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CONFIDENTIAL GON UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA JANUARY SEMESTER 2013 FINAL EXAMINATION COURSE : TEACHING OF GRAMMAR CODE : HBEL3203 DATE : 14 APRIL 2013 DURATION : 2 HOURS 30 MINUTES TIME : 8.30 AM - 11.00 AM INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1. This question paper is set in ENGLISH. ANSWER in ENGLISH only. 2. This question paper consists of THREE Parts - PART A, PART B and PART C. Read CAREFULLY the instructions for each PART. 3. Write your answers in the Answer Booklet provided. This question paper consists of 6 PAGES of questions printed on both sides of the paper, excluding this page. PART A. INSTRUCTIONS Part A contains FIVE questions. Answer ALL questions. QUESTIONS Marks Explain what ‘competence’ and ‘performance’ is according to Chomksy’s Transformational Grammar. (4) List down the FOUR qualities of ‘good’ task-based learning. (4) State the difference between a synchronic study and a diachronic study. (4) There are various ways of extending practice activities in order to provide the extra repetition. State and elaborate TWO activities. (4) Explain briefly the FOUR stage organisation of grammar teaching. (4) (Total: 20) PARTB INSTRUCTIONS Part B contains THREE questions. Answer TWO questions ONLY. QUESTIONS 1. The need for grammar instruction has moved all over the spectrum of ‘necessary and unnecessary". Researchers and educators have debated this idea for decades and controversies have followed. Marks (a) What is grammar and explain why it is important to study oe (4) (&) Explain with example the differences between Descriptive Grammar and Prescriptive Grammar. (10) (©) Studying grammar may help you become a more efficient writer. Explain, (6) (otal: 20) 2. Mr, Brown’s lesson on the teaching of Subject Verb Agreement (SVA) Teacher reads several sentences aloud Teacher gets students to repeat after him Teacher draws pupils attention to the SVA aspects found in the sentences ‘Teacher puts all the examples on a substitution table, explains how the SVA functions and elicits the correct responses from the pupils. Teacher gets pupils to match two given tables with parts of sentences in them (matching the correct forms of SVA) + Pupils do more exercises on SVA. a) Identify which approach Mr. Brown adopts to teach SVA? Justify your answer. (10) b) Suggest another approach to teach SVA and provide the teaching steps. (190) (Total: 20) ‘There was a girl playing in the park when she see a picture in the bush. She keep the photo but forget about it until she is married. Her husband ask who is the little boy in her wallet. She answer “My first love.” Then her husband smile and say “I lost this picture when I am nine years old.” 8) Identify ONE type of grammatical error found in the text above. Then suggest TWO activities to help the student understand the grammatical error. (10) b) What is meaning focused context? How do we teach grammar using a meaning focused context? Give an example. (10) (otal: 20) PARTC INSTRUCTIONS Part C contains TWO questions. Answer ONE question ONLY. QUESTIONS Marks 1 Songs and poems have an important place in the language classroom. Using the song given below, design ONE activity to teach grammar in a Year 5 classroom and justify your choice of activity. Explain the steps in conducting the activity. In the dark down the street with his brother Mike sneaks. Across the yard they run, Up the porch they rush and into the house they go. Through the window they climb without getting caught out too late by their mother shared by Kelly Malloy . Below are the curriculum specifications, learning outcomes of the unit on More Stories as well as the sample text from the Year 4 SK Textbook. [teres orrcores ‘SFESFIERTIONS 22 Ask questions pote Leet ‘an tormaten and. 221, Ask Wn’ qiestions o see certain ‘oration Level 222 Askomer rms of questions to Actines newte ‘+ ansveing Vir gestions such as Which, ose, Wo 4+ keg oer uso estos sch a8 Sew rwen 7 haw ny. ‘+ askng questens cnnow pay aga, ot sown agpoe tare ‘Curiam Speciation Tov Enais, Year ‘In this unit, you will learn to: |. soy whether you like or do not like the story heard and give ¢ reason. stories. 2. read about people in 5 Ison and 9 vrs at hae he ip and sounds, and words that end with: ‘Year 4 SK Textbook (8 87) Q 13. Let's read Find out how to use adverbs. Amy spoke softly to Mr King. Mr King built the fence quickly. Mr King smiled broadly. Amy went to Mr King’s house happily. ‘Year 4 SK Textbook (pa 109) Plan ONE grammar lesson based on the curriculum specifications, learning outcome| number 4 and the reading text shown above. You need to include 2 behavioural objectives| and clear stages of a grammar lesson with relevant teaching/leamning activities. (Total: 20) END OF QUESTION PAPER

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