You are on page 1of 27



. , 911
2 .
, ,
. , ()
, , , 911
2 .
: , , ,

* 2002 (KRF-2002-072-BM2016).
. 21 : , ?
. 2005 5 26. 100 ; 21
, 21 .
2005 2 25 ; ,
(2004. 12. 10); :
, . 1999 12 .

26 23 1

. ,
, ,
, () ,
? . 21

. () (),
. .

. ,
() .
, 3 3) 21
. 21 .

. 1648

. ,
(hyperpower exceptionalism) .4)
1) ,
. Defarges (2002). 2005
2) (the might-makes-right course)
(the consensus-makes-might hyper-liberal course) .
, .
Etzioni (2004), p.2.
3) Spengler (1958), p.46.
4) Pieterse (2004), pp.121-142.


(ideational), (materialistic), (institutional)
. ()
() .
() ().
(M. Kaplan) (system)
(1) (the balnace of power system), (2) (the

loose bipolar system), (3) (the tight bipolar system), (4)

(the universal system), (5) (the hierarchical system), (6)
(the unit veto system) . 1975
(1) (2) .6)
(4) (5),

, .


5) . Rosenau, Governance, Order, and Change in

World Politics, in Rosenau and Ernst-Otto (1992), p.14; Paul and Hall (1999), pp.2-4.
6) Kaplan (1975), pp.21-53.

28 23 1

. , (distinction)
. ,
2 .
2 .
(Anti-imperialist Empire).7)
, .

2 () .
(bipolar international order) . , ,
2 , , ,
. .
. ,
. , (National Liberation Movement) .

.8) ,
(imperial anti-colonialism)
. Williams, ed. From Colony to Empire: Essays in the History of American
Foreign Relations (1972); Williams, The Tragedy of American Diplomacy (1972).

The Tragedy of American Diplomacy , .
, (1995), p.398 ;
Berger A William Appleman Williams Reader (1992) .

. Kolko (1988); Kolko(1969); Joyce and Kolko (1972); Kolko (1985).

. Stueck (Nov. 1973), pp.537-60.
8) 2 (S. Bills)
(H. W. Brands) ,
(R. McMahon)
. Bills (1990); Brands (1992);
McMahon (1981); McMahon (1999).
Springhall (2001), pp.36-38.
Ren Girault et Robert Frank (1988).


. .9)
. 2 ,

1 , 2
. 2

. ,

3 ,

1968 (L'Empire Amrique) (Cladue

Julien) .
(L'empire sans frontires), (L'empire gnreux),
(bon Samaritain) , (L'empire par accident)10),
(L'empire des matires premires), (L'empire dmocratique),
(1968). (Recolonization)
1950 . Myongsob Kim (Fall 2004), p.227-251; 2
Hugh Lee (1995); Myongsob Kim (2000).
9) 1946 7 4
. . McMahon
(1999), p.28.
10) Odom and Dujarric
(2004) .

30 23 1

(L'empire de Dieu), (L'empire en expansion).11) 1973

(Raymond Aron) 1945 1972
(Rpublique impriale) .12)
. .13)


1978 -(Hlne Carrre d'Encausse)

. 1979 2
, 1979 12
. -
(L'Empire clat).15)


1981 (Tout empire prira)

(Fernand Braudel)
(poussires d'vnements) , (longue dure)

(Pierre Renouvin) ,
11) Julien (1968), pp.17-45.
12) Aron (1973).
13) Gardner (1973). 1976 Walter F. Lafeber, Thomas J. McCormick
, . Gardner(1970) .
14) Simpson, ed. (1998), (2004).
15) Carrre d'Encausse (1978).
16) Duroselle (1981). 1992 Armand Colin


1984 (G. Lundestad)

(empire by

invitation) .
. 1975



.19) 2003

1986 ( )
. (benign imperium),
(malign imperium) . ,
17) Introduction l'histoire des Relations internationales (1965) , , .
, (: , 1987). Duroselle et al [1966], 75-76. Braudel
(1969). . Girault,
Frank et Thbie (1993), 346 p; Girault et Lvy-Leboyer et al.(1993), p.840.
18) Lundestad (1975); Lundestad (1984): 1-21. .
Journal of Peace Research 23 (September 1986): 263-77.
. Lundestad (1990). 1999
Diplomatic History . Lundestad (1999), p.189, p.29.
19) Gaddis (1997), pp.26-53.
20) Lundestad (2003).
21) Brzezinski (1986), p.16.

32 23 1


, 3
. 1950 6 25

6 . 1968
1979 ,

, .
1986 (M. Doyle)
. ,
, .
, .
. , .


(uni-multipolar international order)
22) Doyle (1986), p.45.


(triumphalism) .
, .23)
, ,

, .
. 1988

. (J. Nye) (bound to

lead) .25)

(New Internationalism).
(uni-multipolar international order)
. ,
. 3
. 1989 , 1992
23) (), , (2004), 1 2;
Williams (2005).
24) Fukuyama (1989), pp.3-18; Fukuyama (1989/90), pp.21-28.
George (1997).
25) Nye (1990).

34 23 1




, .28)
. 1999 9 54

. ,
(HRW) 1999 12 10 51

26) Power (2002).

27) Lyons and Mastanduno (1995).
28) ,

. (2001), p.45.
Augelli and Murphy (1988), pp.117-37; Gill (1990).
29) . 1999 5 27



(cujus regio, ejus religio)
, . 30

. ,

(Pacta sunt servanda). ,

, , , .
. (Pax international)
(Pax imperial) .

. 1986 1987


. 1993 H. W. , 2550
W. 2360
. , ()
, ,

35 2,250 .
30 4% .31)
30) Kennedy (1987). 1991 (Myths of Empire) 1980
. (1996).
31) (2001), pp.21-22.

36 23 1

. 1997 123
. , , , , ,
. 1998 11 12 1997 12
.32) (ICC, International Criminal

Court) , 3 .33)
. ABM(
) , (MD)
. (CTBT)
.34) 1990 10 (multilateralism)

(unilateralism) (exceptionalism) .35)

, (NPR)
, (GPR), 4
(QDR) ,
(Operations Plan in Concept Form Only) 8022

, , ,
(offensive realism)
.37) 1980 1997
(The Grand Chessboard)
32) . 1997 12
1998 3 16 1999 3 15
33) Kupchan, (2005), p.303.
34) Kupchan(2005), p.304.
35) Luck (2003), pp.25-48.
36) Kissinger (1994), p.17.
37) Mearsheimer (2001), pp.4-8.


. ,
(uni-multipolar international order)
? .
), ,
. , , (Joseph Nye)

. 911 (surprise) .41)

. 911
911 .

.42) (Pierre Melandri)
(Justin Vaisse),
(Pierre Biarnes)
.43) 911

Brzezinski. (2000), p.27.

Brzezinski(2000), p.56.
Huntington (1996); Nye (1990): Nye(2004).
Gaddis, (2004).
Chomsky (2003), p.28.

38 23 1

. (cultural

myopia) ?

. (Charles Krautha-

mmer) (democratic realism)

911 .46)

.47) (coercion)
.48) (preemptive attack) (preventive war)49),
(regime change), (assassination)
.50) ,
(Kellogg-Briand Pact, 1928) .
, .
(R. Kagan) ,


Melandri and Vaisse (2001); Biarnes (2003).

Fukuyama (2002), p.4.
Fukuyama (2004), pp.57-68; Fukuyama (2004 / 2005), p.11.
Marcuse (2003).
Ruppert (2004).
Byman and Waxman. (2004).
(expanded deterrence) . Gallucci (2005), p.83
Lennon and Eiss, eds. (2004).


. (rogue state)
, .


2 911 < 1>

. .




. ,
.54) 2004
(N. Ferguson)


Kagan (2003).
Brzezinski (1997); Odom and Dujarric (2004).
Odom and Dujarric (2004)
Valladao (1999).

40 23 1

.55) (M. Boot)

(destiny) .56)

.57) .
.58) (revolutionary

empire) .
, .
(Pax Imperial) (Pax International) , ,

. (I. Wallerstein)
.59) (A.

Frank) .60) (E.

Todd) .61)

. , , ,
. , (anti-imperial)
() .

Ferguson (2004); Ferguson (2002).

Boot (2002); Boot (2003); Boot, USA Today, 5 May 2003, 15 A.
Lennon and Eiss (2004). ( 2005 1-6) Project for the
New American Century ; (2005).
59) Wallerstein (2003).
60) Gunder Frank (1998), , (2003).
61) Todd , (2003).


, .
. (C. A. Kupchan), (T. R.

Reid), (J. Rifkin)

.62) .63)
() .64)
, ().
. ,
(multitude) .65) (, Empire inside)
() . 911

. .

, (international) .
, ()
.66) .67)

Reid (2004); Rifkin. (2005).

Defarges (2002).
Shambaugh (2004), p.64-99; Mosher (2000); Terrill (2003).
Hardt and Negri (2000); Negri and Aolo (2003); Hardt and Negri (2004); Balakrishnan,
ed.. (2003); Callinicos. (2004).
66) Ikenberry (2001); Ikenberry (2002); Ikenberry (2004).

42 23 1

(Ivan Eland) ,
. (anti-national) ,
(inter-national) .
, .
(beyond international)
. (beyond imperium)

(, civitas Dei) . , ,
(, civitas Terrena) ,
(Hobbes) . (Hobbes)

. (Pax Imperium) (Pax International)

< 1> 911

M. Boot,

Z. Brzezinski

N. Ferguson Odom & Dujarric

A. Frank
E. Todd

()P.Defarges, Negri &


()S. Mosher

Hardt C.

R. Terrill



. , 911

67) Etzioni (2004).

68) Eland (2004).


. ,
(a fait accompli) (World Politics)
(Word Politics) .
, ,
. , () ,
, , 911
2 .
<1> .

44 23 1

. . . 1 1 (2001).
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. . . 12 (2004).
, . . . : , 2002.
. . : , 2005.
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(). . , . . : , 2004.
. . : , 1968.
. . : , 2001.
, . . . : , 1996.
, ,

, . (: , 2003),

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International or Imperial?:
The Change of International Order and the Development of
Empire Theory since the World War

Myung-sub Kim / Yonsei University

This paper aims to contribute to the recent academic discourse on Empire by making
three interrelated arguments. First, as a key academic concept in international relations,

Empire emerged long before the 911 incident. In fact, it first acquired a wide
currency during the immediate aftermath of the Second World War. Second, the United
States and the Soviet Union, qua imperium, shared some critical features with the
imperialist practices of the previous generation; and yet, they also claimed to be
anti-imperialist empires, which stood in self-conscious opposition to the classical
imperialism of Victorian Europe and Imperial Russia. Third, the development of empire
theory closely reflects the changes in international order since the end of the Second
World War, which have run from multipolar international order, bipolar international
order, uni-bipolar international order, to the post-911 international order that is
presently forming.

Key Words: Empire, International Order, Cold War, United States

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