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PBIS: Check-in Check-out

Teacher Packet
The purpose of this informational packet is to provide the teacher of a student who is referred to take
part in the Tier-II PBIS intervention Check-in Check-out. It is the hope that this will provide you with
some information that will guide you through the process that will hopefully help the referred student
become more successful.
What is the purpose of a Tier II Intervention?
- Prevent the development or decrease the frequency and/or intensity of students problem
- Provide standardized interventions that effectively and efficiently support students yet do not
require the time and the resources needed to develop individualized plans
What is Check-in Check-out (CICO)?
- Tier-II group oriented intervention designed specifically for students whose problem behaviors
are unresponsive to Tier-I practices
- CICO provides a built in system for:
- monitoring students progress in the program
- evaluating the fidelity of implementation
- transitioning to a self-managed program
What are the features of CICO?
- Increased positive adult contact
- Embedded social skills training
- Direct link to school-wide behavioral goals and expectations
- Frequent feedback
- Daily home-school communication
- Positive reinforcement contingent on meeting behavioral goals
What does a typical day look like for a student in
1. Check in with CICO coordinator in the morning
when they arrive at school with signed point
2. Carry point card that is based on school-wide
3. Receive frequent and regular feedback on their
behavior from adults throughout the day
4. Check out with CICO coordinator and review
goals at the end of the day
5. Bring point card home for parent signature and
positive feedback
6. Return to school with signed point card

If I have a student that is using the CICO intervention, what do I need to do?
- The student will be responsible for providing you with a rating or point card. This point card will
be what you will use to rate the students behaviors throughout the school day. At the end of the
day the students will bring their card to the CICO coordinator for review.

Teacher tasks:
1. When student arrives in your class ensure that they have their CICO sheet with them (if not, have
extras on hand to ensure minimal disruption)
2. After each period, circle the points the student has earned
3. Give the student brief, specific, primarily positive feedback about their behavior related to the
school-wide expectations
For Example:
Wow! You did such a nice job today following directions, I am impressed!
4. If not all points were earned, give brief feedback about what needs to be done better next time.
For Example:
You really kept your hands and materials to yourself, and worked hard today. You
received 2s for those, but I am giving you a 1 for following directions because I had
to remind you three times to put your materials away. You can earn a 2 next time if
you follow directions the first time.
Please do NOT do these NONexamples of student feedback
- Negativity
: I cant believe how you were talking in class today! I told you five times to stop. You
are not earning any points for that period. That was terrible!
- Sarcasm
: What were you thinking? So, you think its ok to poke other students with pencils?
- Vague
: Good work.
How is data used?
- Screening and Identification:
Office discipline referrals and staff recommendations to screen
for students who might benefit from CICO.
- Baseline
: Used to determine current levels of functioning, baseline data are collected for 3-5
days while parental permission is obtained.
- Daily Data Entry
: Individual student data are entered daily into the CICO system
- Weekly Review
: Data will be reviewed weekly or biweekly
- Progress Monitoring
: Student data will be used to make the following decisions about individual
students response to the intervention
- continue CICO
- Modify and continue
- Fade to self-managed program
- Exit and evaluate for alternative supports or individualized, tier III interventions
- Data Updates
: At least monthly, school staff and parents receive information about the overall
program and individual students, as appropriate.

This should provide you with a good understanding of the CICO intervention program, if you have any
questions please do not hesitate to ask.

Sample Point Card

This is a generic example of a typical CICO daily behavior recording and monitoring card or report:

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