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WORKSHEET - Art and design

Using the words from this list try to answer:

- What forms of Art do you know so far?
- When was the last time you designed something?
- What tools and objects you needed?
- How expensive can it be to purchase all these items for making
quality designs?
- What about trying to study to such a profile?

Hartie de desen drawing paper

Creion pencil
Guma de sters eraser
Creioane colorate crayons
Carioci markers
Acuarele watercolors
Pensule brushes
Linie line
Carbune charcoal drawing
Modele models
Compas compass
Creion mecanic mechanical pencil
Echer aquare
Sablon pattern
Stilou tehnic technical pen
Paleta de culori color palette
Panza canvas
Creioane cerate wax crayons
Aracet/Lipici glue
Carton cardboard
Sevalet easel
Ascutitoare sharpener
Vopsea paint
Foarfeca scissors
Culori acrilice acrylic
Cutite pentru modelaj si pictura modeling and paniting knives
Afis- poster
Tablou picture
Desen drawing
Fresca fresco
Vitraliu stained glass
Grafit graphite
Asta plastica fine art
Artist astist

Pictor painter
Arhitectura arhitecture
Design vesrtimentar fashion design
Crochiuri ( in design model de siluete) sketches (in the design models silhouettes)
Asimetric asymmetric
Liniar linear
Egal equal
Statue statue
Bibelou trinket
Sculptura sculpture
Cadru framework
Bronz bronze
Plastilina plasticine
Lut clay
Centru de interes centre of interest
Cromatica cromatic
Colaj collage
Compozitie composition
Contrast- contrast
Contur contour
Hasura hatching
Modelaj modeling
Mozaic mosaic
Nuante shades
Peisaj landscape
Portret portrait
Pigment pigment
Schita sketch
Albastru blue
Rosu red
Galben yellow
Portocaliu orange
Negru black
Alb- white
Violet purple
Verde green
Roz pink
Maro brown
Gri gray
Expozitie - exhibition

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