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Act Il (The Gipsy’ Son.) NO 16.“Or co’ dadi, ma fra poco.,, Chorus of Soldiers. Scene.— The Camp. At the right the Counts tent, with a banner floating at the top, in token of com- mand. In the distance the towers of Castellor. Allegro.(d = 92) ett . te ue ff, ee Now the Chorus.(Primi) gio - co! journ - ing. gio - co! journ - ing. san. guejin— bre - vea - this. sword ere dim san-gue jn dim this’ 2 A Party of Soldiers. da. di, ma dice in - vite - 60 lei - sure, gio - che While in da- di, ma dice in- vite 0 - co gio - che lei- sure, While in Ne Sf other Party of Soldiers, brightening their armor. uest? ac ter - felar, dal san- guegr Brief the sol- diers hour “of juest? ac Brief the dal san- guegr diers hour of. ciar, sol - so! per - ing. morn - bre - vea - sword ere sper - 0! morn - ing. spCorni and Trombe ~s0 di - to re - = mant da = in-force Il soe- cor - ‘Those are s 1 Those ‘are troops +man-da - = in- force - 80 di - (80-cor - to re - 80, plea sure, -|rem ben_ al - eace We are yew ter - 50, plea - sure, ae (A strong band of cross_bowmen crosses the b: to! us! tol us! tro so - - Tem ben_al - Peace we are di will ia Blood fia di Blood will of Han ra-spet-- to del Then our|res- —~ pite must Han Ya-spet- fo del ‘Then our res-_ _-pite must t All the Soldiers. > oe Be ee lor! J Pit Tas-|sal-to ri tar -| da - or fia di Cas- tel - oer: [With de -| lay none shail as - |perse us=—Up, vam - qujsh Cas - tel - or non fia di Cas- tel - Up, and van-quish Cas - tel - lor! ) Pid Vas- sal- to ri- tar - da - 6. oer. With de - lay none shall as- perse us, = CS = See > > pe Tas-[sal- fo ri- tar | da - f= or i Cas- tel - dg -| I ne shall as -| perse us Up, Cas - tel - wt Tas- sal. to ri- tar- da- to or Cas- tel - ith de - lay none shall as - perse us, Up, ee Ferrando. Si, pro-dia-mi-ci, al di no- vel- le @ men-te del ca-pi- ‘Yes, brave cOm-pa-nions, the Countcommands us, w\th- out a- ny more de - Zé tan Ta Ficcajn-ses-tir do—gni par-te. Co-1a pin-gue bot - ti no cer-tea-za rin-vo lay, to stormCastel-lor, and to take it. Our soldierswill find boo-ty ex-ceeding all their Ob: Cor, Fez, = nin, piu eho epe- ran-za. Si yin a; & no- stro. hopés: Then go, and conquer, be _for- tune your guer- don. a A Soldiers. Moderato. A tal quer! Ta din-vi- tia dan- zal Lead us on to con - 1 Moderato.(d -96) Allegro moderato maestoso. grandioso = > ‘ > = = Fe Es Set SSSe = a = —j— Ae Squil - lie - cheg- gi Ia | tromba guerrie-ra,chiamigi/ Tar. mial-la pu- gnaaltas4 Cla - rions blow- ing and} bu-glgs_re-sounding,Call us | forth. to the fight_ and to Ferrando coi bassi. Four: e a aa : — 2 e 2 f. = ——— a ee =! Sqvil - Tie - cheg- gi la tromba gverrie- ra, chiamigl-Yar - mial-la pu- gnal-las- Cla - ions blow-ing and bu-gles re-sounding,Call us forth. to. the fight_and to Allegro, moderaio maestoso.¢ a fi- oa Yon - der fi - a Yon - der ta sul mous in mer - li pian- ta win, and “be fa_- sul - ta si mous in mer - li pian-ta - win, and “be fa se vit-to- ria di pia Flag_ shall be waving, Ere the - - ri. se vit-to- ria di piu flag_. shall be wav-ing,Ere the ert Be Bross Strings pis ¥ KT v a v Bete E t et J —— 7 ae nila rels and do-ma - are law no - stra ban-die-ra di quei trea-sure a-bounding,Let us ee oe no - stra ban-die-ra di trea-sure a-bounding,Let do-ma - are lau qtei us nila rels and a Tal - sto - non sor - arts our giam-mai those ram - ss No,— giam-mai non sor - On'— those ram - parts our Tal - sto - nif lie - te spe-ran- ze dark-ness hath melt - ed = ~ _ > lie - fe spe-ran= ze dark-ness hath melt - ed Vict - tl ola | spet - tap la glo-na, i- vio pi- mi la pre- dae Ib oh_For - tune, the | boon—we are crav-ing,And with] lau. rels our hel- meéts a - Ses : “ilu - til cia- spet- tag la glo-ria, i- vio- pi- mi la pre- dap To- oh_For - tune, the boon_ We are crav-ing,And with Tau. rels our hel - mets a- A pe ~mi falpre - dae Io - For - tune, oh|For - tune,grant the_ a. a - pi- -mi lapre- dae lo - For - tune, oh For - tune,grant the 2 78 Squil - Yue - cheg - gi la | trom- ba guerrie - ra, chia-mi: Ga fine blow = & and | bu - “gles “re-sounding, Call a Squil - Tig - cheg - gi la trom- ba guerrie- ra, chia-mial- Gia - rigs ‘blow - fag and bu = gles “re-sounding, Call us” Tar- mi,al- Por the Var- mi,al -la forth_to the Wo- stra ban-die- fa di quei trea-sure a-bounding,Let us no - stra ban-die- ra di quei trea-sure a-bounding,Let us No,— giammai non sor ‘No, giarmai ‘On those ram- parts our ff ff . = i mi fa pres dae lau - rels our hel - mets pe i - mi la lau - rels our ri - On__ those ram-partsour| flag shall be wav-ing,Ere the : a non sor - ri - flag shall be wav-ing, Ere the mer- li pian-ta—> ta sul win,and be fa- mous in Val = to. sto- = ry. —- Pal - sto - - to. ~TY-vins & Wood mer- li pian-ta - ta sul win.and be fa- mous in se vit-fo-ria di pia | lie - te spe-ran- ze fi- dark-nesshath melt - ed to se vit-to-ria di piu lie- te spe-ran- ze fi - darkness hath melt -ed to 2 - til of tune, the + vitu - spet- tag la glo-ria, i-vio-| oh_For - bon we aree boon_we areeraving,And with ot a spet-tag la glo-ria, i- vio- boon_we are Sraving,And with Tr we tu- For. ture, grant = 1. vi_Yu- For - tune, grant tl cia-spet -| ta— e fa lo -| ria, i- vio-pi i la__ pre- dae To- tite boon "| | that we are crav -| ing) And with lau ~ our hel- mets a- lar : A 3 til_cia-spet- ta_e laglo- ria, i- vio i la__ pre- dae Po- us_ the boon that we are crav - ing, And withlau — our hel - méts a- mi re - da, Ia pre- dae V’o -[nor, =rels, with} lau - rel our ‘hel-mets a -|dorn. i- Tha - | ti— cia- spet- ta e fa glo- |- ria i-vio-pi - For- tune,grant |, us— thé boon that we are crav -| | ing And with lau- i- vi-Tu - til— eia- spet- -ta_e Ia glo- ~ Tia, i-vio-pi - For- tune,grant us__ the boon that we are ing, And With lan - ie = Poon fh ma ae a Po -| nor, i; vio-pT= mi fa | pre - da, Tes dhe 1 rel Is,with| lau-rels our hel- mets a - rels_ our, a -|dorn, and with ~ dae Yo - nor = vig = pis mi a. dorn, and with lau - rels, with re our hel nor, nor, ah si, {a pre-da e lo -| nor, ’h si, [a pre-da e To- dort, Oh For - tune, For-tune, grant the | boon, Oh For- tune, For-tune, grant the fa pre - (going off) nor! NO gia mai non sor - boon. On! those ram - parts our 7 _— : nor! ee ee non sor - those ram - parts our Ppp staccate P= se_vit-to-rlg di fi | lie te spe-rat~ ze fi - |nor! flags shall be waving, Ere the | dark-nesshath melt- ed to morn. 2 se vit-to-ria di piu lie - fe spe-ran= ze fi- norl - Vint. - til ei la glo- ma, i - oh_For - = tune, tlie © are ¢rav - ing, And Sail ail la glo- ria, i - ~ tune, the are crav- ing, And Bassi pizz. la re - dag our hel_. mets age pre da our ‘hel - mets - da Yo -| nor, rod the | boon, > dap To- nor, us the boon, Str, (they disperse) fm N° 17.“Giorni poveri vivea.,, Recitative and Trio. The Count issues from his tent, with an irefvl glance at Castellor. b Count. In braccigal mio ri- val! Que- sto pen-sie-ro ¢co-me per-se-gu - tor With-in my ri-vals arms! Ohthoughtof torment! ’Tis a demon ver pur- Strings Piano. de-mo-ne, _0- vun-que mfin- se-gue. In bracciogl mio ri - val! Ma su-ing me, ‘tis rage and dis - traction. With-in my ri-vals arms! But cor- ro, sur-taappe-na Tau-ro- ra, io cor- roa se-pa- rar-vi. vengeance I will yet take up-on him, my love_I'll ne'er re ~ lin-quish. Srey 2 a (Enter Ferrando) (a confused noise is heard) Allegro agitato.(d 9s.) we, Strings Ferrando. fu? Dap-pressgal cam-po sag-gi-ra-va u- na zin-ga-ra: sounds? ‘AP Hout the camp the soldiers spied @ wand'ring Gip™ sy, pre - sa da nostriesplo-ra-to-ri, si vol - se in fu-ga; es-sia ragion te- looks and her manner semi sus-picious; shetried to ¢ - Iudethemstheytookher for a- Count. Fer- Yin- se-yuir Furaggiun-tay = E mendo u-na tri - sta, and she's here. As a priser? A spy sent by the en-e-my to watch us, ie -rando. Count. Ferrando. pre-sa. Vi- sta Vhai tu? No. Del-la scortajl con-dot - tier m/ap-pre- se lo- pris'uer. By thy com-mand? No; ‘tis the captain of the guard who sends her for ount. (the noise draws near) oe ae ven - to. Ee - co- la. judgment. There she comes! In-nan - zio Come on, thou Uhorus. In-nan - zi Come on, thou Allegro. Azucena. (her hands bound, is dragged on by Guards.) A-i - a Mi da- Have mer - cy! oh, re- stre - ga, in-nan - Zit sor = cress, comefor - ward! sire - ga in-nan - ail cress, comefor - ward! scia- te! Ah, fu - ri-bon - lease me! Ah, cru-el mon - in-nan come for in-nan — il come for_- ward! . =a se. nn Count. (Azucena is led before the Count.) b, ci- 6? Sappres- si_ Ame ri- spon-di, ¢ tre-madal men - tir! done ye? Release her —-Reply, I chargethee, on pe-ril of thy _ life! Azucena. Gount. Adagio.(¢ - 58.) 4 Azucena. Count. Azucena.,——7 >. Chie- di. 0 - ve vai? Nol so. Cho? Du-na zinga-rad co- Ask me. Where’sthy home? Not here. Where? Tis the custom $f the TES mo-yer son- za di - se - gna il pas.80 va- ga - Gip - sy to be roam-ing for ev - er, in ev~’ry clime a SSS bon - do, ed © suo tet-toil sua pa - tia i stran - ger, the can-o - py of his tent and his Count. Azucena. mon - do. B vie-ni? Da Bi - sca - glia, o. ve fi- home-stead. | Whence art thou? Im from Bis - cay. There, till of Te Pp a Connt. no-ra le ste-ri-li mon - ta-gne eb-big ri - cet- to. @a Bi- late, ‘mid its bare and lone-ly mountains, we have a - bid - ed. (She’s from Allegro. Ferrando. scaglia)(Cheinte-sil__ oh! qual 50 - spetto) Biscay’) (Oh, wonder! fear - ful sus - pic-ion!) Andante mosso.(@) = 120) Azucena. con espressione. — — Gior-ni po-ve - ri vi - ve-a, pur con teH- ta There my days ob _ securely gilded, _Naught to. cheers, i qari 7 See 7 = del mio spemeun figlioa - ve - naught to me a son con — fi made Hi SS aa = ¥ es a a - scio! mbb-bli- a Tin - gra_ ‘to! To, de- ser - - ta, va-dger-ran— — lov! oh, whydid he leave me! My de - spair, lone and for- sak - f do, di quel fi- - glio W-cer-can-do, di quel fi - gliocheslmio en, Sought the road my son had tak-en. Him I seek wher-e'er I ~* re r- ri - bi - HW co - std! wan - der, But for him this life I prize. coe - eS es - 80 pro - vi more, qual res - peace jet ‘ne “go yonder, “Oh ‘a mothaers dlead.. he On, FL, at a PP Ferrando. ma ii ter — ra ro = vol (suo yol-to!) sii os plead-{Ing do" not ‘We -spise.(Those the feafures) cae do Ving e-stilungag-ta - de fra quei mon- ti? Jong amongthe mountains hastthou wan -derd? & tf Z Count. ammen-te . re-sti un fan - ciul, Dost thou re - member, there - a ~ bouts, ge SS = confi, In-vo- ls - teal suo oa = stel to, son tre In-stri, e “in tant, fifteen years “a- g0,was stolen from_a no-ble, and _ ~ = Jie’ a tempo ~'o1 no! Gon ce - di che del ti - (gio Lormejo Kobi BHR ls Ctncarnslth ale,” bud See no - vel-lo? Restaj- the sto-ry? ee Br Stay, and > Allegro. ‘sco-pra. Ohi - me) miss me. (A - las!) ni - qual an_Z_ swer. “Fallegrole-=83 Count. Ferrando. bil oo - - pra com - met- fe - al Fi- ni-soi_ E foul crime— hath per - pe - trat_- ed! This woman? This Min a Azuoona.asidetoverrandok eT Tat clout Ta - cil Si - lence! des - sal sor - cress! E des - sa chejl bam- bi - This witch it was who burnt fe afe® b. Count. |, by Azucena. ar. se! Ant Ei men. broth er! ‘Ah! He says stes — sal mur-d'ress! p Chorus. stes - Sal mur-d'ress! rat: Count. Azucena. }, ti-sce! Al tua de - sti - no or non fug-gi! Deh! ued falsely! Thy crime this in - stant shall be — punish’d! On! ind (Tho guards obey) Azucena. no - di piu strin- ge - tel bh Di - o, oh Di - of fast - er yet her fet - ters! Oh heav - en, have mer ~ cy! ord & Strings. con disp E tu non vie-ni, o Man-ri-cgo fi - glio Where art thou, oh my son Man-ri co? Oh re- la_| purl thon | wich Seiiaieenpir! thou witch! Strings = wh mi- 0? non soc - cor-rial- Tin- fe - li-ce ma-dre tu - a? lease me from these ty-rants! Aid thy most un~ hap- py moth-er! Count. Di Man. she the Sorat seiolte ri - co ge-ni - tri-cel h sor - telin mio po - moth - er of Man- ri-co? (Ferrando, And fast = with - in my Tre - ma! Trem-ble! b Azucena. Ah! —____ Ah! —__--_— Allegro.(d 288). con forsa tal = Ten ta “tag tar-ba Hi, Iga - cer Que- ty - rantsloose these cru-el bonds, Ye drive _ me todis-trac — tion, Let Wooden Py BO, s Gornt a Strings. sto orudel mar-ti - rio e pro- lunga - ta mor- te! death atonce re-lease__me, But spare _ methis pro-trac - tion. o> > > => > mi - quo ge - ni- to-reempio fi - gliuol im — pious son of cruel sire,I here 2 & a cs aa Sor declamato PRP pei mi - se-ri, ve Dio peimi- se-ri, _tre-mal trema! vé Dio onthee shallfall, tremble! Tremblethereis a pit’ - ~—yingGod, His wrath Sa Toke Fer - mave Di -" 0 ¢@ Dio ti pu ni. ral is a pit - yingGod, His wrath ontheeshall fall! Count. Tua prole,o tur-pe This is the Count. $$ — lui, quel tra- di - to - re? Potro, po- in - fa-mous se - du - cer?Ohjoy,— thro’ fa - me i sor- ge - re, ah si ve - im - pious last thowrt known! Soon will the # fa - me pis ya sor - ge -| re, ah sh, ve - im - pious witch, last thou't |known! Soon will the Ghorus. 17, S to = her, the” ter “Taha fave Fon drai tra pile be ab -_ a ht drai atai, fun pile —_—S T or! loose, eo, ed, mone - spri- mel Est__ fs ~ unbwn, none mn Thy 80 - lo soul with - io, “sup — = wait Hi tor - meni fe yet _a Jo e 50 = y soul with ‘tuo - pl tor- mets ~ yet tLe det - tol ah me-cqil fra — ter - oh 2 oe Gat Bese MR eh 3 a ——_. ‘Zio geaneé, C0, eds tra, ve ~ draj, be , vo ~ dtai Soon will i the” pile ye = draj, ye ~ drai tra c0, ed, Soon will’ the” pile be > —————— et - to, al ui n0, roth - er now no And oval great” — er ne so . lo And great ~ er — fra.ter — be-ware, nO 0, f thow ph sup — Pt Tight - crime be ~ tho crime i eae Axuoena. Deh! ye = a. Ob, ce - ne - re pie-na ven-det- ta a - sor - co — resg—__________ Qn thee my ven-geance shall zio sa - ra ter- re ~ fo - . ed, thy soul with crime ight - zio sa - rh ter. re - ed, thy soul with crime sa - ra ter — re - thy. soul with crime > > Ien- ta - eo bar - = rants, loose, cru Tua pro leo zin - ga - ra, This Gip - sy moth-er of Le vam-pe del - lin - To ev - er-last- ing col ed! FLObCL ‘Vins. Cello pizz, —— oo a - bemieri- tor - - tol Que - sto crudel sup. me to dis-trac - tion, Let death at once_ 18. co - Iui,quel se-dut - that in-famous se - fer ~ no. burn-ing, Le vampe del-lin -| er'- no, le vam-pe del-lin -| fer To ev-erlasi-ing | burning, to ev-er-last-ing ~| bu 0 Bs Le vampe del-lin - fer- no, le vampe del-lin - fer- no To ev-erlast-ing burn-ing, to ev-er-last-ing bum-. Sys But spare a te fian ro-goe - ter - no! From whence theres no re - turn- ing! a te —_fian ro-gap - From whence theres no re - a te fian ro-gog - From whence there’s no Té - SS te! tion! Me-cojl fra - ter-no The mur-dress of my ter - no! turn - ing! ter - not turn - ing! ar- de - re, fer- nal wrath I - vi pe~- na-reed The de- mons of in | I- vi pe- ma-résd The de-mons of in - aS ce - ne - re, broth - ert _] The vi pe - na-réed de- mons of in- ar-We - re, i- vi pe - na-reed fer- nal wrath, the de- mons of in- ar-de - re, fer- nal wrath, > 1- vi pe - na-reed the de- mons of ‘a re, tre - mal thee, ‘Trem- ble, je-na ven det-taa - vra, ven - det-taa - Be-ware, thou sor- cress vile, Through thee, through Fe e_. . Yal-ma do - vra, to end-less fire, ar«de - re, fer-nal wrath ar- de ~ Fe, fer-nal_wrath —— FLONCLFan Ppp se - Ti, % Dio ying God, His wrath ven-det-taa - vra, ven-det - taa - Ti be re - vengd, re-vengd on Tal-ma do - vra, Tal-ma do - vra, to end-less fire thy spirit call, me-co il fra - ‘Yes, now ‘tis known, nar, pe-nar ed ar- de-re Ta-ni- ma tua of in-fer-nal wrath To end-less fire thy spir - do it do it > > > _ z See 4 DO-!CTCSC~SCt Dio t pa aii pt —~ 1 Ying Goa, His wrath on thee shall == + Sy = - 2 4—t $— [SS bie eee ——— ce - tie - re pio - ven-det-faa - vra, sh, i pie-na ven-det-taa- known thourt guil-ty, sor-cer-ess, be - ware, thourtguil-ty, sor-cer-ess, be- 5 ptt et a : + va, i - vi. po- nar, pe-mar ed ar- do- re la- ni-ma tua do- the de-mons of cs fer -nal wrath to oe spew spir- a Ss i= y SS =- : + ype ue red | ar - de - re ee de-stons Of” Ero fer ~ nal fwrath to end-less fire bh a === SS ye £ vi pe - nar, pe-nar ed ar - de~ re la-ni-ma tua do~ de. mons of ' in fer - nal wrath to end-less fire thy spir - it =>—_——_——_ > yeeeh si, v6 Dio pei mi-se-1i, © yes; ah, yes, there is a pit-ying God,and b = > > —— pie - na vendet - ta a - vra, pie- ma ven-dei - fa a- ware, ah, now be-ware, porte ware, thourt guilt-y, sor - cress, be- > => = >> vi pe-nar, pe - mar ed ar- de - re fa~-hi- ma tua do- to _endlessfire thy spir- it call, to end-less fire thy spir- it > = os = wre; do - - e - war Iv ni- ma tua do- yes, 2 yes, to end-less|fire thy spir- it Sa = => vi pe- nar, pe - nar ed de - re la- fi- ina tua do- call, to end-less fire thy spirit call, fo end-less fire thy spir- it a >——___— Di - o—___. ti pu- ni - ra, ah sl, ah wrath. on thee shall fall, shall fall, shall is 3 > 2 tees 5 5 pie na ven-detfaa-vra, pie - na von-det - ta a. Sor-cer - ess, be = ware, jah, now be-ware, yes, be > a b ni-ma tua do-vri, i - vi po-nar, pe - nar ed impious spir-it call, to __end-less fire im-plous spi fo ___end-less f ni-ma tua do-|fra, do Wea; im-pious spir- it ~ [eall, yes, = > ni-ma tua do - vr, i vi pe- nar, im-pious spir- it call, end-less fire ‘si, VS Dio pel mi- be-1i, e > > s > > det - ta sor - cress, > > vrs, pie- na ven — ware, thou guilt - y Ss ar-de-re Ta- ni- ma tuo call, to end-less ni - ma tua do - WR, pe tar ia =| ad = 9 fe yes; to end- less > 5 is ar- de- re fa - call, to end -less —— yee ee ey fall, His__. wrath shall_ fall, His___ ba: i : bas vra, pie - - na ven-det-tag-vra, pie - ware, thou sor-cer-ess, be- ware, thou ba bz vra, pe - - nar,pe-nar do- vra, pe - call, impiousspir-it call, ‘thy c—, a — tall, by” re i eal, by pte. sah boy fall, there is ‘a _pit - ying God, and Bs wrath be-ware, ‘do - vra, Te spir- it call, thy call, ni - | jl wrath shail_ ni - Y im-pious spir- it > a-vib, pie — na ven- det-taa — sor-cer - ess, be - ma tua do- va, la - ni-ma tua d i im-pious spir- it ra, fall, tua do - tua do - ti pu-ni- ah, yes,His na ven-det-taa-vra, ven-det-iaa- sorcer-ess, be-warethou guilty = nar, pe-nar do- vra, pe-nar do- impious spir-it P) call, to end ess pe-nar do , to end-less| ra, ti -pu-ni - ral wrath on thee shall fall! vra, a ven- det -taa - vril sor - cer~ ess, be - ware! vra, pe -nar do - vral fire thy spir-it call! ya, fire vrai, fire &- fe - nar do - |vral y spir - it Ht je - nar do - vral y spir-it call! Ata sign from the Count, Azucena is led he enters his tent, followed by Ferrando. N18. “Ah si, ben mio.,, Recitative and Air. A hall adjacent to the chapel in Castellor; a batoony at the back. Allegro assai vivo(d =88,) Piano. fet he 3 Allegro. Leonora. Manrico. Qua-le dar- mi fra-gor po-Can-zjin- te - si? Al- to@il pe- Doth the clam- or of war eenhere pur- sue us? Dan- ger sur- ri - glio!__ Va- no dis-si - mu-lar- lo fo - ral Al - la no-vel-la au- rounds us,— vainly I would conceal it from thee! Day- light will see the H Leopora. Manrico. ro-rags-sa-li- ti sa- re -mo. Ahimd! che di- ci? Ma de’ no-stri ne- foe at ourgates,to re-take them. A-las, what tur-moil! Fear thounot, for our mi- ciavyremvit - to- ria Pa-rigb-bia-mgal lo - rqar- dir, brandge co- troopswill be vic - to-rious, they are brave and full of zeal, and [ shall uf a to Ruiz) rag-gio. Tu va— le bel-li-chenpre, neLlassenzamia bre-ve, & te com. Teadthem. Go thou, preparethe soldiers for astormy en-counter. Letall be (Exit Ruiz, Leonora. Che nul - la manchi! Diqual te-tra I soon shall fol-low. A Obwhatgloomy Manrico. oles Hnostresmen ri - splenic! DL presa-gio | fu-ne.sto, det spendip onoures-pousal darkens!Cast awaythoughtsof sorrow, oh,my bo- Leonora. Manrico. —S. - ra! Bil A. mor, su-blimes . mo- re, in ta- lej- one! How can I? The ldve - thathath a nit - ed ourhearts Adagio. stante fi favel-li al co-re. ev-er, shallsustainand in-spire us. col canto Adagio(¢ -60)Manrico. cantabile con espress. Ah si, ben mio; col- les - “- se- re io Oh come, let links e- ter - - nal bind the Strings a tl tu mia con-sor — te, a vro pit Yal- main. we fond — ly plight - ed, My soul is strong to a4 aS at pe brac - = eldavrd_pit for with foe, ‘thee_u - nit P, Senel - la pa- gi-na ie-sti- nid upon the scroll of fate con hathbeen re- —==——_ > > SS serit - to, - sti fra le vit - time, cord ~ ed, of thosewho fall today, ce | \ : : i y _ ¥ con forsa as Ee . fer - - rop-stil_tra- - fit - - te, oWfio re-sti fra le thy dear fate. I guard - ed: Ah yes, if I must 7 ? Ke —————— === vit - ti-me, dal fer-ropstiltra- fit - to, fra que - — glie-stre-mia- fall to day, ‘twasthydearfateI guard - ed. My dy - ingbresthshall : aN sclera ne- fi-ti pen-sier ver. ra, ver-ra, fly to thee, my fond and last farewell, dim. dol. a so - - lojnciel pre -ce-der - ti la morteame par ~~ yond the sky I wait for- thee, While thouonearth dost. _——— a Ob.Che Cello. fra que - - gliestre- mia - ne - li-ti My dy - - ingbreathshall fly to thee, tefl pensier ver — ra, ver-ra, e so - - lgin ciel pre- bear my fond and last farewell, Be - yond the sky I > —— t. co-der - ti la mor-tea_me para, la mor-tea wait for thee, While thou on earth dost____ dwell, Be-yond the > > = — = & me par- ra, e so-lqjn ciel, ¢ so-lojneielprece - der-ti Iwait for thee, beyond the sky, beyond thesky Iwait _ for thee, ZB = >>> a la morte me par-ra, la mortea me par- ra! While thou on earth dost dwell while thouon earth dost dwell. — a = = . Ree FE ra ra # He - Allegro.(@ = 80) Leonora. Von-da de suo- ni The temple's mys - tic = Organ in the adjacent chapel. pp os 4 = mis-ti- ci pu-ra di-scendagl cor, al cor! ‘har-mo-ny Doth summon us be - fore the shrine, Manrico. ps Von-da de’ suo-ni The temples mys-tic mis-ti- ci pura di-scen-daal har-mo-ny Summons us to the leg vie-ni, ci schiu - deil tem- pio Oh come, re- new thy plight -ed go- je di vow, And for ev - er be cor! shrine, ci schiu-dejl tem- pio gio - je di Re- new thy plight-ed vow, And for tr mor! Vie-ni, ci schiu deil tem- pio gio - je di mine, Oh come, re- new thy plight-ed vow, and for mor! ci schiu-dejl tem - pio gio - je di mine! re- new thy plight-ed vow, and for = mor, ah! gio-je di ca-staa-mor, ah! —S> gio - je mine, Ah! yes, be for ev - er mine, Ah!______—>_yes, he = mor, ah! gio- je di ca-sten- mor, ah! gio - je mine, Ah! yes, be for ev - er mine, Ah! yes, be SSS lO raile ring. it vivo. mor, di ca-staa - mor, di ca-stga mor, di ca-stag - mor! e, for_ev - er mine, for ev- er mine, for mine! mor, di ca-stqa- mor, di ca-stQa- mor, di ca-stag - morl mine, for ev- er mine, for ev- er mine, for__t_ ev~ er mine! Vins Viole. Oncestra Pit vivo.d = 88) in haste) Ruiz. Manrico. Ruiz. Man -ri- co? Che? La zin- ga-ra, Man - ri- co! What? The Gip- sy see, PBs Foge Cl. Manzico. ni, tra cep - pi mi - ra... tive, in chains they lead her, Manrico dean- = I ¥ saa 4 bar - ba-ri ac-ce - sae gid cru - eldeath, the fun’ - ral pile > bb, bb + $ ing against the balcony? ciel! mie membrag - scil - fa - no— Nu - be mico-preil heav'inl I am of strength be- réft— Faint-ness of death hath onc. ef Leonora. Manrico. Tu fre - mil Ri deg Thourt trem - bling! That Gip Viole sustain Leonora. Manrico. = Sap- pi - lo, i Chi mai? suo fi - didst thou know! Oh say! my moth- Ob.C1 Fo Leonora. = Ah! An! glio! Ah) vi-li! il rio spet- ta-co-lo er! Ye wretches! I fly to punish ye, “1 ‘Strings, Viele sustain, rus. 2 Epi. ase eee) ¥ = ey errr qua-si il fre-spir min-vo- lal Ra-du-naj no-stri! af- fret-ta- ti, Ru- When I can col-lect my sens-es! my faith-ful Ru-iz, call out an arm-ed 4 4 =a = om 4 Fe. fal a! “8 eae ¥ $ Exit Ruiz in haste) * yo- la! has-ten! bet betes Di quel - Trem- ble, F Conii, Viele & BA Violin Fog. Basco pizr. pio- ora Tor - ren-do fo ~ co ty_-_ rants, I will chas - tise ye, Yoo > oo War - s@av- vam - po! ye. have up raisd! ahs gne-te - la, 0 chio fra © po-- 00 san - gue burn-ing pile My wrath de - fies__ ye, blood ii ans Ta spe-gne - fol where it hath _ blaglt pi- ma da - mar - ti, non puo fre - ere I a - dord__ thee, Til not de - nar - mi il ua mar - tir.. sert___ her, though my heart break. Pit vivo. > cae = egat-men Ber-res — mo- 2, 0 88% My moth - er 1 can-not for _ =o Tir, o te - cgal-men, sake, my moth - er I | Leonora. Non Yeg-gda col - pi tan-to fu- ne- sti... Oh my be- lov - ed,and must thou leave me, wf glio sa-ria_ mo - rir! Oh quan - to me that I might a - wake! Oh would in death Pp Allegro. = 100. _ Manrico. Lo Di qud-la pi - ra Trem- ble, ye ty - mants, o> tut - te le mar - seav-vam - iy flaming hi Em - pi, spe - gne-te - la, ° chio fra Yes, by that burn-ing pile, my wrath de - gg ‘spe-gne - rol blazed! ott tar ti, non pud fre - nar - mi i uo mar — dored_—_ thee, Tl ‘not de = sert__ her, Though my heart —— > 7 Ma-drein-fe - li - ce, 7 a tt Fyre-wgll, he - loved one, ee oe Sea ie 2 : z ste Kte?> Pil vivo, > cor-rqa mo - fir, o fe - cqal- can_~ not for - sake, my moth - ér = men Cor-ro_a mo-rir, te - coal-men, I can-not for-sakeymy moth - er I > i =P == Yar - mil fol - low, BASS. P oe AT Tar — mil ivo. Poco pitt vi Com - fol - tow, Manrico. aaa Ma-drein - fe li - cel Fare-well, be lovd one! ml Yar- mil al! - Tar- anil ~ Tar=ini, al - Tar thes! mand us, we| fol = low, re will o~ bey ini far — tail al far-mi, al - Yar- thee! mand us, will 0 - bey. 2 = po ae be. b > = Cor-roa sal - var - My wretched = moth - mil cor-raa mo- nev- er for- > Tar - mil Com - mand us, Ma-dre in -fe li - ce! Fare-well, be - Jovd one! mil Jar - mi! thee! mand us; mi! * thee! > Corrag sal - var My wretched moth Ee Lead Ee al }- Yar-mi! al - lar - we] will 0 - bey at =” Tap- ail al Tor - illo - be} ME Oo: 2S Var - mi Tar= mi, al - lar-] fol > low, will 0 = bey Yar - ini Tar-mi, al - Tar- fol - low, 2 al - men, ° for - sake, Tn pre- sti a pu ven- geance, She _|shall pre- sti a pu ven - geance, She shall cor-roa mo-Trirl Al-Yar - mil al-Tar nev-er for- sake.To arms then! to arms unis CoA mo fir! Al - [lar- ini! ty - rant’s|stake, Com- mand us, eva mo,- tir! AL ~ Yar - mil ty - rant’ stake, Com- mand us; > = mil al-Tar then! to arms! Yar-tnil al - [far - fai! akVar-thi! aHar-mi! alTar fol- low, to arms, to arms, to arms, to | arms! Tar- mil al - Yar - mil allar-mil ablor-mil aller fol - low, to arms, to arms, to arms, to arms! > F>e>eo> Fr > = = = = = = (Exit Manrico in haste, followed by Ruiz and the Soldiers, amid a din of arms,the trumpet ealling to bet- tle2 oN End of Act II.

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