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Slaves responded to emancipation during the war

years in all of the following ways EXCEPT that they:

tried to join the Union Army.

Who were the Exodusters? A mass migration of blacks

from various southern states into Kansas in the late 1870s.

The Freedmen's Bureau: was established by Congress to

provide food, education, and other social services to freedmen.

Before becoming president, Andrew Johnson had been

a: champion of poor farmers.
Which of the following was NOT a feature of
presidential Reconstruction of the Union? The 50
percent Reconstruction plan.

The Black Codes were: restrictive Southern statutes passed

to regulate newly freed slaves

What single outcome of the war had Northern

Congressmen wondering who really won? The end of the
Three-Fifths Compromise.

To secure the gains of the 1866 Civil Rights Bill,

Congress sought to pass the Fourteenth Amendment
to the Consitution with all of the following terms
EXCEPT: the right to vote.
What was the central difference between radical and
moderate Republican notions of Reconstruction?
Moderates wanted to limit federal intervention in the South.

All of the following were tenets of Reconstruction as

adopted by Congress EXCEPT: state-sponsored education
and land grants to former slaves.

The problem with the Fifteenth Amendment to the

Consitution was that it: did not enfranchise women.
Who were the so-called scalawags and carpetbaggers? Scalawags were pro-Union Southerners who
participated in radical Reconstruction; carpet-baggers were

Northerners who moved South seeking profit and power.

White Southerners resisted the increased

empowerment of blacks in all of the following ways
EXCEPT: the enactment of the Force Acts of 1870 and 1871.
What was the justification for the impeachment of
President Andrew Johnson? He allegedly violated the
Tenure of Office Act.

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