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chalkboard yaz tahtas

Whats on the chalkboard? Yaz tahtasnda ne var?
enlisted rtbesiz asker, er

Do you see those enlisted men? u erleri gryormusun?

airman havac er

Bill is an airman in the Air Force. Bill Hava Kuvvetlerinde bir erdir.

captain yzba (Donanmada albay)

Where was Cpt Brass yesterday? Yzb. Brass dn neredeydi?

sailor denizci er

He is a good sailor. O iyi bir denizcidir.

civilian sivil

A soldier is not a civilian. Bir asker sivil deildir.

officer subay

Whos that officer over there? uradaki o subay kimd

Navy Donanma

He works in the Navy. O Donanmada alyor.

there orada

Was Jill there at 2 oclock? Jill saat 2de orada myd?


Yakndaki bir nesne veya nesneleri iaret etmek iin here it is veya here they
are ifadeleri kullanlr.

Where is your classroom? Here it is!

Snfn nerede? te burada!

Where is my notebook? Here it is!

Defterim nerede? te burada!

Where are the students? Here they are!

renciler nerede? te buradalar!

Where are my new pencils? Here they are!

Yeni kalemlerim nerede? te buradalar!

Uzaktaki bir nesne veya nesneleri iaret etmek iin there it is veya there they
are ifadeleri kullanlr.

Where are my new friends? There they are!

Yeni arkadalarm nerede? te oradalar!

Where are the old books? There they are!

Eski kitaplar neredeler? te oradalar!

aret edilen bir kii ise kii zamirleri kullanlr.

Where is Bob? There he is!

Bob nerede? te orada!

Where is Mary? There she is!

Mary nerede? te orada!


nceki derslerde sfatlar zne tamamlaycs olarak kullanmtk.

Ann is tall. Ann uzundur.

The coffee is hot. Kahve scaktr.
Betty is short. Betty ksadr.
That man is angry. O adam kzgndr.

Bu cmleleri farkl bir ekilde de syleyebiliriz.

Ann is a tall woman. Ann uzun bir kadndr.

Its hot coffee. O scak kahvedir.
Betty is a short girl. Betty ksa bir kzdr.
Hes an angry man. O kzgn bir adamdr.


rnekteki gibi iki cmleyi tek cmle olarak yaznz.

rnek: My brother has a car. Its new. My brother has a new car.

1. That man is old. Hes my friend. .................................................. ...........

2. A sailor is in the library. Shes young. .................................................. ...
3. Ken is talking to a man. Hes short. .................................................. .......
4. Hes reading a book. Its old. .................................................. ..................
5. Mr. Lane is a teacher. Hes tall. .................................................. ..............


Want (istemek) fiilini nceki derslerde incelemitik.

What do you want? I want a hamburger.

Ne istiyorsunuz? Bir hamburger istiyorum.

What does she want? She wants French fries.

O ne istiyor? Patates kzartmas istiyor.

Verdiimiz rneklerde a hamburger, French fries eleri want fiilinin nesnesi

durumundadr. Bir baka deyile Want fiilinin nesnesi isim cinsinden
szcklerdir bu rnek cmlelerde. Want fiili kendisinden sonra nesne olarak
mastar halinde bir fiil de alabilir.

You study.
We want to eat.
They go.
He write
She wants to speak.

You study.
We dont want to eat.
They go.

He write
She doesnt speak.

We want to speak English. Biz ngilizce konumak istiyoruz.

She wants to write a new book. O yeni bir kitap yazmak istiyor.
Jeff wants to learn Spanish. Jeff spanyolca renmek istiyor.
They dont want to study. Onlar ders almak istemiyorlar.
Jim doesnt want to be a doctor. Jim doktor olmak istemiyor.
The Whites want to go to France. White ailesi Fransaya gitmek istiyor.
He wants to have chicken for lunch. le yemeinde tavuk yemek istiyor.


Evet/Hayr sorular geni zamanda rendiimiz cmle kalb ile ayndr.

Do you study?
we go?

they work?
want to learn?
get up?
Does he

Do you want to go to the library? Ktphaneye gitmek istiyor musun?

Does she want to buy a new car? Yeni bir araba satn almak istiyor mu?
Do they want to work at the hospital? Hastanede almak istiyorlar m?
Does he want to get up early? Erken kalkmak istiyor mu?
Does Bob want to be a pilot? Bob bir pilot olmak istiyor mu?


Be fiilinin gemi zaman formlarnn was ve were olduunu hatrlaynz.

He was in his room two hours ago. O iki saat nce odasndayd.
They were here a minute ago. Onlar bir dakika nce buradaydlar.

Who szcnn zne olduu soru cmlelerinde fiilin daima tekil olduu

kuraln renmitik. Soruya gelen cevap oul dahi olsa bu kural deimez.

Who is in the room? Three students are in the room.

Odada kim(ler) var? renci odadadrlar.

Be fiilinin gemi zamannda da ayn kural geerlidir. Bu nedenle bu yapda

sadece was kullanlr.

Who was in the military last year? Kim geen yl ordudayd?

Who was in the lab this morning? Bu sabah kim laboratuardayd?
Who was your teacher last week? Geen hafta retmeniniz kimdi?
Who was a student three years ago? Kim yl nce renciydi?
Who wasnt in class yesterday? Dn kim snfta deildi?


What soru szc soru cmlesinin znesi olduu durumlarda ayn who soru
szc gibi tekil olarak dnlr ve dolays ile daima was fiili ile kullanlr.

What was on the table? Masann zerinde ne(ler) vard?

Three books were on the table. kitap masann zerindeydi.

What was in the box? Kutunun iinde ne(ler) vard?

A book was in the box. Bir kitap kutunun iindeydi.
What was on the chalkboard? Tahtada ne(ler) vard?
Words were on the chalkboard. Szckler tahtadayd.


Where soru szcnn kii ve nesnelerin nerede olduunu sormak iin

kullanldn geni zaman konusu iinde inceledik.

Where is John? John nerede?

Bu soruya cevap verirken bir edat ve yer ad ile cevap verildiini hatrlaynz.

He is at the library. O ktphanededir.

Kii ve nesnenin gemite nerede olduunu sormak iin be fiilinin was ve

were formlar gereklidir.

Where was her brother last week? Kardei geen hafta neredeydi?
Where were you two years ago? ki yl nce neredeydin?
Where were your friends yesterday? Arkadalarn dn neredeydiler?
Where was your sister last month? Kz kardein geen ay neredeydi?
Where was his father last week? Babas geen hafta neredeydi?


Gemi zamanda kii veya nesnenin bulunduu durumun zamann ise when
+was/were yaps ile sorarz.

When were you in Spain? I was in Spain in 1987.

Ne zaman spanyadaydnz? 1987de spanyadaydm.

When was he late? He was late yesterday.

O ne zaman ge kald? O dn ge kald.

When was your teacher here? She was here three hours ago.
retmenin ne zaman buradayd? O saat nce buradayd.

When was his mother in the hospital? She was in the hospital last week.
Onun annesi ne zaman hastanedeydi? O geen hafta hastanedeydi.

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