condition that is formed from a number of factors. The students will be
responsible for describing the weather prior to the storm or movement, including wind
direction, amount of precipitation, air pressure and temperature. This information will
enable students to draw cause and effect conclusions regarding the amount of
precipitation accompanying a storm, what to expect from high or low pressure, and how
temperature affects air movement. The evaluation will allow students to show their
improved knowledge and increased understanding of the material and how to apply it and
expand upon it.

Concluding strategies
The students will then gather back together and take some time to write in their science
journals. The students will write in response to some guiding questions: How did you use
the data you gathered to form a weather forecast? Were your numbers different from the
numbers of the opposite group? Did you see any times when your data seemed to change
very suddenly?

Assessment (utilize a blend of traditional and performance assessments):

The teacher will use an activity to check for understanding of the concepts and ideas. The
students will make flash cards of the pictures of the weather instruments and their definitions and

what they are used for. This is an activity from the National Geographic that provides children
with clear pictures of the weather instruments and a clear definition and use for the weather
instruments. This assessment will allow the teacher to assess in a simple way if the students
have understood the material. The link to the activity can be found here:
EC Accommodations/modifications to strategies or assessments:
Any student needing accommodations can be met throughout the lesson, through an individual
need. The lesson is differentiated throughout and any further accommodation could be met by
the teacher.


Day One

Day Two





Instruments that Measure Weather Activity. (2010). National Geographic Education: National
Geographic Society
WeatherSmart, Weather Instruments and the Weather video. Discovery Education viewed on
YouTube site:

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