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Pity the young races.

Ever eager to be slain by our hand.

-AutarchIlyandar of Aliatoc
Attributed prior to the
Battle of the Savage Coast

The Ancient Race

There was a time, long ago when the Eldar race
ruled the galaxy. Their empire was unmatched,
and none of the lesser races dared challenge
them. Their civilizations feats were unmatched,
and they strode as gods across the stars.

The Eldar had fought off all who tried to

opposed them in their rise to ascendancy. In the

end, the only true threat to their dominance was
themselves. For their race became so decadent
and corrupt that their depraved orgies and insane
lust for debauchery gave birth to a new warp god,
the goddess Slaanesh.

The psychic birth scream of Slaanesh destroyed

the heart of the Eldars great empire. Those core

Worlds were forever sucked into the warp. The

Eye of Terror is the gravestone of those once
powerful worlds.
In addition, the birth scream of the new god
echoed across time and space. In an instant,
millions of Eldar souls were sucked screaming
into the warp, to feed the infant Chaos god.
The ancient and undefeatable Eldar Empire had
ceased to exist.
The Eldar race lived on. Prior to their
civilizations destruction, a few far sighted
individuals realized the extent of their fellows
decay. They preached self-control and
righteousness in thought as well as deed. The
majority of their fellows laughed at their ideas.
The most extreme of these individuals left and
formed colonies on distant planets, far from the
core worlds. These first defectors were known
as the Exodites. On their primitive and
beautiful worlds, they focused their limitless
minds on simple mundane survival. Despite
the Eldars amazing technology, the Exodites
chose to reject it, and instead nourish their
bodies with hardship and attune their minds to
the ways of nature.
The Exodites survived the cataclysm, but were
few in number. Their civilization was insular,
and backward. Many became little more than
feral, feudal garden worlds. The Eldar
civilization forever distant and alien to these
hearty kinsfolk.
As the debauchery and murder cults spread and
multiplied, many fled the heart of the Eldar
empire. To them, it was obvious that the final
days of the Eldar were fast approaching. These
Eldaar gathered on massive trading ships and
fled from the core Eldar worlds. Again, most
laughed at their foolishness. However, these
refugees escaped just in time.

The birth of Slaanesh tore real space asunder, and

roiled the tides of the warp. Some of the mighty
trade ships were consumed by the expanding Eye
of Terror, on others the inhabitants souls were
sucked from their bodies to leave only lifeless
husks aboard a ghost ship.
However, a handful managed to escape the death
of their empire. They were cast adrift, in a galaxy
that no longer recognized them as masters. These
survivors became the Craftworld Eldar.

Eldar Craftworlds
Unlike the Exodites, the Eldar of the Craftworlds
did not reject their former glories. However, as
refugees they had fled with only what they could
carry. Much of the Eldars advanced technology
was lost. The Eldar had truly suffered a Fall.

The Craftworld Eldar recognized the inherent

dangers of their psychic minds, and took steps to
channel this power. The great psykers of the
Eldar devised a system known as the Eldar Path.
The Path is designed to harness the expansive
minds of the Eldar, and focus their energies and
thoughts to a single purpose. These limitations
keep the Eldar from succumbing to the wild
emotions, psychic resonance, and craving for
sensations that doomed their empire. The Path
would allow the Eldar race to survive the Fall.

As the Path system developed, the Eldar

refugees expanded their trading ships. Instead
of a temporary home used to flee the
destruction of their worlds; they became a new
home for the Eldar race. The inhabitants
naturally expanded the great ships.
Soon, the ships were no longer what they
started out as. Instead, they became huge, slow
moving worlds. The entirety of the new Eldar
race was contained within. They became the
Craftworlds. From here, the Eldar slowly
drifted through space, content to live within the
new Eldar path.

are not enough. Their numbers are slowly

dwindling. Unlike humans, Eldar gestation is a
long, slow difficult process. Their courtship
rituals are long and ritualized. The Path system
itself hinders the passions and emotions
necessary for the continuation of the species.
Therefore, each Eldar life is precious beyond
In addition, when an Eldar dies; their soul does
not simply dissipat eint eh Warp like humans and
Orks. It endures that hellish place as the Eldar
have a special connection with the Warp.
Instead, their souls become the playthings of the
Chaos god Slaanesh. The god still harbors a
taste for Eldar souls, the very souls that
awakened it into being.
To protect the soul of dying Eldar the soulstones
and infinity circuit were created. When an
Eldars body dies, its spirit is housed in a
crystalline soulstone the Eldar wears. The
soulstone can then be transported and added to
the Craftworlds Infinity Circuit, where it can
reside for all eternity. The Inifinity Circuit is a
giant repository of all the soulstones of the
craftworld. This circuit can be tapped by the
psychic powers of living Eldar, to form a
ritualized communion with the dead.

The Dying Race

Despite their successful flight from their doomed
Empire, the Eldar are a dying race. Compared to
their once vast empire, they are but a handful of
survivors. Their Craftworlds are scattered and
separated. Despite their potent abilities to see
the future unfold the future that is revealed is

The innovations of the Path and the Craftworlds

The loss of an Eldar life is terrible and

irreplacable, but no greater horror can occur to
an Eldar than to have its soulstone destroyed.
The destruction of an Eldars soulstone damns
the being into an eternal torment as a plaything
of Slaanesh in the warp. An eternity of agony.

Skeins of the Future

The Eldars highly psychic mind allows them to
see the twisting and pulsating paths of potential
futures. Only the strongest psykers and keenest
minds can parse the skeins of fate for patterns
and design. With such powers, the Eldar race is

The Aspect Shrines

The Eldar mind is kept focused and dedicated by
the Path system. The path system has many
branches and parts. An Eldar can follow one
branch of a path for sometime, before being
taken to switch to a new path of focus. Only a
rare few can focus their multi-faceted minds
enough to follow a path completely, and those
few are pitied by their fellow Eldar.

able to manipulate the coming of potential

futures. In this way, the Craftworld Eldar are
masters of their own fate.

Long ago, ancient Eldar heroes and demi-gods

created the warrior covens known as the Aspect
Shrines. These shrines simply a militarized
branch of the Eldar Path system. There are
many Aspect Shrines, and each focuses on and
develops a type of battle. Some of these shrines,
such as the Swooping Hawks or Striking
Scorpions have spread across the Craftworlds.
Others, such as the Slicing Orbs of Xandros are
limited to a single Craftworld.
No matter the shrine, each Eldar who is
following the path of the warrior has dedicated
himself wholly to war. These dedicated few are
called Aspect Warriors. Their skills at war are

It is this ability that has allowed them to survive

for so long against the myriad threats of the
Galaxy. The Eldar have no qualms using their
abilities to adjust and steer events in such a way
as to limit their exposure to dangers. To the
Eldar mind, it is better that a tens of thousands of
lesser species die, than to lose a single precious
Eldar life.
As a result, the actiosn and raids of an Eldar war
host can seem random and mysterious to the
outside observer. However, each one is intended
to nudge fate in a way that is imperceptible to
lesser beings. There is a purpose to all the Eldar
do. The skeins of fate are for the Eldar Farseers
to untangle and weave as they see fit for the the
survival of their race.

number of exits it possesses and the size of the

tunnels that lead to those exits. This limitations
mean that Eldar will still have to travel the
remaining distances using standard real space
The Eldar have advanced technology. Unlike
most naval forces on Ammoriss, they do not make
use of bulky and inelegant warships. Instead, they
use the same war machines they use for land
Eldar have long been masters of anti-gravity
technology. As a result, all of their war machines
are skimmer vehicles. They possess limited flight
abilities, but typically hover near the ground. As
a result, all Eldar war machines can move over
water just as effectively as land.

Super human, for they are not human. The

movements are honed over decades if not
centuries of practice. Combined with the Eldars
natural poise, grace, balance, and speed; and an
Eldar Aspect Warrior is a fearsome sight.

As a result of the combination of the Webway and

their Skimmer technology, the Craftworld Eldar
can strike rapidly. Their forces can sweep in from
the skies, land, or sea.

Most Eldar will wander on the path of the

Warrior at least once, during their long lives. A
rare few become obsessed with the path of the
warrior. These cursed souls become obsessed
with their one aspect of war and become tangled
in the Path. Such Eldar are known as Exarchs.

Eldar on the Move

Typically, Eldar forces move about using an
ancient construct called the webway. The
Webway is a series of extra-dimensional
pathways that allow the Eldat to move rapidly
through space and time. It runs parallel to the
Warp, but is a separate entity.
Thankfully for the Eldars enemies, the Webway
does not go everywhere. It is limited by the

The Eldar War Host

Craftworld Eldar society is a complex interaction
between Path, Clan, Family, and Craftworld.
Much of their society is bound up in ancient
pacts and aeons old alliances between loose knit
clans and bloodline pacts. As such, an Eldar War
Host is bound together by an array of kinship,
friendship, charismatic leadership, and honor.
In a Craftworld, every single member can be
called upon for the defense of the Craftworld.
However, that is balanced by the fact that each
Eldar is a precious individual member and
irreplaceable. Only in times of great need would
a full levee be called. Therefore, only a handful
of Eldar Guardians, their citizen soldiers; would
be called forth at any one time.
In addition to the Guardians, a War Host will
also contain followers of the various Aspect
Shrines. As the incarnations of the Path of the
Warrior, they gladly join expeditions away from
the Craftworld to demonstrate the art of war to
the young races.
Two other primary Paths will round out the
forces of a War Host. The first if the Path of the
Outcast, one who chooses to leave the insular
life of the Craftworld to grow their intellectual
and spiritual knowledge of the greater Universe.
The other is the Path of the Corsair, an Eldar
who is drawn to travel time and space in order to
gain material wealth, indulge in stimulus not
suited for the Craftworld, and wish to experience
adventure. Both Paths are extremely difficult
and many never return to their homes.
These four groups will form the nucleus of any
Eldar War Host. However, the War Host will
still need to be led. Eldar leaders fall into a
number of categories. It is not uncommon for
them to be led by a former Aspect Warrior, who
returns to the ways of war for the good of his
people. These Eldar are known as Autarchs.

It is not unlikely for an Eldar War Host to be led

by an Eldar who has long travelled the Path of the
Corsair. Such individuals are known as Princes.
They will lead their loyal followers into battle for
personal gain, material welath, or other darker
purposes. However, a Prince never truly
renounces his loyalty to the his Craftworld, and
will help when called upon.
The final potential leader for an Eldar War Host is
the mysterious and powerful Farseers. On the
Craftworld, their role is to guide their fellow
Eldar through the twisting and tangled web of
alternate futures. Their psychic minds allow them
to see a myriad of possibilities. In addition, their
potent powers are a great asset in war.

The organization of the fighting force is no

different than that of other Eldar formations.
Typically, the War Host is led by a leader, who
has an assortment of followers who have
allegiance with the leader. These sub-leaders
than have an assortment of followers loyal to
them through pacts, kinship, and other bonds.
As a result, Eldar War Hosts are rather loose
bonds of individuals. The sub-leaders, often
Exarchs, warlocks, Pirate lords, nobles, etc. are
referred to as a Host. The smaller sub-units
within a Host are referred to as a Troupe. It is
not uncommon for a Host or Troupe to have a
fanciful name that somehow refers the leader.
For example, Yriels Eldritch Raiders.
Leadership in the Eldar War Host is consensual.
No one is required to take orders from another.
Instead, it is based on respect and trust. Leaders
are able to lead, because the individual Eldar are
willing to follow. Titles and position are less
noteworthy to the Eldar, and are only gained by
with the consent of their fellow Eldar. Of
course, this is augmented by tradition and ritual.

Heeding the Call

To the other factions on Ammoriss, the arrival of
the Craftworld Eldar was a surprise. They struck
without warning, and paid little heed to who they
attacked. Unsurprisingly, their assaults were
quick, brutal, and elegant. The North Ammoriss
Office of Strategic Intelligence was unable to
predict or understand the purpose of the Eldar
To the Eldar however, the situation was dire. The
Eldar are highly attuned to the vibrations and
flows of the Warp. The Eldar had been
monitoring the human presence on Ammoriss for
decades. Their Farseers had told them that
beneath the crust of Ammoriss, an ancient and
terrible evil slumbered.
When psychic dreams of power and glory began
to emanate from Ammoriss, the Eldar were not
immune. They heard the siren call of power and
glory, they experienced the waking dreams of
others. The Exarchs and warriors in their Aspect
Shrines stirred with desire.
The Farseers had foreseen such events and they
stood ready. The exact nature of the threat was
unclear, but they saw death and destruction for
their kin coming from Ammoriss. Without
hesitation, an alliance of Craftworlds sallied
their forces to Ammoriss.
Under the direction of the Farseers, they used
their superior technology to smuggle themselves
onto Greater Ammoriss. From there, the Eldar
Farseers needed more time to locate the source
of the psychic dreams drawing all the lesser
races to the Battle for Ammoriss. One thing was
clear, if the lesser races discovered the source of
the dreams; it would be disastrous for the nearby
Craftworlds. So the Eldar had come.

The Battle for Ammoriss

The Eldar strategy on Ammoriss was simple.

Their goal was to cause confusion, and disrupt

the efforts of the other races. Where there were
concentrations of forces, they worked to disrupt
them. Where the enemy was weak, they
attacked. Where supply lines were strained, they
tried to break them.
To other races the Eldar actions were mercurial.
They were impossible to predict. The first sign
that the Eldar were even present was a strike on
Space Marine Storm Dragons deployed in the
jungles of the Savage Coast. However, from
there the Eldars activities only magnified.
Eldar activity was reported all across Ammoriss.
North, South, and Greater Ammoriss all saw the

attention of the Eldar War Host. The Office of

Strategic Intelligence paid little heed. They
neither had the time or the resources to track
down such an elusive foe. Instead, the authorities
of NavComm North focused on crushing the
Congregation of Unfaith and protecting the sea
lines of communication to North Ammoriss.
For the Craftworld Eldar, they did not have the
strength to simply destroy all of their enemies. As
a result, the Eldar commanders settled on a
strategy of disruption and raiding. The Farseers
knew that they had to simply delay their
opponents long enough to locate the source of the
psychic disturbances, find it, and flee with it back
to the safety of the Webway.,%20Eldar,%20Farseer,%20Night,%20Painting,%20Wraithlord.jpg

Craftworld Eldar War Host

The following section details all of the various vessels and units associated with a Craftworld
Eldar War Host. This list will provide you all the information you need to play as Craftworld
Eldar in games of Aquanautica Imperialis.

Engines of Vaul
The Scorpion is an amazing engine of destruction. It combines the amazing technology of the Eldar
with their elegant sense of design. The Scorpion sports powerful, heavy firepower for a vehicle of its
size. Despite its large size, the Scorpion is relatively maneuverable, and makes use of anti-grav
technology to enhance its versatility as a land, sea, and air weapon. The Scorpion is the most
common Eldar Engine of Vaul.

This Engine of Vaul sports one of the most terrifying weapons in the Eldar arsenal, the D-Cannon.
The D-Cannon, or Distortion Cannon, tears a hole in the very fabric of reality which exposes the target
to the raw power of the Warp. This is capable of making a mockery of the most powerful of armor.
Thankfully for the Eldars enemies, such a weapon is mounted firmly forward, limiting its field of fire.

Storm Serpent
The Storm Serpent like the other Engines of Vaul takes advantage of the Eldars superior technology
to make it an effective fighting machine. Unlike the Scorpion or Cobra, its strength is not in heavy
firepower. Instead, it carries an internal warp gate generator. This generator allows the Storm
Serpent create a portal that allows Eldar within the Webway to enter the battlefield. Thankfully, the
portal is only large enough for infantry.

Wave Serpent
Wave Serpents are dedicated troop transports. Their armored hulls are enhanced by the inclusion of a
powerful force field that helps protect the vehicle from incoming attacks. They are extremely fast
and maneuverable. Some claim that the Wave Serpent is the best dedicated troop transport in the

The Falcon Grav-tank combines speed with deadly firepower. In addition to its deadly weaponry, the
Falcon can also carry troops. This combination makes it a small and dangerous foe to larger sea
going craft. Falcons are the backbone of most Eldar attack forces.

Fire Prism
This grav-tank uses the same hull designs as the Falcon and Wave Serpent. However, it sports a
powerful cannon. The weapon is powerful enough to cut through the thickest armor. Most
importantly, the weapon has an amazing range compared to other Eldar weapon systems. It is a
valuable vehicle for destroying enemy surface vessels.

The firestorm is a dedicated anti-aircraft weapon system. Like all Eldar vehicles it uses the same
grav-tank hulls as the Falcon. However, it is armed with a sophisticated targeting array and rapid fire
laser weaponry in a dedicated Anti-aircraft mount. In a pinch, these vehicles have prove ideal in
dealing with enemy ordinance such as torpedoes and mines as well as aircraft.

Craftworld Eldar are masters of aerial warfare. No other race can match them in the skies. They
are fast, deadly, and maneuverable. In addition, Eldar are naturally skilled pilots with their quick
reflexes and enhanced senses. The Nightwing is the premiere interceptor. The crafts speed and
agility make it almost impossible to intercept or catch. Thankfully, it also carries a relatively light
armament, only good for destroying enemy planes.

Phoenix Bombers
The Eldar do not rely on air dropped bombs. They find such weapons ungainly and imprecise.
Instead, Eldar bombers are armed with power laser weapons that can slash through the thick armor
of a ship at close range. Their speed and agility makes closing with enemy ships all the easier.

Vampire Raider
All Eldar craft are trans-atmospheric. However, the lighter Nightwings and Phoenix bombers prefer
to enter play via an available wraithgate. However, it is not Uncommon for a Vampire to streak from
orbit to attack a target. They are a powerful all around aerial threat, able to engage fighters or attack
sea targets.

Craftworld Eldar War Host

Special Rules
This section will detail the special rules to use a Craftworld Eldar War Host in games of
Aquanautica Imperialis.

The Craftworld Eldar War Host can take

advantage of the following rules and upgrades
when choosing Engines of Vaul, Grav-tanks and
aircraft from the Line-of-Battle.

Fleet Restrictions:
You may only have 1 Engine of Vaul for every 3
You may not have more Aircraft than Grav-tanks


Fleet Upgrades:
If one unit in a Squadron has an upgrade, then the
entire squadron must have the same upgrade.

+50 points

A farseer will be required if the fleet is 1,000pts.

or more. The Farseer provides 2 fleet re-rolls.
Additional re-rolls can be purchased for +25
points up to five.
Grav-tanks must be formed in squadrons of 2 to
5 units
Engines of Vaul may be formed in squadrons of
1-5 vehicles
Aircraft can be grouped in squadrons of 1-5

Aspect Warriors...........+15 pts
Star Engines.................+5 pts
Webway Portal............+100 pts
Special Rules
Craftworld Eldar War host are subject to the
following special rules. Typically, if a vessel is
subject to the special rule, it will be listed in the
vessels profile or be purchased as an upgrade.

Engine of Vaul
An Engine of Vaul has the following special

normal, but it cannot save the damage with Armor

or Brace for Impact saves due to the warp

Units that are considered an Engine of Vaul can

activate like other escorts.

Orbital Strike
Orbital Strike allows a squadron of aircraft to
deploy directly from space or an Eldar Webway
Portal. This means that the squadron begins play
in reserve. The Eldar player can choose to deploy
this squadron at anytime during the Battle phase
instead of activating another ship.

They can move at any speed and make as many

turns as they wish during their movement phase.
Engines of Vaul can not be boarded, but may
choose to launch a boarding action whenever
they come in contact with an enemy squadron.
They can not be grounded or part of a collision.
Instead, they simply move over the terrain or
other ship.
Engines of Vaul that are reduced to 0DP are
removed from play and replaced with 2 wake
The Wraithgate allows the following special
A Wraithgate allows the Storm Serpent to
initiate a boarding action against any target
within 4 inches.

If the game ends with the units still in reserve,

they are counted as destroyed for purposes of
victory conditions.
Place the counter for the squadron on the board.
Roll a d3 and the scatter dice (similar to
deploying submerged ships) and place the ship the
number rolled in inches in the direction of the
scatter arrow. The aircraft may not move, but
may attack as normal.

Once deployed, the squadron may be removed

from the board at anytime, but they will be unable
to redeploy again later. Half of all units removed
in this way are counted as destroyed for purposes
of victory conditions, rounding down.

The boarding action uses the crew rating of the

Storm Serpent.

The Storm Serpent does not need to be in baseto-base contact with the target.
A loss has no negative impact on the Storm
Serpent that launched the attack.
If the Storm Serpent explodes place a small blast
template over the Engine of Vaul. Any ship that
touches the blast marker is effected by the
implosion of the Wraithgate and exposed to the
Warp. The effected ship deteremines damage as

Eldar Aircraft
Eldar Aircraft can start the game on the board,
deployed like regular ship squadrons. They do
not need to deploy from launch bays or Orbital

Portal instead of activating a unit during the

movement phase. He designates a place on the
board and marks it with a small blast marker.
Once deployed the Portal can not be removed
from play or moved to a different location.

If Eldar Aircraft engage other Eldar aircraft, they

follow normal Aircraft rules instead of the Eldar
Special Rules. I.e Interceptors remove
Interceptors, Interceptors remove Bombers, etc.

During any subsequent activations in the

Movement Phase instead of activating a ship, the
player may choose to try and bring in a units from
reserve by choosing a unit and rolling a 4+ on a
d6. A ship/squadron that passes a reserves roll is
then considered to be activated. If the roll is
failed, activation then reverts to the opponent

A vehicle with Holo-fields gets a 4+ dodge save
from any hits. This is taken before any armor or
Brace for Impact saves.
Aspect Warriors
Aspect warriors provides a +2 crew bonus during
boarding operations.
Star Engines
An escort equipped with Star Engines may
always go on the Special Order: All Ahead Full.
No test is required.
Webway Portal
The Webway Portal allows units to be placed in
reserve before the battle begins.
The Eldar player can choose to use his Webway

Once activated, the ship/unit is placed on the blast

marker, facing any direction the player wants.
The deployed unit is then free to complete its
Movement phase as normal.
In addition, any Eldar vessel that comes in contact
with the portal may choose to leave the board. A
vessel that leaves the board in this way can not
return later in the game. For victory conditions,
all DP that the vessel lost before fleeing are
awarded to the Eldars opponent.
Any units in reserve at the end of the game are
considered destroyed for the purposes of
determining victory conditions.

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