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Chapter 10 Lecture Notes

The Whiskey Rebellion was very important

o The lesson learned was that the federal government was strong
enough to enforce itself
o Unlike Shays Rebellion, the gov. didnt give in
If farmers dont pay, the government isnt funded
o New political system everything is changing
A new government that would be tested on all sides
o A federal republic
Federal means a system with several states forming a union but
they stay independent in internal affairs
Today its a type of bureaucracy (or levels)
Not the way that the Constitution wanted it to set up
Electoral College
o Indirectly elects the presidents
o Today there is 435 representatives in the House of Representatives
In 1911 the population was growing fast so they had to cut it off
o Article 2, Sec. 1
Legislative Branch the most important
o Mentioned first in the Constitution
o Legislative Branch makes the laws
o Executive Branch for executing the laws
o Judicial Branch interprets the law
The Bank of the United States
o Farmers wouldnt be into it because they always put their money back
into the farm
More land
o Its purpose is to create wealth
Gives out loans with interest
Created wealth for the wealthy
The wealthy are going to invest back into the bank
Leads to growth, job, taxes, etc.
Hamilton vs. Jefferson
o Elastic clause (implied view of Constitution)
This would be Hamiltons argument for Washington to convince
him not to veto the bill
o Jefferson saw and explicit view

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