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Chapter 9: Lecture Notes

America has Independence now but is trying to get its feet underneath it. It
now has a whole new country and government to come up with from scratch.
This chapter is about that struggle of finding compromise and unity in a
country that doesnt really know the next step after independence.
o Colonies like maybe teenagers
I will never be the parents my parents were to me
They overcompensated with the Articles of Confederation
(fundamentally flawed)
Doomed to fail because a confederation is only a loose
unity of states
o Articles of Confederation weak
No control over commerce
British had controlled commerce with the Navigation Acts
Only asked for taxes, didnt require them
The British had forced taxes on the colonists that the
people thought were unfair
To enforce they need soldiers and they dont have enough
money to enforce these
No control over state legislation
Thats what the British had done in the past with laws and
No executive branch
A snub against the King in England didnt want that
o To make the Constitution, the states have to be willing to give up some
of their power

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