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g) Extraposition

clausal Su, it , ->

[That I know very little about that report]is obvious.
real Su,semantic Su,logical Su
It is obvious [that i know very litle about that report].
It= grammatical Su,formal Su,anticipatory Su
Extraposition is a syntactic process that allows movement of theTCC to final position
in the CC and the obligatory insertion of the explitive pronoun it.
She doesnt regret [that] very much.
*She doesnt regret [that she has become a banker]very much.
She doesnt regret it very much [that she has become a banker].
It= grammatical,formal,anticipatory
That= real,semantic,logical
They are not sure [that they won the competition].
grammatical PO
real PO
They are not sure [of it][that they won the competition].
He insisted [that I was wrong].
He insisted [on it][that I was wrong].
Extraposition is of 3 types :
Su position
DO position
PO position
The result of extraposition is a complex sentence that has 2 Su two DO or two
PO.The first one is expressed by the explitive pronoun it,the second one is realized
by the CC.The first one is always grammatical form while the second one is real or
Both,heavy NP shift and extraposition involve movement of the CC to final
position.The difference is in the fact that the pronoun it is inserted only in
construction based on extraposition.
1. The distribution of TCC
The position of TCC within a complex sentence
The syntactic function of TCC
a) TCC as DO
TCC may function as DO for simple or complex transitive verbs in the main clause.

I gathered [(that) they were not expected to eat with us].
Simple transitive verbs that take a clausal DO usually express mintal activity:to
asume, to believe, to understand, to imagine, to show, to realize, to remember, to
With these verbs the complementizer conjunct that is optional.
The English newspaper disclosed [that the bill have been signed].
TCC funcion as DO for simple transitive verbs used in formal complex:to discloude,
to aniticipate, to announce, to declare, to establish, to prescribe, to predict, to
Such verbs of formal comunicate do not allow the deletion of the conjunction that.

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