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Circle the Tier Level:

Tier 3: Pull Out

Tier 1

Tier 2: Pull Out or Push In

Time: 30 minutes 5x/week

Core Standard: K Operations and Algebraic Thinking S.1: Represent
addition and subtraction with objects, fingers, mental images,
drawings2, sounds (e.g., claps), acting out situations, verbal
explanations, expressions, or equations; S.3: Decompose numbers
less than or equal to 10 into pairs in more than one way, e.g., by
using objects or drawings, and record each decomposition by a
drawing or equation (e.g., 5 = 2 + 3 and 5 = 4 + 1).
K Counting and Cardinality S.4: Understand the relationship
between numbers and quantities; connect counting to cardinality;
4.a: When counting objects, say the number names in the standard
order, pairing each object with one and only one number name and
each number name with one and only one object; 4.c: Understand
that each successive number name refers to a quantity that is one
Mathematics Practice(s): Use appropriate tools strategically; Recognize
the numeral and quantity for numbers 1-10; Multiple ways to add
using a manipulative to get to a certain number 1-10; Learn
subtraction using a manipulative and use it to make sense of
IEP Goal(s): By June 1st, 2014, when given math number and operation
problems representing the 1st grade level for math computation,
Finn will score at the 90th percentile (16/16) ranking over 2/3 trials
as measured by curriculum-based assessment.
Lesson 1: Understand the Quantity and Numerals 1-10
Objectives: Students will recognize the numeral and quantity for numbers 110
Vocab: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
C: Use sandpaper numerals to feel and see what each numeral looks like.
This is a multisensory activity. Then students will match a certain quantity of
objects to the numeral and then match it to the corresponding written name
for the number. Objects may include the spindle box, dinosaurs, bead bars,

R: Students will see and draw 2 dimensional numerals and pictures/objects

using a marker, whiteboard, or paint.
A: Students will use a pencil to write the numerals 1-10 and say them.

Lesson 2: Addition
Objectives: Students will find different ways to add using objects and
Vocab: Add, addition, combine, sum, plus.
C: Use the colored bead bars and the fact family house for the bead bars to
show different ways to add to a given number. This shows that there are
multiple ways to add to 1. Ex: 1+0 and 0+1 (the colored beads will be used
to show the equations). Use objects and combine/add them to visually see
what addition looks and feels like.
R: Use 2-dimensional stamps that look like the bead bars to add. This is
much like the process above except for students will use the stamps that are
representational of the colored beads. For extra practice, students may also
use tally marks or draw objects in their addition problem.
A: Below the stamps, students will write and say the actual equation using
the numerals and signs. Ex: 5+4=9.
Lesson 3: Subtraction
Objectives: find different ways to subtract using objects, drawings, and
Vocab: Subtract, subtraction, minus, take away
C: Students will use a manipulative such as dinosaurs, golden beads, or
crayons to subtract. They will also use the sand paper numerals and symbol
materials to create the subtraction equation. This will help them connect the
process of taking away with the equation.
R: I will provide a worksheet with pictures of dinosaurs and different objects
and have students cross off the number of pictures they are supposed to
subtract. Students can also draw subtraction problems with a white board,
marker, or paint.
A: Students will write and say the actual equation on a worksheet using the
numerals and signs. Ex: 7-3=4.

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