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MCF 3M Functions and Applications

Teacher: Ms. J. Goodreau

CKSS Telephone #: 519-352-2870

Course Description: This course introduces basic features of the function by extending
students experiences with quadratic relations. It focuses on quadratic, trigonometric, and
exponential functions and their use in modeling real-world situations. Students will represent
functions numerically, graphically, and algebraically; simplify expressions; solve equations; and
solve problems relating to applications. Students will reason mathematically and communicate
their thinking as they solve multi-step problems.
Ministry Guidelines:
Course Type:
Credit Value:
Grade Level:
Final Examination
Term Value:
Examination Value:
Strands / Themes:

Assessment and

Assigned Text:

Ministry Curriculum Policy Document The Ontario Curriculum
Grades 11 and 12, Mathematics, Revised 2007
University/College Preparation
Principles of Mathematics, Grade 10, Academic, or Foundations of
Mathematics, Grade 10, Applied
Quadratic Functions
Exponential Functions
Trigonometric Functions
The Achievement Chart for this Course of Study will be employed to
guide students in assessing their own learning and planning
strategies for improvement. Students will have the opportunity to
complete the Ministry of Education exemplar projects or their
equivalents for this Course of Study. Overall and specific
expectations will be assessed and evaluated based upon the
following criteria:
Knowledge / Understanding:
Thinking & Inquiry Skills:
Communication Skills:
Application / Making Connections: 30%
Nelson: Functions and Applications 11
*** Students must reimburse full replacement cost of text if not returned in good

Date Reviewed:

The school will issue official interim, mid-semester and final reports.
As well, the teacher may issue progress reports at any time.
January 2013

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MCF3M Functions and Applications

Required Materials:
Homework Expectations:
Missed Test Policy:
Late Assignment Policy:

Attendance Policy:

Classroom Expectations:

Teacher Availability:


Textbook (provided); Notebook; Pencil, Pen, Eraser, Ruler;

Scientific Calculator
Homework will be assigned on a daily basis. Completion of
homework is essential for success in this course.
If you miss a test without a valid reason or due to suspension,
a mark of zero will be assigned.
Students are expected to submit all assignments within the
time frame specified by the teacher. Teachers will consider
extenuating circumstances when assignments are late. If an
assignment is late, 10% may be deducted per school day, up
to a maximum of 50%. Once assignments have been
returned to students, any late submissions may receive a
mark of zero.
Regular attendance and punctuality are essential
components of this course. If you are absent, it is your
responsibility to get the notes and/or assignments from
another student. Communication with your teacher upon
return to class is essential. An assessment missed due to
absence must be completed on the first day returned
following the absence.
a) You are expected to bring all required materials to
class each day.
b) By the bell, students are to be seated according to
the seating plan. Students not in their seats and
working on assigned material at this time are
considered late.
c) Students are expected to respect the rights of others.
This includes paying attention during the lesson and
listening to anyone contributing to the lesson.
d) Students are expected to work on assigned material
until the end of the period. Everyone should remain
seated until they are dismissed by the teacher.
You are encouraged to ask for help on a regular basis. Extra
help during lunch break or after school should be arranged in
advance and will be dependent on the teachers schedule.

I acknowledge having read the above course

statement .

(Parent/Guardian Signature)


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