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Question Words ou Wh- Words

So usados em ingls para fazer perguntas abertas (perguntas que no

podem ser respondidas com sim ou no).
What O qu, Qual (s se refere a coisas inanimadas ou animais.)
What did you see?
What did you do last night?
What colour do you prefer?
What kind of (Que tipo de)
What kind of music do you like?
What shape (Qual o formato)
What shape is the moon?
What time (Que horas)
What time is it?
What like (Descries Como)
What is your wife like?
Who Quem (refere-se a pessoas)
Who bought that car?
When ? (Quando)
When were you born?
When did he arrive?
Where? (Onde)
Where does she live?

Why (Por qu) Why usado para fazer perguntas. Because para

Why are you so sad?

Which (Qual) seletivo e refere-se a um nmero limitado de elementos.
Which car do you prefer?
How (Como)
How are you?
How do you pronounce that?

Formas compostas de How

How often (Com que frequncia)
How often does she travel abroad?
How long (Quanto tempo/Qual o How long have you been studying
How long is the Mondego?
How far (Qual a distncia)
How far is it from Coimbra to Porto?
How wide (Qual a largura)
How wide is the Mondego?
How deep (Qual a profundidade)
How deep is the Atlantic?
How tall (Qual a altura)
How tall is John?
How hight (Qual a altura)
How high is Mount Everest?
How large (Qual a rea)
How large is Portugal?
How heavy (Qual o peso)
How heavy is that bag?
How much (Quanto dinheiro)
How much is a hot dog?
How many (Quantos/as)
How many children have you got?
How soon (At quando)
How soon can you get the report
How old (Quantos anos)
How old are you?

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