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Technique in answering paper 2 structure Chap 1.

1. Figure (i) shows a weighing scale that is used to measure the mass of the fish.
Figure (ii) shows the reading of the scale after the fish is removed.

Figure (a)

Figure (b)

Figure (i)

Figure (ii)

(a) Define what is meant by zero error?

[error that is due to non-zero error when the actual reading should be zero]


(b) Calculate the smallest division of the weighing machine shown in diagram above.
[1 kg/ 5 div = 0.2 kg]


(c) What type of zero error is this weighing machine?

[negative zero error]


(d) What is the value of zero error shown in figure (ii).

[ ans : 0.2 kg]


(e) What is the actual mass of the fish?

[1.2 ( 0.2 kg ) = 1.4 kg ]


(f) Describe one simple method to avoid the parallax error while taking reading from the ruler. [1]
[observers eye must be perpendicular to the scale of the reading // in line]

(g) Suggest one way to increases the accuracy of the reading?

[repeated reading are taken and the average value is calculated]
[repeat the reading several time and calculate average reading]


2. Diagram below shows two voltmeters.

Voltmeter X

Voltmeter Y

Diagram 2

(a) (i) What is the physical quantity measured by voltmeter X and voltmeter Y?
(ii) Name the error found on these instrument.
[zero error]
(b) By refer to the diagram above,
(i) Which voltmeter is more is more sensitive?
(ii) State one reason for your answer in (b) (i).
[Y has the ability to detect smaller changes;
Smallest division for Y is smaller compared to X]



(c) [SPM 2009 P2 Q7 (b) (iii)]

Parallax error occurs when taking a reading using an ammeter.
Suggest one additional component to overcome this problem. Explain your answer.
Component: [anti-parallax error]
Explanation : [pointer and image must be in line / overlap]
[no image can be seen // pointer image is behind the pointer ]

[2 marks]

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