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Every child deservers fair play

Assessment plays a major role in the classroom. It is an important part of the

education system. It also allows the students to have control of their own learning.
Furthermore it allows teachers to observe the development of the student learning. If
assessment is completed properly, it can show the students weakness and strengths. This
will allow teachers to direct their teaching towards the individual needs of the student.
Teachers can use the knowledge that they have learned from the students in the
assessment process. Assessment for learning, as learning, and of learning plays an
important role in how the teachers assess the students on their learning in the classroom.
Assessment for Learning
Assessment for learning, is a form of formative assessment. It is a great way to
learn about your students present knowledge and skill level. It can show the progresses
of the student from the beginning and the end of a unit. Learning about your students
allows the teacher to adjust the classroom instruction based on the diverse needs in the
classroom. Formative assessment is a collection of evidence that demonstrates students
learning. It can be set up to prior instruction, and it can used based on students prior
learning and what they can do. In formative assessment, teachers can provide valuable
feedback to the student based on their learning. Formative assessment is a great way to
see how the progression has been made though a unit or a lesson that has been done in the
class. Assessments can be completed in several different formats including written,
observation or verbal assessed.
Assessment of Learning
Assessment of learning, is another form of formative assessment and it used to
assess the students on how well they have improved. The student will receive an
assessment report completed by the teacher to demonstrate their effort and how well they
have progressed through the unit. It is a good way to see how far they have improved in
their learning. This is important to have to see where they are in their learning. This is
something that I would only do at the end of unit. I would do more formative assessment
thought out the unit to get a sense of where the students are. At the end of a unit,
summative assessment will come into play.
Assessment as learning
Assessment as learning, it is an opportunity for students to assess themselves and
to be able to take control of their own learning. Self and peer assessment allows students
to be able reach their own goals in their learning with the assistance of the teacher. I
believe that self and peer assessment is important. It has an impact on the student
learning, it will boost up their confidence and encouragement in their learning. They are
not being evaluated through the means of the teacher but the teacher is still assessing
them but their peer and self-evaluation play a role. Students can set up their own personal
goals and be responsible for their own learning. I believe that it is important for students

to take control of their learning because they will be able to achieve what they are
capable of and believing that they can reach their goals. Doing so will allow the students
to develop confidence and the learning will continue.
As a teacher, I believe that feedback is an important part of formative assessment
that can impact student learning in the classroom. The feedback allows students to
understand if their goals have been not met, met or exceeded knowing this information
about their learning allows the students to feel control of their learning. Feedback can be
used in different ways, such as comment notes, exit slip, observation, verbal
communication and non-verbal communication as in thumbs up or down. I feel that
feedback is important for teachers and students to learn about each other and it is way of
commutating. Having the students and teacher work together to reach a common goal in
the learning. Giving feedback is effective when the students receive it during the learning
process. Students will think about their performance rather then dealing with it
emotionally. It will allow them to understand their goals that they want to achieve during
the unit that they are working on.
Rubrics are important to have for students to understand what they are being
assessed on. Rubrics are a great way to demonstrate how the students can be graded
because they are specific to a unit. Modeling and having explanations to showcase each
type of assignment that the student may choose. Having examples will give them a better
idea what is expected. There will be several different examples to show the differences in
relation to the rubric. It will depend on what I am teaching, in the younger grades, for
using self-assessment, a rubric can be emotions ions such as (happy, neutral and sad) and
as the students get older, I will use numbers order form (1,2,3). When I am using the
rubric to assess the student, it will be on the scale of 1 to 4, with 1 being Unacceptable, 2Below expectations, 3-meets expectations and 4- above expectations. When students are
peer assessing each other, they can use an assessment for learning tool, which they can
give two stars and one wish. As a teacher, I find that a rubric will be a useful tool to use
to during my formative assessment.
Peer and Self-Assessment
Assessing peers is a great way to for students to provide feedback on each others
work. When students are getting assessed by their peers, they are less likely to be
judgmental towards their classmates then by their teacher. Being assessed by their peers
will help students build confidence because they will be learning from each other. They
will be able to understand how they learn and gain new knowledge from their peers. As
peers do assessment on each other, as a teacher I can make my own assessment and
compare what they have said to mine. The students will feel more at ease when being
marked by their peers. One of the learning tools that I feel that would be a great tool for
my students to use is the two stars and one wish. It gives the students that opportunity to

comment on what they like and what they think that their peers can work on. It is
encouraging and it can boost the student confidence in their learning. The one wish can
be something to comment about the student work and gear them in the right direction
with their learning.
Self- assessment is a beneficial way for students to evaluate themselves. It helps
them set a realistic goal to reach. As a teacher, I would model to the students how to selfassess. I would show them what is acceptable and not acceptable. Having a rubric to
show the students will give them what they can do to achieve the work that they are
doing. I would use different rubrics for the students depending on the subject and grade
level being taught.
Each student learns differently and obtains different skill sets. It can be
challenging to assess a student when their learning styles are different. I am a firm
believer that students should be praised and assessed on the amount of effort on the work
that they have completed. It will give them a sense of self-worth and will help them gain
confidence in their academic abilities. If a student is feeling down about their work, I feel
as though a journal for the subject would be way to remind them that they have improved
and that they are gaining new knowledge with the progression that they have made.
Discussion with Parents
Discussing with parents how you assess your students is an important part of our
role as a teacher. The teacher and the parents have to work together to ensure that the
childs learning is progressing at the pace that they should be at. I will use both formative
and summative assessment to ensure that I get results that I need to show the parents. My
assessment will have importance because I dont want to assess students because its
required or need marks for a report card. Allowing the parents to see what their child is
learning is important. It is important to see the improvements that the child has made.
Also showing the how the child self assess themselves is important for the parents to see
how the child values their education.
Assessment plays a valuable and powerful part of the classroom for both the
teacher and students. It is where the strengths and weaknesses of the students are
discovered. As a teacher, I value learning and by learning, I will continue to grow into a
more effective teacher. Allowing yourself to grow and learn from your students and being
able to adapt to the learning needs of each of my students is important. Assessment will
play an essential role in their level of improvement. Assessment in the classroom, will be
remain invisible for the students as I want the learning to be pleasant and blended into the

Government of New Brunswick. Formative Assessment: An Essential Part of a Balanced
Assessment Program.
Rethinking Classroom Assessment with a Purpose in Mind: Assessment for Learning,
Assessment as Learning, Assessment of Learning. 2006, Manitoba Education,
Citizenship and Youth.

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