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Medium Term Plan

Topic: Understanding Feelings and Emotions

Subject: English, Health & Digital
Number of Weeks: 3
Number of Sessions:15
Content Descriptors
Achievement Standards

Show how ideas and points of view in texts are

conveyed through the use of vocabulary, including
idiomatic expressions, objective and subjective
language, and that these can change according to
context (ACELY1698)
Clarify understanding of content as it unfolds in formal
and informal situations, connecting ideas to students
own experiences and present and justify a point of
view (ACELY1699)
Use interaction skills, for example paraphrasing,
questioning and interpreting non-verbal cues and
choose vocabulary and vocal effects appropriate for
different audiences and purposes (ACELY1796)
Plan, rehearse and deliver presentations for defined
audiences and purposes incorporating accurate and
sequenced content and multimodal elements
Use a range of software including word processing
programs with fluency to construct, edit and publish
written text, and select, edit and place visual, print and
audio elements (ACELY1707)

Health and Physical Education:

Plan and practise strategies to promote health, safety

Students understand how language features, images and
vocabulary influence interpretations of characters, settings
and events.
They analyse and explain literal and implied information from
a variety of genres. They describe how events, characters
and settings in texts are depicted and explain their own
responses to them.
Students use language features to show how ideas can be
extended. They develop and explain a point of view,
selecting information, ideas and images from a range of
Students create a variety of sequenced texts for different
purposes and audiences. They make presentations and
contribute actively to class and group discussions, taking into
account other perspectives. When writing, they demonstrate
understanding of grammar, select specific vocabulary and
use accurate spelling and punctuation, editing their work to
provide structure and meaning.
Health and Physical Education:
Students investigate developmental changes and transitions.

Medium Term Plan

and wellbeing (ACPPS054)

Practise skills to establish and manage relationships
Examine the influence of emotional responses on
behaviour and relationships (ACPPS056)
Recognise how media and important people in the
community influence personal attitudes, beliefs,
decisions and behaviours (ACPPS057)

They examine the changing nature of personal and cultural

identities. They recognise the influence of emotions on
behaviours and discuss factors that influence how people
interact. They describe their own and others contributions to
health, physical activity, safety and wellbeing.
Students demonstrate skills to work collaboratively and play
fairly. They access and interpret health information and apply
decision-making and problem-solving skills to enhance their
own and others health, safety and wellbeing.
Digital Technologies:

Digital Technologies:

Acquire, store and validate different types of data, and

use a range of commonly available software to
interpret and visualize data in context to create
information (ACDTIP016)
Design a user interface for a digital system, generating
and considering alternative designs (ACDTIP018)
Manage the creation and communication of ideas and
information including online collaborative projects,
applying agreed ethical, social and technical protocols

When creating solutions, students define problems clearly by

identifying appropriate data and requirements. When
designing, they consider how users will interact with the
solutions, and check and validate their designs to increase
the likelihood of creating working solutions. They evaluate
their solutions and examine the sustainability of their own
and existing information systems.
Students progress from managing the creation of their own
ideas and information for sharing to working collaboratively.
In doing so, they learn to negotiate and develop plans to
complete tasks. When engaging with others, they take social
and ethical protocols that acknowledge factors such as social
differences and privacy of personal information. They also
develop their skills in applying technical protocols such as
devising file naming conventions that are meaningful and
determining safe storage locations to protect data and

Medium Term Plan


Planned Learning Experiences:

Watch Behind the News episode Feelings as a whole class. Students sit and watch
do not make notes
Watch video again, this time students complete mind map colour of feelings provide
a template of mind map listing feelings described by students in video clip. Students
select a colour which they feel represents the feeling described in the video then
colour the relevant bubble in on the mind map.
Students write a description of how they are feeling today use colour to
demonstrate their feelings e.g. colour page background, illustrate their work or use
texta to write.
Students write a description of a time(one event) when they have experienced positive
feelings e.g. happiness, joy, contentment, love.
Students write a description of a time (one event) when they have experienced
negative feelings e.g. apprehension, fear, anxiety.
Class reflection; shared write to list feelings experienced. Students offer suggestions
of strategies they use to assist in dealing with their feelings teacher to list on flip
chart, save this list for review in future sessions.
Students review their experiences of different feelings created in week 1.
Select an example of a feeling which is of particular significance to them.
Students create a visual representation of the situation where they experienced the
felling they have selected bring items from home e.g. photographs, flower from the
garden, grains of sand, house keys etc. Display these items in order of progression
e.g. photograph of old house, stones / dirt representing road or airline ticket showing
journey, house keys for new home, sample of wallpaper from new bedroom,
photograph of new friends.
Photograph their display using iPads.
Students Pair Share their visual representations explaining the significance of each
item to their partner. Encourage students to ask questions and validate their
understanding of the emotion experienced by their partner and the significance of
each item on the visual representation. Students should make notes of any aspects
which need greater clarification and ensure that this is explained clearly in their digital


Mind map
pencils/ Textas
/ Writing
English books

English books
(brought from
A3 paper
Class set of

Medium Term Plan


Use the Safari to search for information regarding the feeling they have experienced
e.g. adrenaline rush, release of endorphins. Make notes of strategies which they could
use to assist in dealing with their feelings e.g. deep breaths or counting to 10 when
feeling frustrated.
Students work in groups to complete Feelings activity. Each takes a turn to pick up a
photograph then verbally describe the feeling they think the person I the photograph
is experiencing. Discuss reasons for this feeling e.g. the boy is scared because the
bigger kids are surrounding him. Group then discuss strategies they could use if they
experience this feeling.
Introduce concept of digital stories, watch a range of examples; explain importance of
each element using youtube resources (available on Links page).
Working in pairs, students search for a range of age appropriate examples of digital
stories which link to their own experiences.
Students write a first draft of their digital story based upon example of feelings
created in week 2; further develop their previous draft of this experience through the
inclusion of strategies and techniques which they could use to manage this feeling.
Use iPads to generate a bank of resources (visual and audio) for use in digital story.
Demonstrate use of iMovie to the whole class.
Students create their own digital story using iMovie, review and edit to create final
Share examples of completed digital stories, peer review to be completed during
presentation sessions.

Class set of
English books
Peer review /
feedback slips

Weeks 1 / 2: Ongoing summative teacher assessment, verbal and written feedback provided as necessary.
Week 3: Teacher and peer feedback of digital story. Students complete feedback sheets anonymously using the following
success criteria;
Success criteria: The digital story demonstrates

Medium Term Plan

The authors point of view; how do they deal with emotions? What coping strategies are used?
A dramatic question which sets up a tension and captivates the audience throughout the story
Emotional content; demonstrating engagement with the topic of feelings
Presence of the authors voice which adds to the emotional content and allows the authors to emphasize different
elements of their narratives
A soundtrack or musical background which also conveys emotions and creates emphasis
Appropriate pace and economy of words

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