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City of Medford OFFICE OF THE GETY COUNGIL, ity Hall 85 George P. Hassett Drive SSI Maine tm 0. Mealord, Massachusetts 02155 Med MAGES CCONIMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING NOTICE TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2015 @ 6:00 PM IN ROOM 207, CITY COUNCIL OFFICE MEDFORD CITY HALL. ‘There will be a meeting of the Committee of the Whole on Tuesday, August 11, 2015 at 6:00 PM., in Room 207, Council Office, Medford City Hal. “The purpose of the meeting is to further discuss Loan Order 15-591, $2,120,000. Capital Improvements, City Sewer System/MWRA Loan ‘The Committee has requested Louise Miller, Budget Director and Cassandra Koutalidas, City Engineer to attend the meeting For further information, aids and accommodations contact the City Clerk at 781- 393-2425 August 4, 2015, Yours truly, Grederick N. Dello Russo Jf. ©» x Fredrick N. Dello Russo Jr Ro Council President sg .2 Ce: Mayor Council». Miler ©. Koutaideg ss BS Sh WY a

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