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Janet Person
University of Southern California
EDUC 540A: Practicum in Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Languages
February 17, 2015
Dr. Janis Margolis

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Classroom Setting and Background

Teacher: Janet Person

Host Teacher: Kendall Nelson
Lesson Title: Vocabulary Cube
Topic: Antonyms and Synonyms Using Vocabulary Words
Learner Level: Level 2 Beginning Conversation
Age: 19-24, 1 student is in her 40s
Location: American English College, Monterey Park, California.
Number of Students: 5
Date: February 4, 2015
Duration: 40 minute
Theoretical Basis
The foundation behind this lesson plan is fashioned according to the social cognitive
theory, a theoretical perspective in which learning by observing others is the focus of study.
Social cognitive theory is grounded by several basic assumptions: model; goal directed behavior;
and self-regulation, which are some key components of this lesson plan. The teacher will model
for students the concept and process of making the cube; the teacher will also use students to
model for other students; the students goal is to provide concepts for other students to guess the
word, i.e., antonym, synonym and word description. Lastly, students will work on cubes
individually and together. This lesson plan also adopts the constructivist view that learners are
active creators of their own knowledge, as opposed to having students process and reprocess

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given information without being able to personalize the outcome. It is important for both
teachers and students to collaborate in order to build new ideas and knowledge and insure a
greater understanding of the concepts, as well as a more comprehensible end product. Also, the
use of scaffolding techniques, in which assistance is given and than gradually removed, will be
implemented by the teacher within this lesson plan (Ormrod, 2010).
Learning Outcome
By the end of the lesson, learners will be able to demonstrate increased language and
communication skills using antonyms and synonyms in their conversation. The purpose of this
type of lesson is to broaden the classs conversational skills.
Lesson Activities
Warm-up: Vocab Review
Vocabulary Introduction:
- Teacher introduces the activity using vocabulary words
- Teacher asks class if they know what a synonym is as well as an antonym.
-Students receive a six-square pattern that can be folded up and taped into a three-dimensional
cube, approximately 4 on each side.
Vocabulary: Vocab Cube
-Before folding, students write in each square according to the directions below
-Each student is given one of the vocabulary words from page 94 and asked to:

Write the assigned vocabulary word in one square.

Write a synonym (word or phrase) in another square.
Write an antonym (word or phrase) in another square.
Write a category or categories it could belong to.
Write the essential characteristics of the concept of this word.
Teacher will give one example cube.

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(10 mins)
(Teacher scaffolds as necessary)
Materials: Cutouts six-square patterned paper/tape
-Fold, and tape the cube.
-Teacher will read the essential characteristics of the concept from a cube and students must tell
the original word. Teacher will pass out prize to each student that answers correctly
(10 mins)
Vocabulary Exercise:
-Students will exchange cubes with a peer until all cubes have gone around to each student.
(10 mins)
Formative assessment of this lesson plan is to broaden the classs conversational skills.
Moreover, the collaborative nature of the lesson plan prompts students to act in a cooperative
way in order to build their researching skills while working together. The teacher as well as the
students will be able to test their understanding of the objective by guessing what the vocabulary
word is during the final exercise.
Extension Activities
This is a post-lesson to the students vocabulary assignments. Students will also use this
product to study in future class lessons.
By the end of the lesson, learners will be able to expand their vocabulary using antonyms
and synonyms using creative activities. More importantly, this alternative medium, such as

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building a cube, allows for students to use fun activities. This accommodates for those students
who learn by hands on and building.


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Ormrod, J. E, (2010) Chapter 10, from Educational Psychology: Developing Learners

(7th ed.). Pearson. Pgs. 323-352.

Appendix 1

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Appendix 2

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