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World Geography

Mrs. Woodson Room 213
(770) 578-7900
Welcome to World Geography! I hope that through the course of this year, you will develop and interest and a
curiosity about the physical and cultural landscape of the world. In this class, we will make our way through the
regions of the world in a study of their physical features and how these contribute to the development of cultural
characteristics. You will develop the skills of map reading and analysis, critical reading, research, writing and other
important skills of a social scientist through this course.
You will use a variety of resources during this course. You will be issued the text, World Geography. Topics will
be supplemented with handouts in class so that students will have experience reading and analyzing primary and
secondary sources like letters, speeches, political cartoons, and other documents.
I look forward to a rewarding year despite my late arrival to our classroom! Please contact me with any questions
or concerns as we begin this year.
Semester 1 Units
Unit 1: Writing (Agricultural Revolution)
Unit 2: United States and Canada
Unit 3: Latin America
Unit 4: Europe
Unit 5: Russia

Classroom Expectations:
Respect the people around you and your classroom.
Remain seated unless you have permission to be out of your seat.
Listen. To everyone.
Prepare for class and participate in a productive way.
Follow all the guidelines set out in the student handbook and syllabus.
Daily Procedures:
1) Classroom Entry: Be in your seat at or before the bell rings. Begin the "warm-up" exercise on the board when
the bell rings. Failure to follow this procedure will result in a tardy.
2) Classroom Exit: Remain in your seat until the bell rings to signal the end of class and your permission to exit
class. Do not gather at the door awaiting the bell.
3) Personal Business: Take care of all personal business including trips to the rest room or vending machines
before reporting to class on time. You will not be released from class except for emergency situations.
4) Electronic Devices: There are appropriate times for the use of electronic devices in class for instructional
purposes. These times will be indicated by me. At all other times, devices should be silenced and stowed in
backpacks or purses to limit distractions to yourself and others.
5) Follow all Pope High School and Cobb County Schools District policies (including Dress Code).
Consequences: Include but are not limited to verbal warning, phone call home, teacher assigned detention,
conference with teacher, parent or Administrator, Behavior Contract with Teacher, Referral to Office
These are consequences for student choices. The severity of the consequence is dependent upon the
infraction or behavior. Make good choices.

Student supplies:
You need the following supplies:
Three ring binder with 6 dividers: Vocabulary, Notes, Maps, Handouts, Quizzes
Black or blue pens, pencils with erasers
Loose-leaf paper
Colored pencils

Important Policies:
Late Work: I will not accept missing work at the end of the term. If you are having trouble with an assignment,
come see me: BEFORE it is due. Everyone makes mistakes and forgets things. Dont make this a habit. First time
is free with no penalty. After that time, a 10% penalty will apply. All work must be turned in. You cannot opt out
of your education. Once a student receives the 10% penalty on an assignment, I will conference with the student.
If necessary, I will conference with a parent and/or assign a mandatory detention to complete the work.
Make Up Work: YOU are responsible for getting the work you missed. Missed tests or projects must be made
up or turned in at the next class. You will be expected to make up missed tests immediately upon return to school.
I will not track you down. Come to me. See student handbook.
Notebook: You are required to retain work in a binder. Good practice: hole punch papers and put them in the
notebook daily. USE the tabs not the pockets.
Extra Help: Come see me. Come see me. COME SEE ME! I cant stress it enough. If you are lost, struggling
or just need me to explain it again, please make time to see me before class, after class, or during AO. I am happy
to help. It is why I am here.
Academic Honesty: My class operates with an expectation of academic honesty. This policy covers all assignments
given in this class including homework. See Academic Honesty policy in student handbook.
Tardy Policy: Each student must sign in by the door when they enter the classroom after the bell rings. 3 tardies
to my class will result in a detention with the teacher in the morning at 7:45 a.m. The very next tardy will result in
an administration referral (write-up).

A variety of types of assessments are used in this class and they will be combined to determine the final grade.
Quizzes: There will be frequent quizzes to check for understanding and progress in the unit. You need to
complete reading assignments and take your own Cornell Notes. Study and mastery of content vocabulary is an
important component of this course.
Daily Starters, Classwork and Homework: There will be random checks for completion and accuracy.
Tests : Complete the study guides I provide. They walk you through the test. It is important to be present for
both the review and the tests.
Projects/Other Assessments: They are important. Keys to success: Plan ahead. Manage time well. Failure to turn
in a major project will usually make it very hard to pass the course.

Homework: 10%
Classwork: 10%
Tests/Assessments: 40%
Quizzes: 20%
Comprehensive Final Exam: 20%

Mrs. Woodson
Room 213
Due: Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Please Print
Student Name: __________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________
Phone Number: _________________________________________________
Guardian Name: ________________________________________________
Guardian Email: ________________________________________________
Work or Cell #: _________________________________________________
Guardian 2 Name: _______________________________________________
Guardian Email: _________________________________________________
Work or Cell #: __________________________________________________
I have read and understand the rules and classroom procedures in Mrs. Woodsons syllabus
provided to me.
This signature also signifies that you are allowing your child to watch several movies in class
that range from G to PG-13. I do however, need a signature allowing your student to watch all
PG-13 movies
Students Signature:
Guardians Signature:

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