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Include and Append

Include Structure:
Structure is used to include the structure to the custom

If you add a field to an include structure, all tables that
contain that include structure will be updated.
Allows to add one or more structure into structure or table
.Also placed positioning anywhere.
Up to 6 include structure can be used in a table.

Append Structure:

Append structure is used to append the structure to the

standard table

Can be placed only at the end of a structure or table which

also stops further insertion of fields.

Only one append structure can be used.

Append structures cant be used with cluster and pool tables.


Requirement : Create a table which has include structure and append

structure in it.
Example for creating Both Include Structure and Append Structure.
Creating Custom tables For an Employee Details.
1) Creating the fields as per our requirement, employee number, name and
address as fields.

6)After entering the name click on contuine and add the requried fields.

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