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CD&EA Newsletter

Mar-Apr 2015

CD&EA members are USDF members


USDF strongly recommends all riders wear protective headgear when mounted.
all riders
Rule: Anyone
on a horse
those riders age 18 and over while on horses that are competing only in
FEI levels and tests at the Prix St. Georges level and above

Presidents Message

2015 Board of Directors/Others

President: Cindy Normandeau
V. President: Carissa Hernandez
Secretary: Open for nomination
Treasurer: Charlotte Borghardt
Webmaster: Open for nomination
Newsletter: Yvonne Ohlensehlen

Figure 1Presidents
The meeting
on May
28th will be the last one before the
summer break. Club member Taharra MorrisReid will be our guest speaker. She will be discussing
her experiences eventing and as an event trainer's
working student in California. If you know someone who
might be interested in learning more about the sport
bring them along. Especially kids!
All aspects of the horse industry are suffering from lack
of participation. Especially from juniors. Perhaps over the summer each of us should set a goal to
have a kid or young teenager over to help groom a horse. Maybe finding participation from the
younger generation will take more effort on the older generations' part.
We have hosted three well received activities this past year and have added new, actively riding
members to the roster. Thank you to the members that come to dinner and a meeting at Ricardos
every month. We always enjoy a good laugh, and always enjoy hearing of each others horse
exploits! My friend Cara who visits from Canada was impressed with how much more active the club
was from last year. She reminded me there were only four members at that meeting! Maybe like
training our horses, we need to remember to step back and see how far we have actually come. Keep
the ideas coming forth for activities and remember Rome wasn't built in a day! Cindy

Monthly Business Meeting 4rd Thursday

Ricardos Mexican Restaurant
5:00 PM Dinner/Social 6:00PM Meeting

Cochise Dressage and Eventing Association

General Membership Meeting
23 April 2015
1. Meeting called to order: 6:15. Those present: Terri and John Renwick, Brian Normandeau, Carissa Hernandez, Yvonne
Ohlensehlen, Sharon Olthof, Cindy Normandeau.
2. Introduction of Guests: Yvonne's guest Tamara Elkayam.
3. Minutes from last meeting accepted: Motion by Sharon, Second Carissa.
4. Presidents Report/Comments: No Comment.
5. Treasure's Report: $1425.42. Insurance due in May.
6. Committee Reports: No Reports.
a) Show- No Show Chairman.
b) Newsletter- Waiting for Pres. message, report on activities. Email roster is updated.
c) Membership-No Report.
d) Community Outreach- Trail Ride attended by 4 members and two non-members.
e) Web Page- No web master.
7. Unfinished Business
a) Secretary, show manager and web master positions open
b) Ideas for additional events?? None.
8. New Business- Possible joined use of various equestrian activities should Southern Arizona Eventing Group (name?)
find a venue.
Adjourn: 6:35 Motion by Yvonne, Second by Sharon.

Report from Scarlett Fahrenson

USDF Convention 2015
Reflection on the USDF Convention from Scarlett Fahrenson, CD&EA delegate, PM delegate Region 5.
Who on earth wants to go to Boston, Massachusetts in December? Well, my husband Guy and I had no choice after our commitment
to function as delegates for USDF at the annual Convention from December 3. to 6. 2014. Not sure what to expect weather-wise we
departed from Tucson airport on Dec. 2. heading up north-east, warm jackets and boots in our carry on.
And boy, did we need it. The weather was miserable as expected but at least a warm spell - so called by the Bostonian spared us
with snow. Instead it rained and ice cold wind kept the day time temperatures in the upper 30ies. A cab driver told us that Boston
has of course 4 seasons: almost winter, winter, still winter and construction time. Nevertheless, once here we had to explore a city
so rich in history that its called with all rights the cradle of the United States. To limited walking in pouring rain, we took the famous
old town trolley and visited in the spirit of Paul Revere and Samuel Adams every point of significance and there are many of them.
And yes, we did throw tea boxes overboard from the old vessels in a reenactment of the Boston Tea Party in Dec. 1773, that was the
single most important event leading up to the American Revolution (particularly exciting for me as a fairly new US citizen).
But of course we did not come for the welcome side effect of sightseeing or the fantastic seafood, lobster especially, no, we had
work to do. The Convention Hotel, located in Cambridge directly at the Charles River was a much smaller venue than usual but very
well suitable for all the meetings. We attended as many meetings as possible to gather most information possible and represented
CD&EA, TDC and our Region 5 as voting delegates at the Board of Governors assembly.
Here some of the interesting news:
Roger Williams, USDF president, gave an update on the 2. National Championships in Lexington, KY. Despite concerns of many that
it would not fly an increase of horses and rides proved the acceptance of National Championships. While USDF had to accept a
financial loss of $ 130,000 the first year, they came into a plus 2014. 409 horses were entered (100 more than the first year) with

959 rides from all 9 Regions and 39 States (16 horses from Region 5). Quite remarkable. And stunning the fact that just the Freestyle
classes went on for 2 days, 2 x 18 hours total. Interesting also the fact that lower level Freestyles increased 50%. Popularity of
Freestyle riding is obviously rising. The championships 2015 will be again in Lexington but for 2016 the venue will move west. Three
suitable facilities are narrowed in and will be inspected soon WestWorld is one of them. Wouldnt it be great to have such an
important Equestrian Event in our back yard? Keep your fingers crossed!
Talking about Freestyle, here we see huge changes. Everybody who creates his or her own Freestyle should be aware of all the
changes not to run into problems at shows. Here some of the most significant rules:
A rider has to enter within 20 seconds after the music starts and no exit music is allowed.
A minimum of 12 consecutive meters are required of any lateral movement at any level
No above level transitions are allowed anymore. That means no walk/canter/walk transitions in 1 st level or canter halt transitions
before 3rd level.
Riding with one hand is now allowed.
When the music stops or skips due to technical problems rider can ask for a re-ride by raising a hand. The rider can choose to reride the entire test or start up where the music stopped but the scores prior to the interruption will stand. Re-ride scores will
count from the stopping point.
For more info check the USDF web site that now has an app for new Freestyle test available. Also new on the web site is an AA
site, one for Ponies and a special rule change site.
A probably a very welcome rule change for Regional Championships effective 2016 is the possibility to compete 3 x per
lifetime at the same level with the same horse/rider combination after winning this level. That was prohibit is the past. If you
won, you had to move up or were out.
Finally the Vintage Cup Award will be divided in Adult Amateur and Open. So no AA has to compete with professionals anymore
in this Award category.
Interesting are some numbers regarding memberships and show participation. USDF memberships are slightly down while the
participation in Regional Championships clearly increased (90.000 rides overall and 5375 rides in Region 5 alone). These much higher
numbers are most likely created by the National Championships. GMO memberships are still showing a steady downwards trend
but at the same time PM member numbers are up. Arizona is one of the few states that kept their membership steady. CD&EA
actually managed to get up their membership! Congratulations!
Without a question, the festive Gala Saturday night was one of the high lights. For us it was a special one. Guy proudly received his
hard earned Silver Medal and Silver Freestyle Bar. Mission accomplished goal reached.
The next USDF Convention will be just around the corner in Las Vegas. Shorter flight, warmer weather. We hope to see a few CD&EA
members who join us and want to experience this great, educational and fun event in December 2015.
Submitted by Scarlett & Guy

April Trail Ride

Guess we're not sure which way?

News From High Desert Welsh Cobs:

High Desert Thalia (left) was born April 17th and High Desert
Slew Of Broken Hearts (Rick) was born March 27th.
Here they are meeting over the wheelbarrow.
Thalia is a pure bred Welsh Cob out of Kurbaums Future by
Sapphire Creme Of The Crop (George)
Rick is out of TB mare Maggies Messenger by Sapphire Creme
Of The Crop
Both are friendly and tons of fun. I love showing off my babies
so give me a call to come by and meet them!

To: Cochise Dressage & Eventing Association.

I have retired my two Thoroughbred eventers.
I don't want to have their Dressage Saddle gathering dust
in the tack room and am offering it for sale to any of your
members who might be interested. If anyone should be
interested I can make the saddle available to be ridden to
see if the prospective buyer likes its fit.
Horsen Around
Rescue Ranch and Foundation, INC.
PO Box 698 Hereford, AZ 85615
Theresa Warrell Co Founder/President
Steve Boice Co Founder/VP

Thank you for your attention to this email.

Jeff Simmons
Camp Quigley Equestrians
cell: 520-904-6551

Hee Haw!!!

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