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Activate/Building Background Knowledge

Have you ever thought about living forever? What
do you think you would do if you could live forever
without getting any older? Would you want to live
forever? Do you think it would be fun to live
forever? (Wait time) (SIOP 7, 18)
Today we are going to start reading a new book for
teacher read time. We are going to have a new
graphic organizer for this book. The book is called
Tuck Everlasting. While we read, we are going to
visualize the story. (SIOP 9) That means we are
going to think about what it might look like. We are
also going to make predictions about what might
happen in the story. This will help us to summarize
what we read. Good readers think about what they
are reading to help them better understand the
story. (SIOP 8)

Activate/Build Background Knowledge

Review past vocabulary (graphic
organizer, prediction) and preteach new vocabulary
(visualization) to Ireland, Bobby,
and Libby. (SIOP 9)

Formative assessment:
Observe students; make sure they are participating in the
conversation by making eye contact with them. Listen as they
answer your questions (above).
Focus Lesson (I do it)
Everyone should have their graphic organizer (SIOP
4) and a pencil out. Listen while I read the Prologue.
(Read prologue)
After reading the prologue I kind of know when this
story takes place. I even know what it might look like.
Im going to visualize what it might look like
according to the book. Lets take a few seconds to
think about it. (Wait time) (SIOP 18)
Now that Ive thought about it, Im going to draw a
quick picture on my organizer under the section that
says Visualization/Picture. Once I have drawn my
picture, Im going to look back in the book and write
down a few words or a sentence from the book that
gave me clues for my picture. Im going to write this
under the section that says Clues. (Use ELMO to
explicitly demonstrate this to class) (SIOP 4)
Formative Assessment:
Ask: What is a prologue?
Ask: What does it mean to visualize?
Ask: What month does the book take place?
Guided Instruction (We do it)
Lets keep reading. (Read chapters 1 & 2)
Lets all think about the two chapters that we just
read. Everyone take ten seconds to about a part we
just read that they can visualize. (Wait time)
What were you able to visualize? (Wait time)
(SIOP 18) Tell what you visualized as well.
Now we are going to draw something that we were
able to visualize and write down some clues.

I do it
Pre-read the prologue through
chapter 3 with Libby. (SIOP 5)
Ask Davin specific questions (in
formative assessment section)
Ask Lauren if her graphic
organizer could be an example
for the class along with yours.
Pre-teach the graphic organizer
and the headings on the graphic
organizer to Ireland, Bobby, and
Libby. (SIOP 5)

We do it
Tell Davin that his drawing and
clues are going to be used as an
example. He needs to make sure
he has both a drawing and some
clues to share with the class.
Ask Libby specifically what she
was able to visualize.
Ask Lauren what her prediction
was and why she thinks that or
what clues in the story made her
think the way she does.

A lot happened in these two chapters. Does anyone

have any predictions about the rest of the story?
(Wait time) (SIOP 18) Write down a prediction that
you have in the last column on or graphic organizer.
Lets keep these predictions and visualizations in
mind while we keep reading.

Formative Assessment:
Listen as students tell what they visualized.
Listen as students tell their predictions.
Monitor what students are drawing and writing on their
graphic organizer.
Collaborative/Cooperative (You do it together)
Read Chapter 3
That is where we are going to stop for the day. I want
everyone to take ten seconds to visualize what we just
read and think if there are any predictions you may
have. (Wait time) (SIOP 18) I want everyone to
share their visualization and prediction with two
different people. Remember you should only be
talking about the book.
Allow students to get up and talk with two different
people about what they visualized and predicted.
(SIOP 16)
Once you have talked to two different people, you
are going to draw your picture and write your clues
and write a prediction. You may do that alone or work
with a neighbor. (SIOP 16, 17)
Formative Assessment:
Monitor student behavior during reading. Monitor student
discussion about visualizations and predictions. Walk around
the classroom to make sure students stay on task. Monitor
what students are drawing and writing on their graphic
Independent (You do it alone)
We have now finished most of our graphic organizer.
The last part is to summarize what we have read. You
may look back at your pictures and predictions to
help you with this. Remember that a summary is
rewriting the book. Its just giving a brief description
of what weve read. Remember key details and ideas.
Your summary should be at least three sentences.
(SIOP 6)
Allow students to write their summaries and finish
their graphic organizers. (SIOP 18)
Summative Assessment:
Students will complete their graphic organizers by writing a
summary about what we have just read. This should be done
individually. (SIOP 30)
Closure/Review of walk-aways, vocabulary, and essential

You do it together
Talk to Libby yourself; make her
show you her graphic organizer.
Listen in on Ireland and Bobbys
conversations. Make sure they
understand the story.
Stay close to Davin if possible.
Tell him if you hear him talking
about anything other than the
book he will have to sit back in
his seat and remain quiet.
Allow Lauren to talk with only
one other person if she wants to.

You do it alone
Libby can orally tell you her
summarization rather than
writing it. (SIOP 5, 30)
Make Davin check in with you
while writing his summary.
Monitor to make sure he is
actually writing.
Allow Bobby and Ireland to write
less. Give them the option to
orally tell you their summaries.
Give them more time to right.
(SIOP 5)
Give Lauren the options to help
other students if she finishes
early. She will know what to do
while helping others.

(Note: Closure includes student interactions, reflection,
and/or demonstrations.)
What does it mean to visualize? Why do we visualize
things? Why do we predict? Does all of that help us to
summarize? Why is it important to summarize?
(Wait time) (SIOP 18, 27, 28, 29)
Turn to your shoulder partner and share one of your
visualizations with them. Share some of your
summary. Talk about some of your predictions. What
do you think is going to happen in the rest of the
story? (SIOP 16, 17)
Lets have a few people share their summaries with
the class. And share what they think is going to
happen in the rest of the story.

SIOP Indicators (Add SIOP number and description within the lesson plan)
Preparation: 1-Content objectives, 2-Language objectives, 3-Content appropriate, 4-Supplementary
materials, 5-Adaptation of content, 6-Meaningful activities
Building Background: 7-Linked to background, 8-Linked to past learning, 9-Key vocabulary
Interaction: 16-Opportunity for interaction, 17-Grouping supports objectives, 18-Wait time, 19-Opportunity
for L1 students
Review/Assessment: 27-Review vocabulary, 28-Review concepts, 29-Feedback, 30-Assessment

What do I need to remember to do? What materials do I need to have ready? What is the approximate
time needed for this lesson?
Lesson will take about 45 minutes
Have the book Tuck Everlasting
Have the graphic organizer


How can I use the assessment data to reflect on & evaluate the outcomes of teaching and learning? How
can I transfer what I learned from teaching this lesson to future teaching? What was effective and not
effective? What goals can I set to improve my practice and student learning?
This was so hard. I knew differentiation was hard, but this just made it all too real. It was so hard for me
to come up with different things that students could do. It was harder for me to come up with things for
my advanced learner. I dont see much differentiation in my practicum class so it was hard for me to think
of things to do. I still feel like Im drowning when it comes to differentiation. I dont know if it is
something that will just come as I start teaching and trying to implement it into my future classroom. I
feel that some things I just do naturally. Like checking in on students and asking specific questions to
certain people. But having to think about it and write it all down can be hard. I feel that I would have a
better understanding of what some students specific needs are when I am in the classroom full time. You
get to know the students better and get to know their interests. This way you can design altered
assignments for certain students. Im hoping with practice I will be able to implement differentiated
assignments better.

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