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Classroom Management Plan

If curriculum and instruction are the heart and limbs of sound teaching, then
classroom management is the central nervous system. Without the heart, there is
no life, but without the nervous system, there is no function.
Carol Ann Tomlinson, The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs
of All Learners.
Belief Statement About Children, Teaching, and Learning
I believe that all students are capable of great things and that it is the job of a teacher to
help them find and achieve their own definition of greatness. Many students come to school with
the circumstances of their home life weighing on their ability to fully engage in and commit to
their responsibilities at school. I believe that students who receive ample love and attention at
home come to school ready to learn and students who dont, come to school looking for
something more than just an education. As a teacher it is my job to recognize that student
behavior at school is often a direct result of their circumstances at home and that I need to help
them find ways to be productive members of the school community regardless of their outside
experiences. In addition to the academic learning that takes place at school, children need to be
taught how to become good learners. They need help in developing strategies for success and
behaviors that are conducive to learning. The best way to help a student uphold the behavioral
and social expectations placed on him or her is to teach them how to monitor and adjust their
own behavior. Gentle reminders when behavior slips combined with consistent routines and
expectations can help a student view themselves as a positive and productive member of the
class and society as a whole. Consequences for missteps in behavior should be consistent and
non-negotiable, but issued with kindness, understanding, and reassurances that the student is
capable of doing better. Establishing trust with students is important and helps them to see the
teacher as an ally as well as an authority figure.

Classroom Management Plan Overview

The layout of a classroom can help to provide structure if done correctly. My classroom
will have the layout suggested by Doug Lemov (p. 68) of rows of desks in three paired columns.
As Lemov explains, this layout is neat and orderly, allows for easy access to students, and
socializes students to focus on the board and the teacher (p. 68). In addition to the reasons
Lemov cites, this layout is preferable because it allows for easy movement around the room and
supports quick and easy transitions into paired and group activities. Seats will be assigned based
on observations about which students work best together and which students may potentially
become distracted by a close proximity to each other. As the year goes on, seating arrangements
can be modified as needed. Sometimes, classroom activities will require that the structure of
rows be replaced with an open space to work in. The rules of working in an open space including
guidance about where and how to sit, expectations for behavior, and clear consequences for
undesirable behavior will be reviewed before any open floor activities. Tape will be used to mark
where desks are usually placed so that they can quickly and easily be returned to their regular
spots. Students will practice procedures for moving their desks to ensure a quick and orderly
A firm set of procedures and routines is vital for a successful classroom management plan
(Wong, 2004). My classroom will have clear routines and procedures for entering and exiting the
classroom, beginning the day, collecting and handing out papers, preparing papers for
assignments, bathroom and water breaks, fire drills and lock downs, cleaning up the classroom
and dismissal for recesses and the end of the day. These procedures will be addressed at the
beginning of the year and practiced frequently until they become routine. This will reduce the

amount of time wasted in class transitioning from one thing to another. Students will know
exactly where to place their backpacks and jackets and what supplies they need for the school
day and will practice putting these things away and retrieving them so that it can be done quickly
and efficiently. Students will be taught silent hand signals for asking to go to the bathroom, get
water, or get supplies. Class time will not be spent sharpening pencils. Instead, there will be two
bins for pencils: sharpened and dull. When a student needs a sharpened pencil they will
simply exchange their dull pencil for a sharpened one quickly and quietly, with minimal
disruption of instruction or working time. Students will be assigned jobs in the classroom. Some
of the jobs will help determine line order throughout the day and some will assure that areas of
the classroom that need tidying will have a student assigned to them. Jobs will be assigned at the
beginning of the week with each student having the opportunity to perform each job two or three
times throughout the school year. This will give students a sense of purpose and ownership in the
classroom as well as ensure that the tasks of the day are taken care of.
Routines during instructional time must also be established. During instruction times I
will expect all students to participate fully. In order to help this happen, I will ensure that I issue
clear, concise instructions for all classroom activities. Before issuing instructions I will ensure
that I have the attention of every member of the class in order to cut down on repetition and
confusion. Throughout the year I will use repeated phrases to guide students to know what they
are being asked to do in any given moment of instruction. These phrases will range from the
most basic (Name, number, date when beginning a written assignment) to more complex tasks
(Ask your neighbor when instructing students to work together to solve a problem). As the
routine of performing these tasks becomes more familiar, students will transition into preferred
working behaviors quickly and easily. Hand signals can also be used as a way to check in quickly

with the entire class. Students can be asked to hold up a number of fingers that indicate how far
they are in their work. A simple thumbs up or thumbs down can be used to show agreement with
an answer a classmate gives. At the times that hand signals are being used, I will expect every
student in the class to respond and participate and will wait until 100 percent participation is
Discipline Plan Overview
Inevitably times will arise when my students behave in a way that is inappropriate or
disruptive to instruction. My goal is to help students to learn and internalize correct behaviors at
school by remaining firm but positive in my interactions with them. Lemov stresses that
discipline should be looked at as a process of teaching someone the right way to do something
[] the right way. (Lemov, p. 146) This also reflects my views on discipline. I believe that
students want to be perceived as good by the adults in their lives, but often make mistakes that
result in punishment. I will address the mistakes that my students make in a firm, but fair
manner, striving always to maintain trust and respect in our interactions. The beginning of the
year is also a time to establish expectations for behavior in the classroom. I will lay out a clear
set of consequences that may be issued for misbehavior and dole them out in a consistent
manner. Additionally, students will be asked to contribute their own ideas about appropriate
behavior in the classroom that will be merged along with my expectations into a class contract
that all members of the class, including myself, will sign. The contract will clearly lay out the
expectations for behavior and will be posted in a prominent place in the classroom.
Often student missteps come from frustration with something new or unfamiliar in the
classroom or from being idle in times where it is not clear what the student should be doing. It
will be my responsibility to stick to the established routines of the classroom and to fill every

moment with instruction or activities. In order to acknowledge that children, especially younger
children, need to move frequently throughout the day, my lessons will provide the students with
a variety of ways to work- from silently and individually at desks, to boisterous group activities
in an open space. The expectations of behavior will always be explicitly addressed before each
type of activity and the consequences for noncompliance will be consistent. I do believe in
giving students opportunities to correct their behavior before issuing consequences, so mild
corrections will be issued before consequences are handed out. The consequences for not
meeting expectations will range from losing certain privileges like free time or the ability to
work with friends on projects to conferences with parents wherein a behavior plan will be
established. I believe that the best way to address misbehavior is to encourage students to take
responsibility for their own actions. My preferred form of consequences will be to assign tasks
for the student to perform as a sort of community service. Tasks such as sharpening dull pencils,
wiping off desks, or picking up garbage around the school keep students active and give them a
positive way to make up for the mistakes that have disrupted the class.
Overall I believe it is important to remain positive and consistent with students on
a daily basis. Students need structure as they define themselves and they need a safe environment
in which to make mistakes. As a teacher, one of the most important things I can do is to assure
my students that I am on their side and want them to be successful. Students need to be taught
how to be good learners and how to be good citizens. By providing my students with routines
and expectations that support these positive behaviors I am teaching them skills that they can use
to find success for the rest of their lives.
Lemov, D. (2010). Teach like a champion: 49 techniques that put students on the path to college.
San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Tomlinson, Carol Ann (1999). The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All
Learners. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Wong, H.K. & R.T. (2004). The first days of school: How to be an effective teacher. Mountain
View, CA: Harry K. Wong Publications.

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