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The Respiratory System

Date: ______________

The Respiratory Tract

The basic function of the respiratory system is

The components of our respiratory system

The Path of Oxygen

1. Air enters the respiratory system through the _______________ or the __________________
2. The nasal cavities open into an air filled cavity called the ___________________, or throat. The
pharynx serves as a passageway ____________________________________________.
3. The pharynx branches into the _____________________ and the ______________________. Air moves
from the pharynx into the ___________________, or windpipe.
The ________________________ is a flap-like structure that covers the opening of the trachea when
food is being swallowed.
At the top of the trachea is the ____________________. It contains the ______________________
4. From the trachea, air moves into 2 large passageways in the chest cavity called
______________________ (singular: bronchus). Each bronchus leads into one of the

The walls of the trachea and bronchi are reinforced with ___________________________________.
(holds windpipe open)

5. Within each lung, the large bronchus subdivides into _____________________________, which leads
to even smaller passageways called ___________________________________.
6. The bronchioles lead to millions of tiny ___________________________________________________.

A network of thin-walled _________________________surrounds each ______________________.

Exchange site of _________________________________________
Oxygen ________________________ in the moisture of the alveoli and then ________________ into
the blood.
__________________________ in the blood _____________________________________
_______________________, from the blood to an alveolus.
Surface Area _____________________________________________________________.

Summary of Oxygen Movement

Inhaled air passes through the following series of continuous airways in this sequence:

The Role of Cilia and Mucous

Large dust particles get trapped by the hairs lining the nasal cavity
Some cells that line the respiratory system produce mucus. The mucus moistens the air and traps
inhaled particles of dust or smoke.
Cilia sweep the trapped particles and mucus away from the lungs toward the pharynx- swallowed
(_______________________________) or spit out.
The Mechanics of Breathing

Thoracic Muscles
Intercostals muscles ____________________________________________________
Diaphragm _____________________________________________________________

Air moves from higher to lower pressure areas.

When the breathing muscles contract (mostly the diaphragm & intercostals) it _____________
_________________________________________________________ (attached to the wall).
This ____________________________________ (pleural cavity) which causes the
Air moves _______________________________________________________.
The Lungs
The lungs are incased in a protective cage called the __________________________. (Spinal column,
ribs and sternum).
The lungs are attached at the bottom to a sheet of muscles called: ________________________
It separates the _____________________________________________________.
A pleural sac (membrane) _____________________________________________________.
The pleural cavity is the inside of the pleural sac
Left lung only has _____________________ to make room for the _____________ (cardiac notch)
Respiration is a controlled process.
There are respiratory centers in the _________________________ that establish a rhythmic breathing
There are inspiratory and expiratory neurons in the ___________________________________.
The inspiratory neurons send signals to ______________________________________.
When they do not fire signals, the ______________________________________________

Non-Respiratory Functions
It provides a route for __________________________________________________________.
It enables various kinds of _________________________________________.
It defends against inhaled ____________________________________.
Its part of the sense of smell.

Respiratory System Disorders

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