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Miller Hall Constitution

Article I. Name
The name of this organization shall be called Miller Scholarship Hall.
Article II. Organization
Section I.
Miller Hall is one unit in the University of Kansas system of residence halls, the gift of Mrs.
Elizabeth Miller Watkins, a scholarship hall for women. A Scholarship Hall Director is employed
by KU Student Housing to facilitate and serve as an adviser to the hall in cooperation with hall
officers and KU Student Housing.
Section II. Miller Hall Mission Statement:
Miller Scholarship Hall is a community of women dedicated to living cooperatively in a safe,
supportive, comfortable environment. Founded by Elizabeth Miller Watkins in 1938, the hall was
intended to provide affordable housing and to promote self-sufficiency and academic excellence
in its residents. The women of Miller Hall commit themselves to maintaining high academic
standards as well as to dedicating their time and talents for the betterment of the hall
environment and the university community. Miller women have respect for diversity, but still
strive to create a sense of unity amongst themselves. These women carry with them a sense of
strength, purpose and integrity that they will contribute to their future communities.
Article III. Officers
Section I. The elected officers of this organization shall be:
President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Social Chairs (2), Orientation Chair, Publicity
Chair, ASHC Representative, Alumnae Chair, Community Service Chair, Student Health Chair,
Sports Chair, Camping Chair, Academic Resources Chair, Environmental Chair, Hall
Beautification Chair
Section II. The duties of the officers shall be as follows:
The President shall: 1. Call and preside at all Executive Board and general house meetings 2.
Represent Miller at University functions for which a representative is required 3. Be responsible
for the fall opening of the Hall 4. Have the right to attend all meetings, as an ex-officio member,
as she sees fit 5. Represent Miller at ASHC meetings 6. Receive correspondence addressed to

Miller Hall 7. If needed audit the books with the SHD and the treasurer present 8. Be exempt
from a house 9. Be responsible for the Executive Board training and a retreat for Exec Board
members. 10. Managing bulletin board 11. Receive an extra semester in the room lottery. 12. Run
Hall elections.
The Vice President shall: 1. Possess executive power during the absence or inability of the
President 2. Coordinate and preside at Judiciary Board meetings 3. Be in charge of regulating
and reporting security problems to the house 4. Revise and submit the revisions of the
Constitution and Policy Sheet to the Exec Board for further revisions to the house for final
approval 5. Be exempt from a regular house duty. 6. Plan the Farewell Brunch at the end of the
spring semester 7. Maintain accurate records of residents warnings and notify residents of JBoards 8. Check J-Board duties 9. At time of Hall elections, check potential nominees for
excessive J-Boards (excessive being defined as four or more) and inform nominees with
excessive J-Boards that they are ineligible to run for Hall positions. 10. Hold a mandatory JBoard informational meeting for new residents every semester. 11. Be in charge of contacting a
photographer for taking the hall picture for the Farewell Brunch.
The Secretary shall: 1. Be responsible for minutes of house meetings, including typing, copying,
posting them on either the bulletin board or emailing them to the ARC and the listserv (all within
one week of the meeting) 2. Have a copy of the Constitution at all house meetings 3. Be
responsible for the purchase of flowers for Mrs. Watkins grave on Memorial Day of oddnumbered years 4. Keep stamps available for purchase by residents 5. Take attendance at house
meetings and mandatory Hall events and assign warnings to residents for missed meetings. 6.
Required to provide written notification to a resident every time she acquires an unexcused house
meeting absence warning. 7. Inform Vice President of house meeting warnings within three (3)
days. 8. Maintain TV, Study Room, and Laundry Room reservation schedules.
The Treasurer shall: 1. Assemble and pay all bills incurred by the house 2. Spend no house
funds without the permission of the house at large (exception: to expedite petty business, the
President, Treasurer, Social Chair or Food Board Manager them in regular order 3. Have books
ready for inspection and/or auditing at all times 4. Prepare semester reports, post a yearly budget
and report the stability of hall funds 5. Subscribe to newspapers and magazines selected by the
house 6. Be exempt from a house duty 7. Be present with the SHD and President when they audit
the books 8. Log all social fund invoices and turn into SOFAS as needed 9. Calculate and collect
stock-up fees at the beginning of each semester and offer a payment plan if necessary 10. Be
audited by members of the Executive Board and SHD 11. Assign J-Boards to residents for
bounced checks, misused funds and late fees 12. Manage Hall checkbook. 12. Coordinate with
Watkins Hall Rates Chair to schedule meetings with the Director of Student Housing to discuss
rates for the next school year. 13. Set up a time for the Director of Student Housing to visit
Miller or Watkins Hall to discuss the rates with residents 14. Attend the ASHC rates meeting. 15.
If available, attend the Miller-Watkins Rent Setting Committee meeting as invited by the
Director of Student Housing or the Chancellors Office. 16. Document rent changes as passed by
the Miller-Watkins Rent Setting Committee.

The Social Chairs shall: 1. Help organize and supervise all social activities of the hall 2.
Represent Miller Hall at the ASHC social chair meetings 3. Plan study breaks 4. Coordinate Hall
events calendar 5. Send invitations for social activities 6. Plan and organize annual Thanksgiving
dinner incoordination with food board manager 7. Plan and organize annual Joes Place event
and New Women event. 8. Be exempt from regular house duty.
The Orientation Chair shall: 1. During the summer, work with the President to correspond with
the newly appointed Exec Board members, Big Sisters, appropriate Student Housing directors
and SHD to communicate about Hawk Week events and specific details of Miller procedures 2.
Plan and organize Hall activities for Hawk Week 3. Arrange a lottery in the spring for room
assignments in the fall. Priority will be determined by number of semesters at Miller. 4. Appoint
Big Sisters (to acquaint new residents with the Hall and procedures) 5. Organize Hall orientation
with the Proctor and Food Board Manager throughout the year and correspond with ASHC on
matters of orientation 6. Recognize residents birthdays 7. Be responsible for acquainting women
who arrive mid-year and mid-semester. 8. Arrange the sleeping porch lottery. Priority will be
determined by number of semesters at Miller.
The Publicity Chair shall: 1. Be responsible for the house trophies and scrapbook 2. Take photos
for and compile the annual scrapbook 3. Report all news concerning the activities of the hall to
the University Daily Kansan and the Jayhawker 4. Post any awards or honors awarded to the
members of the Hall 5. Collect designs for and purchase Hall apparel 6. Restore and maintain old
scrapbooks and take them out for the alumnae tea.7. Be in charge of social media, which includes
the Miller hall Facebook page and twitter account, and any other forms that the residents want to
The ASHC Representative shall: 1. Represent Miller and report on Miller activities at ASHC
meetings 2. Encourage participation in ASHC activities and meetings 3. Email ASHC minutes
over the listserv.
The Alumnae Chairs shall: 1. Maintain accurate records of all Miller Hall alumnae 2. Compile
and maintain forwarding addresses and forward mail as needed 3. Send out an annual newsletter
to alumnae 4. Answer to Miller/Watkins alumnae and the Board of Regents 5. Organize and put
on annual Alumnae Tea 6. Set and announce a date for the Alumnae Tea by the first house
meeting of the spring semester 7. Mail Alumnae Tea invitations at least six weeks prior to date of
event 8. Keep Hall members informed of Miller-Watkins history 9. Organize Miller-Watkins
Tribute Night
The Community Service Chairs shall: 1. Organize one service activity per semester. 2. Organize
charitable donation each semester (amount to be determined by hall) 3. Serve as community
service resource to Hall members 4. Submit community service hours to Rock Chalk Revue
The Student Health Chair shall: 1. Plan a health-related program for the hall each semester 2.
Serve as a liaison between the Hall and healthcare facilities 3. Keep first aid kit stocked with
supplies (including condoms) and pamphlets from Watkins Health Center 4. Coordinate Hall
participation in blood drives

The Sports Chair shall: 1. Be in charge of organizing Hall participation in intramural athletic
events 2. Represent the Hall at meetings of the University Intramural Managers. 3. Work with the
Camping Chair if needed.
The Camping Chair shall:
1. Leadorparticipateasajointleaderforbasketballcamping,footballcamping,orcampingfor
The Academic Resources Chair shall: 1. Order new software and computer supplies when
necessary 2. Be available for tech support 3. Maintain a list of rules for usage of computer
equipment and supplies 4. Maintain Miller website and listserv.
The Environmental Chair shall: 1. Do the halls recycling as a house duty 2. Represent the hall
at ASHC Environmental Committee meetings 3. Educate Miller women about current
environmental issues by planning at least one environmental program per semester 4. Keep
Miller women informed of environmental activities in the University and Lawrence communities
5. Work towards making the Hall as environmentally friendly as possible
The Beautification Chair shall: 1. Organize cleaning days shortly before Alumnae Tea 2. Be
responsible for seasonal decoration of the Hall 3. Be responsible for the general beautification
and upkeep of the Hall and its grounds
Section III. Orientation of new officers:
Each outgoing officer has the responsibility of orientating the incoming officer of her duties and
preparing an outgoing report. Old officers will pass on their detailed notebook/ binders to the
next officer. The exchange of binders will happen before the last house meeting.
Section IV. Removal of an officer:
An officer may be impeached based upon the following qualifications: Not fulfilling the duties
listed in the Constitution, not fulfilling a strong leadership role in the house, and/or not keeping
hall traditions that fall under their responsibility. To begin the impeachment procedure, a list of
grievances must be signed by 10 women of the hall. Grievances must be formally written out and
submitted to the president. If the president is being impeached then they must be submitted to the
vice president. The officer will be notified and addressed of the grievances at the proceeding hall
meeting and will have until the next hall meeting (two weeks) to respond to these grievances.
During the next hall meeting, a vote will be held to remove the officer from their position. There

must be a majority (51%) to remove the officer. Elections will take place at the next hall meeting
to fill impeached officers position.
Section V. Resignation of an officer:
At any time during the year, an officer may submit a letter of resignation, which will take effect
as soon as a new officer is elected to her position. Elections will take place at the next hall
Article IV. Judiciary Board
Section I. Composition:
The Vice President will serve as a non-voting officiator, except in the case of a tie. There will be
six voting members, elected by the Hall during the second week of classes in the fall semester. If
necessary, new members will be elected after the first meeting of the spring semester. Members
will be elected as follows: one from the first floor, three from the second floor and two from the
third floor. The SHD will attend meetings as an adviser, but cannot vote. Any resident can serve
as a replacement for an absent J-Board member.
Section II. Functions of individual members:
To represent a member of the Hall who has come to her with a complaint and bring this problem
to a Judiciary Board meeting (with or without the presence of that resident at the meeting). To
respect the confidentiality of all matters discussed at the meetings.
Section III. Responsibilities:
To address any problem a member of the Hall feels has not been dealt with by the usual system
of warnings. Assigning penalties to individuals as the Board sees fit. These may range from a
verbal reprimand to a recommendation of expulsion from the Hall. (The KU Department of
Student Housing must be consulted in all cases of recommended expulsion.) To maintain
confidentiality of matters, including outcomes of decisions, discussed at J-Board meetings. To
give individuals who have been J-Boarded notice of the Boards decision. To continue consulting
with individuals after the meeting to insure that penalty duties have been completed and assign
additional J-Boards if they are not completed. To allow anyone who wishes to appear at J-Board
meetings to inform the board of circumstances involving J-Board offenses. To allow appeals on
the part of residents first to the SHD and finally to the KU Department of Student Housing.
Members on the committee must find their own alternates when they know they will be missing
a meeting.
Section IV.

If needed, a new procedure on how the judicial board is run can be implemented as long as the
residents are informed before it is enacted.

Article V. Executive Board

Section I. Members:
President, Vice President, Proctor, Secretary, Treasurer, Food Board Manager, Social Chairs (2),
ASHC representative, Health Chair, Environmental Chair, Sports Chair, Academic Resources
Chair, Community Service Chair, Hall Beautification Chair, Alumnae Chair, Orientation and
Publicity Chair.
Section II. The function of the Executive Board:
To have judiciary and executive power in questions of interpretation of the Constitution. To
discuss, suggest and submit for approval new Hall policies. To revise (if necessary) the Policy
Sheet and submit revisions to the Hall for approval within the first month of the semester. To
uphold all policies. An Executive Board members failure to comply with Hall policies will result
in an Incident Report and referral to Judiciary Board for consideration of removal from office. To
attend all Executive Board and house meetings. To support and respect other members and their
responsibilities. Move into the Hall at a time specified by the complex director; also, the
Orientation Team(2) will move in at the same designated time and help with opening duties when
not needed for O-team training,. Executive board members must attend all round tables
throughout the year.
Section III. Responsibilities:
The executive board members must write one OTM (Of The Month) per semester. Failure to do
so will result in an automatic jboard. Executive board must attend their roundtable throughout
the year. If unable to, member must find a replacement to go in her stead.
Article VI. Student Housing Employees
Section I. The duties of the Proctor shall be as follows:
1. Assign all house duties each semester. 2. Check all house duties everyday. 3. Be responsible
for enforcement of neglected house duties. 4. Be responsible for the fall opening and spring
closing of the Hall. 5. If needed update house duty descriptions. 6. Obtain maintenance services,
in conjunction with the SHD, for the Hall through the KU Student Housing. 7. Report shortages
of housing supplies to the SHD 8. Participate in staff training in August as well as additional
training sessions to be announced later. 9. Assure, with the SHD, that Hall residents abide by
official policies and regulations of Miller Hall, KU Student Housing and the University of

Kansas. 10. Act as a liaison between Hall residents, KU Student Housing and other University
offices. 11. Maintain communication with Hall residents to ensure that community needs are met.
12. Be exempt from house duties and receive a Blake lot parking pass. 13. Follow all her
responsibilities given to her by KU Student Housing, which are:
14. Receive an extra semester in the sleep poarch lottery. 15. Inform Vice President of house duty
warnings within three (3) days
Section II. The duties of the Food Board Manager shall be as follows:
1. The Food Board Manager shall be responsible for the opening of the kitchens at the beginning
of the fall and spring semesters, as well as supervising the closing of the kitchens in the spring
and fall semesters 2. Plan, buy food for, organize and supervise all meals for Hawk Week 3.
Check house duties in the absence or inability of the Proctor 4. Be responsible for posting
kitchen duty descriptions 5. Assign residents to kitchens before beginning of each semester 6.
Assign kitchen duties and check them every Sunday 7. Buy G-K items posted on the G-K board
as needed 8. Act as a supervisor and resource person for any resident when a problem arises in a
kitchen 9. Keep kitchen agreements updated 10. Have mandatory kitchen and safety meetings at
the beginning of fall semester and with new women in the spring 11. Be exempt from a house
duty and receive a Blake Lot parking pass 12. Inform Vice-President of kitchen duty warnings
within three (3) days. 13. Allow only two kitchens to be assigned as independent, unless
exception is needed for health
Section III. Selection Process:
1. The first round of interviews will be conducted by a committee made up of hall residents. 2.
This will committee will include: New Women that is staying in the hall the next year, a New
Women who is leaving the hall, a Old Women who is staying, a Old women who is leaving, the
person who currently holding the position, and the SHD. 3. Second round of interviews will be
held by Complex Director of the scholarship halls.
Article VII. Nominations and Elections
Section I. Nominations:
The President shall post a sign-up sheet for nominations at least one week before the elections.
Additional nominations may be made from the floor at election time.
Section II. Elections:
Elections for the top four officers (President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary) shall be
the third to last house meeting. The second to last house meeting will be all other officers. At
the beginning of the last house meeting, all new officers shall assume their duties for the
following year, where the binders will be handed over.

Exceptions: 1. Towards the middle of the fall semester, a new woman can be elected as the
second Sports Chair. If no new women want to fill the position, it will be opened up to all Miller
women. 2. At the beginning of the spring semester, a new woman will be elected to become the
second Alumnae Chair. If no new women want to fill the position, it will be opened up to all
Miller women. 3. At the last meeting of the fall semester, a new woman can be elected to become
the third Social Chair. If no new women want to fill the position, the position will not be filled.
Election of Executive Board members shall be conducted by secret ballot. The remaining
positions may be elected by other methods, at the discretion of the President. The officers shall
be elected by a majority vote of those present. The President shall not vote except in the case of a
Section III. Elections will abide by the following procedure:
1. President will take nominations from the floor 2. Each candidate will have two minutes to
address the floor 3. Every woman will have the opportunity to ask questions of the candidates.
Each candidate will have one minute to answer each question. 4. The candidates will then leave
the room. Women will have a discussion period to be regulated by the President 5. Women will
then vote by method to be determined by the President. 6. Residents who are leaving have the
option to vote or not to vote for the positions for the next year but if a resident chooses to vote
they must vote in all of the elections.
Article VIII. House Meetings
Section I.
House meetings will be called every other week on a day decided by President. The Executive
Board shall meet at the discretion of the President.
Section II.
The President shall conduct house meetings using Roberts Rule of Order as a guideline.
Section III.
House meetings are mandatory for every resident of the Hall. Unexcused absences will be
handled as follows: Each person will be able to have one excused absence per semester. Every
absence after that counts as a written warning and will be totaled together in the category of
house meetings.
The Secretary will handle excused and unexcused absences on a case-by-case basis. Missing a
House Meeting will result in a J-board. Once the resident has read the minutes and spoken with

the secretary it will be reduced to a house meeting warning. Residents must talk to the secretary
about reading the minutes within one week of receiving the minutes. Being tardy two times to a
house meeting will count as an absence, at the desecration of the Secretary.
Article IX. Legislation
Section I.
A simple majority, of those present at house meetings, must pass all decisions concerning the
Hall. Except in a constitutional amendment, which must be passed by a two-thirds majority of
those present (at house meetings).
Section II.
A quorum is not required for a vote to take place.
Section III.
A constitutional review board will be put together every odd year. The board will consist of: The
Vice President, Proctor, Food Board Manager, two new women (one leaving and one staying)
and two old women (one leaving and one staying). They will go through the entire constitution to
make revisions.
Article X. Warnings and JBoards
Section I.
House Duty warnings and Kitchen Duty warnings will be added together to count towards JBoards.
Section II.
House Meeting warnings and Escort warnings will be added together in their own category to
count towards J-Boards
Section III.
Two warnings in the categories of Section I or Section II equal one JBoard. Every additional
warning in Section II or I will be another JBoard. Warnings start over each semester, but JBoard
remain on record for the full year.

Article XI. Mandatory Participation

Section I. All residents of Miller Hall shall in some way participate in the following events:
1. Joes Place (report to Social Chairs) 2. Alumnae Tea (report to Alumni Chair) 3. Tribute Night
(report to Alumni Chair) 4. New Women Event (Committee heads (Old Women) report to Social
Chairs) Attendance is the preferred form of participation. If a woman is not able to attend an
event, that resident should make arrangements with the appropriate chair to coordinate
alternative participation. Unsatisfactory participation will result in an automatic J-Board.

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