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Tom Colella

Lesson Plan: Historical Figures at the Turn of the 19th Century

Length: 2 Days
9th Grade Modern World
I. Learning Objectives:

Students will be able to research historical figures in various fields at the turn of
the 19th century.
Students will be able to infer the views, beliefs, and opinions of the historical
figures on certain topics based on their research.
Students will be able to take on the role of the historical figure and convey their
research in a creative and engaging environment.

II. Instructional Materials:


Power Point
Hello My Name Is stickers
Students Research Notes
Microphone (real or fake)

III. N.J. Core Curriculum Standards:


Integrate multiple sources of information presented in diverse media or formats

(e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) when speaking. SL.9.2
WHST.9-10.7 Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer
a question (including a self generated question) or solve a problem; narrow or
broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subject,
demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation.
WHST.9-10.9 Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis,
reflection, and research.

IV. Anticipatory Set: (5 minutes)


Students will be given a Hello My Name is sticker and write their historical
figures name on it. They will have five minutes to review their notes and prepare
for the Talk Show.

V. Procedure:
1) Power Point: (0 minutes)
There will be a Power Point running in the background with pictures of the
historical figures but it will not have notes for the students.
2) Handout:

3) Video:
4) Group Activity: (50 minutes)
Students will be called up to the front of the room about five at a time to
participate in a Talk Show on the historical figures at the turn of the 19th century.
They will have researched these individuals in class and at home in order to assess
the figures views on seven topics. The host (instructor) will ask the panel of five
students a series of questions in order to determine their figures opinion of it. The
host will encourage the students to discuss the topic with one another at the panel
and with the host. Each group of about five students will be on stage for ten
minutes. There will be five groups and therefore five discussions. The rest of the
class will be in the audience taking notes on the figures on stage.
5) Questions:
- What do you think of the Industrial Revolution? Should businesses be allowed to
run as they have been?
- Is it okay for countries to control another? What are the pros and cons of
- Should women be allowed the same rights as men?
- Whats new in the science world? Anything youve been working on that is
- What should we do about protecting nature? Is it really that important?
- Is society okay the way it is? We have set class roles in terms of wealth, race,
religion, etc. Should that be changed at all?
VI. Assessment

The students will be graded on their research note cards. Some cards (topics) will
have more than others for certain people but the most important cards for each
person should have a lot of quality research.
The students will be given participation points for their involvement in the talk
show. Bonus points will be given for costumes, accents, props, ect.

VII. Extension

At the end we will explain that these men and women are driving forces in their
time and field. The instructor will explain that there is an entire study of history
devoted to Great Men and their actions that pushed the rest of mankind forward.

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