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Hello everyone

I've wanted to write something for the school website for ages, but i haven't
managed to find the time until now. MY life is very hard. Anyway ,here is my
news , at last.
As most of you know after leaving utec university I went to france to do a
MBA. I found job in a big factory that did toys, those days were very funny,
because my work was to design toys for children. Working in this company
for three years, won a lot of money and learned a lot about computer-aided
design. Then I look for work in a mine, it was hard but I managed to be
superintendent in a diamond mine, everything was great but I missed my
family. Eight years later decided to return to Peru, was not difficult to find
work, but earn much less than in France I felt happier.
3 years ago I met a beautiful chiclayana, her name is yesica, today we are
married and we have 2 babies. their names so rafael and pierre.
And now for my main new: In about three months inaugurare my tire factory
and hope that this will be the best of peru. can you believe it ?
That's all for now. best wishes to everyone.

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