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—HEAD GENEVE CCC CCC Pre-Doctorate/PhD Seminar in Fine Arts [abbr. CCC Pre-Doc] Cre! erose-cutra yber-bosed ‘The COC Pre-Doctoate/PhD Seminar in Fin Arts [CCC Pre-Dee Seminal ays the Master Program, an inleraisspinety ord bilingual french x Englsh) programme rangtnening resources to support research projects that amply researchers responsibly and conidance (empowerment) ike cessing a threshold into 8 new ‘ower! agent of uanstormatin, intervention abd arsltion is thls passage into aifornt sworenses that guarantees the ngorus avdoey and the please ‘Wi this in mind the CCC Pro-Doe Seminar mandated salt to rgulery bring research. ltmepe the terior for future doctrate inert practica while also providing a curable spaco for conning researeh tat dons not hav an immediate of Alumni ana CCC students, aware of the naod to prepare fer advance rsoarch ‘or fortne Doctorate/PhO. ‘The COC Pre-Dos Seminars intanded for CCC Programme Alumni and other iis open to researchers with previous taining In science, humanities, ats, law, poltealstudes, economics, polytechnics as well as othor research ls. n ‘tetaion ofthe Master HES-SO in Fine At wil ls be hvld to particpate th Sominar based upon Faculty recommondations from the respective insttions InFine Arte shara «commitment to tenadscoiatyresarch one of the “oundations of he CCC Programme snes ts nception in 2000. “Tansdisciplnarty hasbeen recognized by many researchers asthe aporepite reaponee to recent tensformations in seiones and knowledge proton more potest to feciitats productive interecton among slspines end opening up to the potent of venting now sniverses of referonce. Moreover, al research [processes havea measure of unpredictably, enbanced by tana pln, lays recapive othe emorgance of new infractions end by pericipatery rections resoare, and agreument with scertin mutual (or exemple, Creative ‘Commens CC loenses.Paticpatery art practice impls ottrness the cthrs, (CCC Programme contacts with European and American graduate and doctoral profound implication forthe Doctorat/PhO. Inte emerging form, doctoral ‘esearch increasingly understood asa pried for developing and Imolerenting lips reearen processes (nterace, interactions intervention] tnt strengthen and advance tha researcher nth research ars, tling nto account cent shite inthe made of nonin pedo, Te Unvert tpi Sree HES {Houle Ecoles Speiaetea} has abate oppotuiy to contabue to the lseuston about the forms and ess elated to advanced rvsarch and in prewar the praca doctorate nar, ‘The COC Pe-Dos Seminar highlights for example the need fer a conception of the doctorate and advanced studies tnt recast ractional forms and expectations Ste (masterpiece), academe [te or tha (career goals) Amang the many models ofa racial doctorate in athe CCC Pre-Dos Semi, supper by the instution, consolidates new tortor for research and provides the loging 2011-2012 Tho annual Seminar has sx three-day sessions, each acressing a iforent Conferences and srinars with researchers, projec presentation setsions, ‘vances labeeteris, group pects and log frm funded research Unpredtbiity romaine a mor slaert of he seasons and contbutes tthe share gain and risk. Thus, unprogrenmed moments ae lft for Teachers and guests af alse avaleble fr advanced researchers ‘Th sx sossions ere organized around thames or domains proposed by guest speakers and the research teams. The esouteas of Ciical Thecry, {tom he Franca Schoo wel from mor cant seams, cose the doctoral students, ‘economics, the experience of “the commons". micropolitcs, democracy Thetis and memory polis In ert practice and onthe chil ground processes of poacobulding and reconelieton the wring of Mistery, he ‘dsciplines daly We, elt governmental; transformations in gender ‘nuneation:ianty micropltis, Neb resoueas Inthe cyborg thought brid eviews in the terface of czon, the postcolonial contin, ecatratepie recontigurations: the “arts o the coract zone’, coxmopale, Potical ecology. theoretically based naratve narrative in theory. narrative forms of address, communication and dissemination. shitting “ortorialiies of eication: forms and formats for transmiasion: eal sueton alternative andor asieal pedagogies, distant lean, research taining within networks; the id of subeuTtres erss-cutural tanstes and interventionist pretces. new media and cybereulture; new languages Internet watch and per to-peer newark: oper soutes: the production of pace, boyond the mega-metropali, the postures of ert! and pola! radial gardening rban inetives for new modes ofthe instution;topian ‘nnd anarchist thought: doviee for exhibiting fm, fm discourse in Perlormative situations cine manifesta, ive poss atoning a “ugmanted realy... the stuated research n ecological processes: “eal and artic responcas to bosprerc degradation, spies stinion {ceumulaton and commesty production. Faculty includes pretessrs: Piro Hazan Catharine Qulez, Gene Rey: researchers: Pauline Boudry, Yves Citton, Renée Green, Merine Grinié, Renee Lorenz, Christan Marae, Sandro Mezzadra, Antonio Negr Nis Nerman, students and ortists researchers: Ela Elev, Aurdlien Gambon et Axel Meunier, ‘Chaves Hale et Lorerao Pezzon Laura von Niderhauser, Vitoria Peston, Sceasions are halal on: 28-30 November 2011; 7-10 Decamber 2011 28-25 Apel 2012 partipaton. Reseerehars/paripants envlld inthe CC Pre Doctorate) HD Seminarin Art mast poy aoe of CHF 80 per semester onuaiont to ating» course) o enter thet registration. Stuont inthe CCC Research. Basod Master Programm willbe prosont CCC Research Based Master Programme 9, eoulovard HoWotigue, 1205 ‘contact: oeheagech —HEAD GENEVE CCC ‘Séminaire Pré-Doctorat/PhD en art CCC [abrév. Pré-Doc CCC] (tical corset cyber sod Le Séminar Pré-DoctorayPhO CCC de préparation au doctorat pratique on a, Toot done Petraes Wiser do recherche COG tarciansiner bins Urangais angst i tanue un saminara ou les ehercneur-es diveloppet a cofiance dane ls ressources du projet et sontimant doa respensabit luo da recherche lempowermen! ly surat comma le arch arament dun sold accie & Une ese de conscience de Test dela recherche. Ce pessage fondeteut dons Te dovenr Gursble des rechorchs en cours grant une audseaigouruse ote Le SéminsrePré-Doe COC se donne pour manda de assemble des ‘Grom desea eae un coco pate en atx on gararacat on ‘cepaco persistant sx acherehns sana bjetf mméct de doctrat. aecés “Gidnts COU conscins Gola ncenste dinetive une preperson ea, rea nce a ant, ssa de oar en Master ou au bandlce dune formation de niveau aquvlet est ouvert ax cherchou-e' ayant une formation antéioure on sciences, humanites, tu poltiques, eonomiques, polytechniques, dot arts et autres champs de recherche, Af de enforce le collaborations on Suisse ccrderal, un ann ‘asian Master de cnacune des orientations Mast HES-SO on at actin & recommandation des ensegrants-+ de son nstutio, Atuslement, lex AUD {CCC formant une mperiante parti de la communauté des chereneur-o- ngage Las chorenour-e- qi ont ria d6cisiondnseite un projet do recherche dans recherehe tenedeepinata -un des fondements du Programme CCC depuis ‘ondation en 2000, La ranslscpinarit a été reconnue par de nombreux shercheut-e-s comme le moyen sdinust de répondre sux tonstormations cartes des sconeos ot dos ermetiant dlr au-dela dos disciplines eens! eu invention Se se une dimension impraditibie augiento pala Wanad pint toujours captive a 'émergonca de nowels inoractions et pares pratiauss patipatves. Ce Sribas so carstrzet pala mise en ance dex proses commun sto licences CC Crostive Commons). Los ratqus paricipatves on soplines et saverfave, Ls contacts pris pare Programme COC aoe ls doles doctraas aux ton Euepe ont paris debsorverquunerecuncyplutsntion de os on cours. Coli change en profndeur les esues du doctret. Ds os fe Erutipes sclutions mertacs,nerventions, iserartons) qu cone es charoneur- tne rsherches dan leur postions fonction, tt av une production ‘on rive por exempt la demande une conception du doctorates dudes “fn cv sures [bec de cute) open des Hee Css piso HES) ot parcutarmert dale domaine deer. ex une pportunte histongue 3 vgn a Pres nombreux meds de oct pratquer ear samara’ ral sta condton tigate dole rere er postin cen us ‘Six sossions de trois jours ferment Fagoncoment annul du Séminaire recherche neta sristquns [pe matarce), scadamiquet conforonces et dos séminaros eve des chercheur-o qui so mettent au es laboratories de pont etiou des projets calc, evenuelrnent syentonnte; et des moments alee 3 Tinkiative des chorus Ges sessions ul contiguent le gan tle risque mis en commun. De ‘montorats pig soc les oneignant.o- tes nit-o ont pros Lassie sessions¥organiont autour de thémstiques ov de domsines do chorchouro-s. La thors ertque émergoant do (Ecole de Fancto. Tee thamatiques els domuines de rechorche ess des projets de Chereneures et doctorates. Les projts de recherche portent nlamment sur es nouveaux enjour ‘on mative de dro Sthique ete Sconomio dans ls oxpériencos du “onomieeiigue poltiguesinsttuionnles. a justin tranatonnel ‘ties pltques mémorsles dans les pratiques de Tart et des actours ‘de Phistowre, construction des mémonaux et des archives. les inventions ‘auoer dans les ciscipines, le quotidian Te gouvernement do sol Tassourees du Web dans lee potentials cyorg, wanton da dspoatts hbrides dane ls intrfasos iteyennes.; la conltion postcolonial, es Teconfigurations géostratégiues: lo “ars des zanea do conta lot coamopeltques, Taesiglepofique le ret en théoi, athéore fiction, Pistoire atematve, ls formes ecureves narratives: la place ‘communiation et ela cfusion les tertoraites dessinées par rédvcation; le formes et formats de transmission" Téduenton eau, ‘formation a le recherche dens les réseeux: es domeines de ds ranetrs eros. cltrls ot dex pratiqus intrvntonnistes ‘médias et la eyberoutture es nouveaux langages et usages du Web, let maines des cyberdocumantaires. dela game cuture ot des aavergame la ‘ile Internet, Facets aux univers e'schange: open soures. a production ‘de Teopace,Faurdel dos mage-métropoles les postures des artistes 1s et poltiquos:Fcclogiaubaie, os coopsratves pour de nouveaux madules de isttuton; la penede utopigus ou srarchiste.; exposition du cinéma le discours fmiquo on situation 1a alte augment, :Tesracherches engagaee dans les processus Scologiques Toc raponses emiques ot artstiques ala ségradation dea des stvtte humaine, masse Snerpétique ds accumulation du captl {tein reduction des biene do consommation Professauecootdnarica: Catharine Quiloe. Assstane: Hanneh Entel Ls Faculté ost composé de profesour-o-sroglors-tree: itr "579m, ‘Anna Giichting,Gregay Shoete, de chercheuresiitee-s parm losqua le: Pouine Boudry, Yoes Ctton, Reng Groon, Marna Grin, Renate "Claire Pentecost, Jo Schmeiser, Agnes Venncuvong: d'Alumn’ doctorant-e-s tastes chorhour «nit. o Eis lw urn Gambon Axe! Victoria Preston, To Stiri; de consultants: Ute Meta Bauer, Tom Lae cessons ont eu aux dates suivantae: 28 au 30 novembre 2011 ne alesation de partipaton, Las chereheura-spartlpant aux sessions bré-Doc coven s'acquiter d'une fave semostrale de CHF50.-(équvalort usu un cours ze Paudteur qu sntieme lourinsrption, Los étusiants du Programme Master do recherche CCC sont présonts Programme Master de recherche CCC cfiteal essere cyber based 9, boulevard HeWéigue, 1205 Genive 44122 380 58 81 -F+81 22 988 59 01 Tontet:ecc@heege.h

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