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Format of the report: Report should be in the IEEE conference template.

Make sure the code

and report are plagiarism free.
Team Size: 4-5
1. Count number of
a) Persons in the provided images (2a_1, 2a_2)
b) Cars (2b_1,2b_2)
2. Given an image, count the occurrences of the object in image in the given test images.
Count the occurrence of the ball in image1.jpg in output1.jpg and output2.jpg and the number
of the two balls in input2.jpeg in output1.jpg and output2.jpg.
3. (i) Describe what are binary features. Why were they needed and what is there
significance. (minimum 100 words)
(ii) Compare the following feature extraction in terms of the parameters specified henceforth.
a. BRIEF (OpenCV)
b. KAZE (OpenCV)
c. SIFT (Use any implementation)
Parameters: Keypoint Matching Accuracy, False Positives, False Negatives, precision and
Dataset: We'd give 10 input images and 5 transformations on those images. 50 in total.
Results: Results must be averaged for each transformation. Analyze which feature extractor
works best and why.
4. Bonus Project(10 points): Implement an image retrieval system for extracting similar from a
dataset(INRIA Holidays Dataset) using the individual or combination of features above. You are free
to choose any other technique.

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