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10 years from now i'am a teacher in public school and also i have a family also i

think i will be a good husband to my wife and good father to my children and i have
a two son and one daughter. 10 years from now i know i will encounter several
problem that i can solve in that time i will strong person and productive person and i
can also help to my brother and sisters. I know in that time i will use full person to
my society or Barangay. and that time i'm sure that time i have a lot of friends
come and visit my own house because one of my dream know is to have a house by
on myself and have a good and happy family in the future.
10 years form now i'm prepared to the student emotion, feelings of the student i will
handle when i'am a teacher and also i'm prepared to the parents to come for me
because of their son or daughter because of to the subject matter thats me 10
years form now.


A human being like you and me has many thoughtsgoing on our minds but I will tell
you whats mine. I doknow how to be a successful person in life. Do you knowhow to
be successful too? Well being successful is not easy but if you work hard for what
you want you can achieve it.I always dream of becoming a lawyer but I know it is
noteasy to be one. It takes hard work and you have to face thechallenges ahead.I
now have my own law firm and I am proud of it, butdid you know it wasnt easy to
get here, I worked day andnight to earn more money so that I could do what I
wantedthat was to have something to call my own. Since I wassmall I did not like
working under anyone not even my brother. Instead, I love people working under
me. There arethirty lawyer working under me now. I feel a sense of achievement
because I boss over them. Nothing beats thetrill of seeing my superiority over
others.How did I achieve my goal ,you might ask . First of all the most important
hurdle was the SPM examination . Iknew if I did not get excellent results I will not
succeed inlife. So I worked hard , extremely hard for my SPM. As aresult my hard
work paid off. Getting 11A1S thegovernment naturally sponsored me to further my
studies atUniversity of Harvard. There I studied for law. After graduating from the
prestigious university , I came back to

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