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What was the most decisive factor that helped Tomas Jefferson win the

1800 presidential election? The Three-Fifths Compromise

Jefferson considered his election in 1800 a "revolution" because: it marked
a return to the values of 1776.
In office, Jefferson surprisingly eliminated only which one of the following
Federalist programs? The excise tax
Which of the following is NOT true about the Judiciary Act of 1801? It
resulted in the appointment of William Marbury to the Supreme Court.
The case of Marbury v. Madison (1803) is significant because it: gave the
Supreme Court the authority to interpret the Constitution
What was the main reason that Jefferson reduced the size of the military
when he became president? He wanted the United States to be an example for
the rest of the world through peaceful coercion.
Napoleon Bonaparte ultimately abandoned his vision of a New World
empire and agreed to sell Louisiana to the United States for all of the
following reasons EXCEPT: he feared that America might seize it militarily.
Which of the following CANNOT be said about the Louisiana Purchase? It
required a constitutional amendment for the purchase to be completed.
Lewis and Clark's expeditions were primarily designed to: be a scientific and
geographic study of the Louisiana territory.
Why did former vice president Aaron Burr challenge former treasury
secretary Alexander Hamilton to a duel in 1804? Hamilton revealed Burr's
plan to entice New England and New York to secede.
In the years before the War of 1812, what was impressment? The capture
and forced military service of American seamen by the British
Jefferson's embargo strategy to get England and France to honor American
neutrality in the years before the War of 1812 ultimately failed for all of
the following reasons EXCEPT that he: did not not consider that other countries
would step in to fill England or Frances import needs.
Which of the following wer NOT among the forces that pushed President
James Madison to war with Britain in 1812? British re-enforcement of its Orders
in Council
The region that did NOT support the declaration of war against the British
was: New England.

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