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2013-2014 LBUSD Pilot Lesson Template #2

CCSS Standard Reference: RST (Reading in Science) Grade 9-10 #2,4,5 Gases and Their Properties 4.The kinetic molecular theory describes the motion of atoms and
molecules and explains the properties of gases. As a basis for understanding this concept: a. Students know the random motion of molecules and their collisions with a surface
create the observable pressure on that surface. b. Students know the random motion of molecules explains the diffusion of gases.
Body of Lesson (plan 2nd)
Introduction (plan last)
Anticipatory Set
Demonstration: Can Crush

Learning Target
K (know) Students can
explain the can crush demo
in terms of kinetic molecular
theory and atmospheric
U (understand) Students
understand that the gases in
the atmosphere collide with
everything, causing
pressure; and if there are no
gas molecules, there are no
collisions, which means
there is no pressure and
that's called a vacuum.
D (do) Students observe the
demonstration and
collaborate with a group to
determine the learning

1. Review what kinetic
molecular theory says
about temperature
through pair share.
2. Lecture: barometer,
atmospheric pressure
3. Blow up a balloon and
explain the pressure
changes in terms of
atmospheric pressure and
4. re-do the can crush

1. I will take this time to
visit a struggling student
and model how to talk
about kinetic molecular
theory. I would make
sure they include this in
their notes.
2. I will draw a
barometer and explain
3. I will explain all
pressure changes when it
deflates and introduce the
word vacuum.
4. Explain the changes in
pressure, temperature and
volume as the demo

Check for
1. Whole class
questioning, thumbs up,
thumbs down formative
2. Draw and label a
barometer with 1atm of
pressure. Conversion
problems. I will walk the
room, checking that
students know how a
barometer works.
3. Pair Share orally, then
full class discussion.
4. At which stage do the
molecules have the
highest kinetic energy?
The lowest? When is
there a vacuum?

Guided Practice
1. n/a
2. Draw and label a
barometer with 2 atm of
pressure. Convert to kPa and
mmHg and PSI.
3. Define vacuum. Explain
the pressure changes when a
balloon inflates in terms of
atmospheric pressure. What
would you expect to happen
to a closed container if there
was a vacuum outside of the
container? Inside of the
5. Draw a step by step
picture of the can crush
demo, explaining the
pressure changes at each

the independent practice:

It's the same concept as
the learning target, but
with different conditions.

Independent Practice What would happen if the pressure inside a closed can defeated the strength of atmospheric pressure? What connections can you make

between pressure, temperature and volume?

10/2013 Optional Pilot Lesson Format for BTSA Induction Only

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