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Millans Classroom Procedures for Music Theory


Students entering the classroom:
Turn in your homework as soon as you come in. You may mingle until the late bell
rings. If you are in the hallway when the late bell rings you will be marked tardy no
matter how long youve been standing there.

Absent students making up work:
Whenever you are absent, YOU are responsible for finding out what you missed. I
will give you any necessary handouts/worksheets. If you missed a lecture, ask a
responsible classmate if you can copy their notes. You have one week from the date
of your return to make up any missed work. You may set up a time to stay after
school or come see me during your lunch or study hall.

Turning in homework:
All homework is due at the beginning of class. I will either check it off so you can
keep it, or collect it on the front table. I will remind you when you walk in which
assignment is due. Once seat work/quiz has begun it is too late to receive credit.


Getting student attention:
Please be courteous and remove your headphones whenever I address the class
during seatwork. Stop what you are doing and face the front so I know I have your
attention. I will say, Good morning everyone, please face front for a moment, or
Eyes and ears up here please.

Using the bathroom:
Try to avoid going to the bathroom during lecture/presentations unless it is an
emergency. During independent work, you may come to the front and fill out a pass.
Be sure to sign out on the clipboard and sign back in when you return.

Turning in class work:
Each assignment will have unique instructions regarding where to hand it in. If it is
a composition that requires peer editing, save it in the designated folder on the
studio server. If it is a worksheet or printed composition, hand it in to me before the
end of class. Unless a special arrangement has been made, you will not receive credit
for late class work.

Sharpening pencils:
No permission is needed to come up and sharpen your pencil. The mechanical
sharpener is loud, so please be respectful and wait until the teacher/presenter is
finished speaking to the class.

Group work:
Most major assignments have a peer editing/partner component. Generally your
partner will be your computer seatmate. Only work together as instructed. Do not
collaborate with other groups unless instructed to; this counts as cheating.

Taking tests:
We will begin most class sessions with a brief quiz on the previous days material.
All music theory work must be completed in pencil to receive credit. All side
conversations must stop once the first test goes out. Your desks should be empty
except for a pencil and scrap paper if needed. Once you complete the test you may
hand it in and I will unlock your screen.

Using computers:
You may only use computers for classwork as instructed by me. Checking email,
social networks, etc. is prohibited in class and can result in loss of computer
privileges. Follow the Academys Technology Use Contract.

Student movement in the room:
You may come to the front table to eat/drink during independent work. Only move
to another table when instructed; do not wander around to socialize. If you have a
question during independent work you may come see me at the front of the room.

Incentives for positive behavior:
Privileges in class are earned by demonstrating a commitment to positive behavior.
Incentives for positive behavior include: choosing seats during lecture, listening to
music on Pandora (as a class), watching movies, and working on Fun Friday

Consequences for inappropriate behavior:
Behavioral consequences follow the Academy Handbook.
First infraction: verbal warning
Second infraction: seat moved or temporarily removed from class activity
Third infraction: Teacher detention/write up
Fourth infraction: Office detention/write up and call home

Attentive listening:
Students will demonstrate attentive listening by focusing on the teacher, taking
appropriate notes, and limiting side conversations/outbursts. Only thoughtful
comments and questions will be accepted. Attentive listening not only helps you get
a better grade, but also shows respect for your classmates and teacher.


Fire drills:
When the fire alarm goes off, form a single file line and exit quickly and quietly. Our
class must exit the building through the Hyde Buildings main entrance. Meet as a
class at our designated spot and check in with the teacher. Remain with the group
once you are checked in. Do not reenter the building until instructed to by an

Sitting in the auditorium:
Our class will rarely be interrupted for an assembly block. If this occurs, the entire
class will sit together. Please be attentive during any presentation. Per Academy
rules, there are to be no electronic devices out during assembly.


Assigning homework:
Homework is assigned most days. I will announce it at least twice before the end of
class. It is your responsibility to keep track of assignments in your planner.
Homework is due at the beginning of class on the due date. You may receive half-
credit if homework is one day late and no credit if it is two or more days late.

Dismissing class during the day:
Please wait to pack up until instructed. If we finish early, you may wait in the
classroom or the elevator lobby until the bell rings.

Students putting their materials away:
Please wait to pack up until instructed. Headphones must be placed neatly on the
desk next to your computer monitor. Chairs are to be pushed in and desks are to be
cleared off. This keeps the room orderly for the next class and reduces the risk of
cords getting tangled or tripped over.

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