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Shankar Adhikari
Information Literacy

1. a) List the keywords you used to find the articles.

I use Mobile technology as my key words to find the articles

b. Identify the database you used.

CCBC library database.
c. Why did you choose this database?
I choose this database because the database is very informative. I used to use this database
from last two years and the journals located on the CCBC database have to be analyzed and
weighed for the validity which makes these journals a little outdated, but reliable with the
information given.
d. Cite DB article 1 in APA or MLA format.
I am using MLA format.
"Mobile Phone." The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather Guide.
Abington: Helicon, 2015. Credo Reference. Web. 18 Sep 2015.
e. Cite DB article 2 in APA or MLA format.
I am using MLA format
"Security." Collins German Dictionary. London: Collins, 2007. Credo Reference. Web. 18 Sep
f. Screen Print #1scholarly article #1

Shankar Adhikari
Information Literacy

g. Screen Print #2scholarly article #2

2. Search the Internet to find a current event article on the same topic. The article must be
current (no more than 30 days old) and from a reputable source. Some recommended sites are,, technology sections of CNN, BBC, NY Times, and Economist.
a) Write a paragraph summarizing the article in 3-4 sentences. Include the title of the article.

Shankar Adhikari
Information Literacy

I use mobile technology as my title and I chose NY Times to do my research. Enabling of Ad

Blocking in Apples is 9 has created new software. Ad-technology companies like Rubicon
Project said they were now working to make the technology behind ads better and less
burdensome. In a recent interview, Neal Richter, Rubicons chief technology officer, said In ad
tech, we tend to look at this as an opportunity to address the core issue, which is making the user
experience better,.

b) Cite Internet article 1 in APA or MLA format

I use mla format
times, ny. (2015). mobile technology. Enabling of Ad Blocking in Apples iOS 9
Prompts Backlash.

3. Find one additional Internet article on the same topic. Answer the following questions
a) List the keywords you used to do the search.
Mobile technology

c) Run the same search (using the same keywords) on two different search engines. Identify the
search engines you used. and is my search engine.

Shankar Adhikari
Information Literacy

d) Create a table to compare the results from the two search engines was one search engine
better than the other, why, how. How many search results did you receive?

Many articles

Less articles

Detail information of mobile technology

Limited information of mobile technology

4. TRAAP your sources.

Evaluate the Internet article you found in step 2 by answering the following questions:
a) Time when was it written? Has it been updated?
The article from TechCrunch was written in Jan 16, 2012 by Rip Empson. The article has not
been updated since.
b) Relevance does it relate to your topic or answer your question?
The article is related to my topic, It answer my question in the detail way. I was looking for the
advantage of mobile technology in health industry, and i got the exact solution from this article
what i choose.
c) Authority who is/are the author(s)? Are they qualified to write about this topic? How do you

Shankar Adhikari
Information Literacy

The author is Rip Empson I believe he is a reliable source based of his multiple journal entries on
TechCrunch. I found his couple more article on the techCrunch.
d) Accurate is the information trustworthy? Is it supported by evidence? Has it been tested for
The information is trustworthy and it is supported by Crunch network. Already 2089 people had
share the same article.
e) Purpose why was it written, to inform, sell, persuade? Is there a bias or is the material
The article was written to inform the readers that increasing mobile technology is helping a lot in
the health industry. This article is much more objective because it represents fact of how
technology is helping in our daily life for example health sector is one of them.
5. Compare the Internet and Journal articles. (6 points 2 points per section) Compare the
Internet article 1 and DB article 1 based on the following criteria. Use a separate paragraph for
each criteria.
a) Ease of access
The internet was much simpler main ideas and less technical information. The journals tell the
reader more of what is going to happen with the mobile technology and teach how to use this
kind of technology in the right way, whereas the updated internet is showing and telling the
reader the amazing things that the working with mobile technology in the present situation.
b) Timeliness

Shankar Adhikari
Information Literacy

The journals and some of my internet articles were a couple years outdated, but both sources
were helpful for my research.
c) Authority
The journals obviously come from a reputable source going through the acceptance process and
validity process from the college. The internet sites are reputable and the information can be
traced and verified by other reputable webpage.

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