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org Online ucenje engleske gramatike

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a) Use have got / has got.

1- I ______ a new jacket.
2- You ______ a green skirt.
3- Alan ______ a canary.
4- Nigel ______ a red ball.
5- My grandmother ______ a house by the sea.
6- We _____ new friends.
7- They ______ four bedrooms in their house.
8- He _____ a pair of brown shoes.
9- I _____ a black car.
10- She _____ blue eyes.
B) Put in have got, has got, haven?t got, hasn?t got.
1- I ______ an English dictionary, but I _____ a French dictionary.
2- We ______ a library in our school, but we _____ a tennis court.
3- The girls ______ skirts, but they ______ trousers.
4- She _____ a cat, but she ______ a panda.
5- He ______ a canary, but he _____ a peacock.
C) Ask questions.
1- A: ______________________________________?
B: Yes, I?ve got a blue tie.
2- A: ______________________________________?
B: No, they haven?t got any posters.
3- A: _______________________________________?
B: They have got horses on their farm.
4- A: _______________________________________?
B: He has got five cats in his room.
5- A: _______________________________________?
B: Alan has got two sisters.
6- A: _______________________________________?
B: We have got English books in our bags.
7- A: _______________________________________?
B: Alex has got two pairs of trainers in his wardrobe.
A: _______________________________________?
B: My brother has got tennis shoes in his bag.
9- A: _______________________________________?
B: Tony has got a sports jacket.
10- A: _______________________________________?
B: They have got blue eyes. | Sve na jednom mjestu !

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