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uncertainty rains glassified collections of

flatteries in excess always a session other

than supposed tea-time injuries walls a part:
a fractured hole see that there it was in there
th' here t' here fluid changeable changing
angling tangling entailing attractive there
ego the eyely misunderstood because seen
with/by the eye immediately taken with:
withtaken: sodaspeak withstood the red line
{t[he}re] force in search of waking your way
back with reluctance remind to celebrate
circuitry as evidanced last nigh tangible t'
height as in garret with adventure
capitalism: Fort Darkness of Skidway in the
Midst a pawn so innocent of day-travels
unwind the day re-echoing both bad and
good the conventions where meet all that is
and ever shall be at once too much
(thu[s)prayed] out loud and in silence both
aware and unaware of that fountain once
having functioned as if alive strayed forward
into on and above the earth over and out of it
told to procure a life as if possible
communications informationings wisps hints
glimpses glints glarings saved the age from
its prisons though not to be believed for an
approval by emptiness full of the uprooted
daylights resource at hand as well as the

other seances dizzying heights that were in

reality depths though not always good of
what sword is this word the ice word a
swelling cold was her methric aswift a verb
at first so be it now as well as forth
sequenced inevitability that ends melt of
having pen constructed in dose proximity
infer the negative developments projected
upon all the walls of your dwelling would do
well t' carve out not eight nor one half or one
tenth inch up near empty cup now dark with
night-frights delivery open up but first the
cautionary peep-hole t' ascertain for the
stray f' word split second ago as now nonnodal mathwaves revisited futures long ago
all out da box fox hissin' but cooled that up
out da chimney smoove now what? yeah just
as soon found lost again situation normal
orthogonal madness give it up like acne
flames drenched with ocean lotions of reverie
conceivable variety plural ghost multiple
trouble wouldn't pre-announce itself except
by the very softest intimations

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