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Researching All Possible Pathways

This worksheet will assist you in organizing your information for creating your
Postsecondary Pathway Plans. Use one worksheet per pathway. Research your
information from several resources and be sure to record which information comes
from each source so you can give credit to your sources.

You may want to exchange your worksheet with a peer or mentor to see if there are
questions or issues that have not been addressed before progressing to the finished
Indentified Career Cluster: Music
Intended Career Goal: Secondary School Music Teacher
Starting Point (Choose from one of the following: workplace, apprenticeship,
college, and university):
Give specifics (such as name of postsecondary institution, apprenticeship
program, specific workplace):
1. Bachelor of Music McGill University
2. Bachelor of Music Humber College
3. Bachelor of Music University of Toronto
4. Bachelor of Education Acadia University
What steps do you have to take just to get to the starting point?
- Grade 12 English
- 5 additional Grade 12 university level courses
What are the immediate Next Steps to progress from the starting point?
- Completing Bachelor of Music degree
- Completing Bachelor of Education degree
Length of education/training program/apprenticeship:
Based on material from Think Literacy: Cross-Curricular Approaches, Grade 7 - 12

Bachelor of Music: 4 years

Bachelor of Education: 2 years
Total: 6 years
Resources required to support the implementation of your plan (such as
tuition costs, living expenses if moving away from home, union dues,
travel expenses to work or class, etc.)
- Tuition expenses
- Living expenses
- Food expenses
- Transportation expenses
- Resource expenses
What are the expectations and requirements to progress in the
- Depends on the program
What are the potential barriers/challenges and what are the potential
- Lengthy education = motivation, finishing as soon as possible
- Lots of funded needed = scholarships, part-time jobs, well paying job after final
- Possibility to get bored of subject = keep interested with new knowledge
- Lack of jobs after graduation = perseverance, re-location
What is the projected outcome of taking this particular path? How will you
know you have succeeded?
Projected Outcome: Secondary School Music Teacher
Success = Secondary School Music Teacher
Researching All Possible Pathwaysp2
How does this plan address my learning style and work habits?
- Very good work ethic = success
- Auditory learning mainly = success in music
- Diverse learning styles overall = success overall
Based on material from Think Literacy: Cross-Curricular Approaches, Grade 7 - 12

- Openness & Patience = success with students

How does this plan reflect my personal profile in terms of my interests,
strengths, intelligences, values, and accomplishments?
This plan reflects very positively on my current interests, strengths, intelligences,
values and accomplishments. As my current interests, strengths, intelligences and
accomplishments mainly surround music, this clearly indicates that a career in
music education would be a good match. My values of education and leadership
would greatly help in becoming a teacher/professor, eventually.
How does this plan reflect on my personal profile in relation to my
interpersonal relationships, family background, and affiliations?
Multiple people in my family have played instruments. Many friends and peers have
a strong interest in music as well. Mentors and older students have taken paths of
music and music education. My affiliation with the music programs and background
in music also indicates that a plan of this nature would likely promote career

List any research resources, as well as local agencies and organizations,
which may be of assistance in implementing this plan.
McGill University:
Humber College:
University of Toronto:

Based on material from Think Literacy: Cross-Curricular Approaches, Grade 7 - 12

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