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Called also as social network mapping or organizational network
An analytical technique for studying group interactions
Identifies the sub-group and informal group within a group
Indicates like and dislike preferences in a group
Indicates with whom or whom not wish to work

Data collection
Interviews, Interview Schedule, Questionnaires

Sociometry is often expressed in a sociogram
Sociogram is a diagram that graphically maps the
preferred social interactions

Types of networks (Individual/s & group/s)
Social networks : Specific set of linkages among individuals
Clusters: Group that exist within networks
Prescribed clusters: Formal groups - departments, work teams, task forces etc.
Emergent clusters: Informal, unofficial groups
Coalitions: Groups that come together temporality to achieve a specific purpose
Cliques: Relatively permanent informal groups that involve friendship
Stars: Individuals with the most linkages in a group
Liaisons: Individuals who connect clusters but are not members of any cluster
Bridges: Individuals who serve as linking pins by belonging to two or more clusters
Isolates: Individuals who are not connected to a social network

Create a sociogram of your group, using the data collected
in the worksheet

What are the conclusions about the group interactions based

on the sociogram? Identify at least five conclusions

How are you going to use the findings to build your group
into a high performing group?


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