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MIAA Mathematical

By: Marcos Nuo

Discourse WHAT IS IT ?????
Written or spoken communication or

Now that I have taken this course

it not just what the definition
states but

Grade 3 Module 1 Engage


In Module 1, its compose of 6 Topics

There are a total of 21 lesson within the


Understanding equal groups of as multiplication

Relate multiplication to the array model
Understand the meaning of the unknown as the
size of the group in division
Model division as the unknown factor in
multiplication using arrays and tape diagrams

Questions for Module 1

Demonstrate why 5 groups of three and

5 times three is equivalent to each other.
How can you find how many factors a
number has using arrays?
Explain how arrays represent both
multiplication and division?
Explain how adding and subtracting
equal groups in an array model relate to


Memorization Task

Procedures without connections task

Procedures with connections task

Doing mathematics task

Memorization Task

Evaluate the expressions

1.) 3-2+6+1
2.) 25 + (6100)
3.) 10 + 4322

1.) (-4)-2

2.) 3-3

Procedures without
connections task

Insert parentheses into the expression

15+3-6*4 to make it equal to 48.

Evaluate each expression for the given

value of the variable.
1.) 2(x2 + x) for x=2.1
2.) m-2 m0
m2 m = 9

Procedures with
connections Task

Blubber makes up 27% of a blue whales body

weight. Mike found the average weight of blue
whales and used it to calculate the average
weight of their blubber. He wrote the amount as
22 x 33 x 5 x 71 pounds. Simplify this amount.

Simplify 83, 82, 81, 80, 8-1, and 8-2. Describe a

possible pattern that is shown in the values.
Use the pattern that is shown in the values to
predict the value of 8-

Doing Mathematics Task

Using these random ten cards: 5, 7, K,

4, 3, Q, A, 10, 6, 2, create equations
using +, -, , x, and exponents that
equal 42 and 105. K=10 or 13, Q=10 or
12, J=10 or 11, A=1 or 11, and the
numbers 1 thru 10 equal number value.
All ten cards must be used. You are also
allowed to use parenthesis.
Using four 4s construct expressions that
equal to the numbers 1 thru 20.

Audio Recording

Audio recording was of my students

presenting how to add and subtract integers.
Some of the questions that were ask during
the lesson:
What did we learn? (Teacher)
Are you able to explain that rule. (Teacher)
Can you re-explain your problem? (Student)
You used to different ways, the circles and
the number line. why? (Student)


The cognitive demand was to find out if the

student understands how to,+, -, X,
The questions that the students were
asking each other prove to me that they
were engaged. As well as that most
presenters knew how to work with integers.
I think that the questions that I ask were
good, but with some students I should have
had them explain with a different problem.

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